Wtf is coin lion and why are people shilling it?

Wtf is coin lion and why are people shilling it?

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It’s a US exchange that is launching soon, they haven’t started marketing it yet. Seems pretty legit and is regulated and FDIC insured. It’s been organic from what I’ve seen. Especially compared to pajeet sentinel shills. It has low liquidity right now, I got a suicide stack. It’s at a 1m mcap, worth a few eth to me desu.

undervalued exchange token, literally only 1 mil market cap. based in the US that will have USD/fiat and lower fees + free trading. suicide stack, could be the next 100x, but at least a 10x when all the pajeets and burgers find out about this.

everything this guy has posted is a bold face copypasta lie

go to their website and find out for yourself why none of what this asshole said is posted where it should be

Go read the white paper dipshit. Also this could have been assblasters breadcrumbs.
>inb4 it was coin metro
Coin metro doesn’t have Wall Street ties

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>Wall Street ties

It isn't 2017 anymore, your shitcoin will die.

It's a new paid shill

Package 4

Goes on for days wait and it will die just dont talk about it

Scam from a mile away

Fake anonymous team

Paid Google results

Contact LinkedIn


Funny, seems like you didn’t care to read and understand what I was inferring. I was only saying it couldn’t be coin metro that assblaster was talking about, because of that fact. Believe whatever you want to believe, that’s fine. All I know, 1mil mcap for a real working product is a joke. See you at 50x. I’ll be back to remind you.

user I think you’re wrong on this one

>meanwhile team is working and updating their platform as we speak
yes it’s a scam sirs. if you have been around here for long enough, you’d know not to type like a reddit fag and you’d also know the difference between paid and organic shills. back to plebbit newfag

>reading white papers

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>buying paid pajeet shilled coins because everyone is telling you to
Congrats on this

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just another pnd in the long list of biz pnd, buy at your own risk.

i bought.

that quite literally explains nothing at all. also way to reply to your own post you stupid fuck

i never bought shit

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>implying someone accidentally responding to themselves is a huge deal to where you use it as fud
>being this retarded
I’m not going to sit here and tell you this is the coin of the future and will overtake Ethereum. Smart anons can see through the bs and realize that this coin has some kind of potential. It’s a fucking US based exchange with a microcap that hasn’t done any major marketing. Its also 0 commission when you use the trading pair. If you can’t see optimism in this then you can’t be helped. Go ahead and buy another shitcoin without a working product. It seems like itd be an easier decision for you kek

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Coin Lion is an easy 10x possibly the next 100x.


only 1 million market cap
US based exchange
fee less commission trades (the first exchange to do this)
built from the ground up fully regulated so FDIC insured and ACH, all bank integration.

The developers are targeting wall street minded traders and institutional investors. They are offering crypto screeners (like stock screener), portfolio management and social media integration. These are all characteristics of major online brokerages. While non of the current exchanges have these features today

Binance and every major exchanges are cutting off US citizens in september. Coincidentally Coin Lion Exchange full scale launch is in Sept. Big money planned this. As Assblaster said, Wall st wants in on the exchange wealth. LION is there way in..

Youd have to be a true brainlet not to throw some change into LION.

>While non of the current exchanges have these features today


While NON of the current CRYPTO exchanges have any of these features today

This shill campaign is pathetic, lacks memes, sarcasm and actual facts. 2/10.

Kill yourself

LION has a very Chainlink type direction in that from the ICO, almost 1.5 years ago, and did no marketing what so sever. Only cared about development as if they were so confident in the direction. I haven't done too much research in who is backing this project but I bet its big players. Thats the only explanation.

How many other projects out there did it like that? ICO and nothing. Not a word. just put their head down and developed the project.

LION gonna suprise a lot of people like Chainlink did.

you exposed yourself man, just stop

>will overtake Ethereum

is just cringey as fuck. delete the post and start again

Dunno but seems like pajeets. Got a fuckton of them for cheap anyway lol

This is an exchange coin for $1 mil mcap. Free trades with lion on the exchange. fdic backed fiat, and regulatory compliant in usa. 1 mil mcap lol. Anyone that doesnt throw a few bucks at this is a moron. No exchange is guaranteed to make it, but I have used it and it is solid with fast withdraws and no fees. Yes this could be the coin AB was talking about. If it fails I lose a couple eth, big deal, but this clearly has potential to do 50x. Well worth the risk imo

Bought it first day it was shilled here, pumped 108% the day after. Take that how you will