Does Jow Forums attempts to believe in God ?
Do you mean God protocol ?
I want to believe in God but lack the requisite faith. What coin should I buy to help me with this?
Why attempt the illogical?
>logical fallacy
believe in yourself because you are god
>yes believe in God he knows exactly what's right for you
>oh looks here like he wants you to give 10% of your income, looks like all you have is link. That'll do nicely
Religion is a scam meant to control the people and legitimize state authority. Gods not real anyways so no point in believing in him
I believed in a god when I was a child.
1Corinthians 13:11
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.
It is sheer malevolence to accuse me of an atheistic attitude simply because I try to be honest and disciplined. Speaking for myself, the question whether God exists or not is futile. I am sufficiently convinced of the effects man has always attributed to a divine being. If I should express a belief beyond that or should assert the existence of God, it would not only be superfluous and inefficient, it would show that I am not basing my opinion on facts. When people say that they believe in the existence of God, it has never impressed me in the least. Either I know a thing and then I don't need to believe it; or I believe it because I am not sure that I know it. I am well satisfied with the fact that I know experiences which I cannot avoid calling numinous or divine. ~Carl Jung, CW 18, Page 706-707
Abandon Jewish materialism and you will become a Christian with unshakeable faith within 3 months. Guaranteed
The only evidence I think I’ve seen of god is a 13 year oof artist who claims god gave her visions of heaven and the universe and told her to paint and she did. Her name is akiane and her paintings I think are the closest thing to god we have. I’m not a church goer or a believer really but I can’t explain how her art is so good
Her art is absolutely based
If I make it I’m going to commission a portrait from her, I don’t care how Jewish her dad is about her art, she’s a modern day davinci
I believe in God, and Jesus too. Jesus loves you user. Repent of your sins today
I just looked at her art and that’s bs. A lot of artists cite god as their inspiration. If you wanna see what heaven would actually look like search DMT visuals
Do you want to believe in God? If yes, you will; if no, you won't. That's it. Ignore everyone else.
I believe in God, but I'm not religious. Religion is bad for your faith.
God exists and money should be used to escape Jewish wage slavery and to raise a family. Degenerates pissing away their fortunes on cocaine, prositutes and other hedonistic vices face eternal damnation.
Heaven, no. Hell, yes.
>affirming the non-existence of God
No user. You are illogical. Agnostic master race.
That's what Lucifer believes. God isn't a logical fallacy, the Universe is, for it cannot imply itself.
“Only from the deep coal tunnels white diamonds come.
But only by the light they are recognized.”
At age 8 she was well beyond others in her capabilities of thought and perception. They say children are closer to God than adults can ever be.
To all:
Jesus absolutely treasures you and has a plan for your life. In fact, He predestined you to read this and reconsider the eternity in hell awaiting you.
i dont believe in god, but i believe in godless people, and they can go to hell.
nature is telling you something, user
Get thee behind me Satan
You are either brainwashed or dumb if you believe in god. That’s it.
you are hairless ape on a giant rock flying through space. Are you arrogant and ignorant enough to claim to have secrets of the universe?