Can I get a head count of everyone who isnt a robot or pajeet
This board is dead
Can you name the brapper?
I'm neither.
I'm a robopajeet, sir.
What does his ..*ahem* ... her tattoo say?
im both beep boop do the needful
so you can jack off, ah?
im not robot
no robot here sir only happy investors because i know my bsv holdings are blessed with a good future ahead.
you're a redditor
go away
buy sent sirs
know that bsv is the savior of the Indian race and will make us all sirs
I'm Mandeep sir, very different from pajeet
sweet vishnu!
Pajeebot5 checking in. Do the needful plz sirs.
Frens reporting for duty
>Business inquiries
>Ayo gurl how much for penis in vagina?
Why don't mods just put up flags?
The quality of this board would skyrocket.
not pajeet but took a break from this board 10 days ago for the first time
think i'm free lads. looking at this shithole of bitcoin newfags, stinkies, brap shitcoins, college cuck and wagecuck stories on the catalog, and feeling no desire to be back
if any of you faggots were part of eth/mkr threads, thanks
Jow Forums is always shit when we crab. At least when btc crashes we have nice wojack threads
Without question 90% of Instathots are escorts, just not available to some nig saying ayo gurl and offering 500$...
It's all a game of keeping it as secretive as possible so that when they hit the wall and decide to get married they have plausible deniability
Yes hello my name is AJ. May i know what the subject of the thread is? Yes I can help with that. May I ask you to turn the thread off and then back on again? Yes I am sorry you have already tried that. Let us try to optimize internet explorer next.
I'm on holiday
Legit guy here, just waiting for my life to start when LINK moons
Massive kek at the pic
Ginger here. Does that count as non-pajet. I have big nigger cock to be honest.
nonbot here
Not a robot. I got dat Harmoney.
So a pajeet then?
I want to give this girl a new leg when I make it on Link.
>Fuck me like Prophet muhammed fucked Aisha
Why is the board so slow
Ever since bitcoin fell from 13k it's been getting slower and slower
White dude, standing by.
Red Leader standing by.
post the unedited version, bloody troll
gosh, so many trolls
it says Elaine Contreras in Arabic, presumably her name
then she got somehting like a tree or a bush, probably to hide one or two of the mistakes she's done before
taking this pic though is probably rock bottom, as low as you can get
damaged, used garbage user
paj....i mean ro.....i mean human here:D
pajeet reporting in sirs
Hohol stinky reporting in
look at the toilet on this vegana holy moo
Sweet Vishnu, look at the street defiler on that one sir.
She is ugly
the absolute state of biz people.
>never gonna make it.
look at those juicy muscles on her back. nicely sorrounding her spine. man she got something immersive . i want to feel that fat and muslce and want her to cuddle in my arms
Nobody is real here. The real people left after buying 1000 btc for ten dollars and selling the top.
As long as there are no Colx threads on Jow Forums im pretty sure its pajeet-free
at least post a Asian QT
Please don't remind me. Th-they're building a grid, I swear.
My nem is Tom Smith sir thank you verry much sir how may I assist you in doing the needful today please sir
I'll confirm my non-pajeet humanity if you source pic related
1st of all: learn to fucking reverse image search
2nd of all: it was already posted ITT
3rd: fuck you
>1st of all: learn to fucking reverse image search
I did. It recommended stockings and no useful info.
>2nd of all: it was already posted ITT
A common name which shows a bunch of facebooks and instas. Nobody has time for that.
>3rd: fuck you
Fuck you too, useless twat.
is this real?
a real man wont judge her on her past.
You'll be sucking cum out of dirty vaginas soon enough cucklet
Keep telling yourself that, slut apologist.
She better be damn good at lying and covering up social media evidence if she plans to keep the successful white dude marriage options open after polluting herself with negroes.
Juanita_jcv on the gram
checking in.
I'm an olivenigger but bought into so many shitcoins you might as well call me a pajeet. I won't talk back, I brought this to myself. I fell for chink scams too but at least their smell and food are not as abhorrent as the currynigher cuisine. Except doggos. That's one thing I can't forgive them for.
Current holdings
Space-alien here. Things are very different here in space like we have space-coco puffs instead of coco puffs.
Bing bing
Not a robot here, but I barely visit this board these days