This will never be adopted simply because the name is super gay and cringe. Can you imagine a VP at a real company pitching Fantom blockchain kek. Holders of this shitcoin are all 16 year old virgins.
This will never be adopted simply because the name is super gay and cringe...
It's already adopted by Dubai.
Thanks for trying.
> simply because the name is super gay and cringe.
That's all you got?
ok fud
i rate it 5.5/10
such cool names, right? they are all gay af
What about that logo. Absolute shit whoever designed that should be executed.
All infinitely better than Fantom. Fantom is the gayest sci fi virgin name since NEO.
They probably got it made by some pajeet on Fiverr
stfu gayboy, they are all gay af
you know you are in the right project if this is the only fud
yeah dude, a pic showing the buy and sell orders within a 7 sat range and saying it has a volatile future is some real business advice. You must have went to business school didnt you? Despite not even being out a year and gaining partnerships and having regular announcements, backed by a development team full of geniuses regularly doing interviews explaining FTM means it's just some scam coin, right? South Koreans are just low iq, and Dubai is just 3rd world right? Shit, providing the network for smart cities and automated vehicles to run on is stupid. Fuck in a couple months when Fantom Pay is dropped it's probably going to be nothing special. It's not like FTM is literally everything IOTA and NANO wish it could be. I mean that pic you have of the buy and sell orders just says everything.
Copypasting hard.
At least delete the last sentence , would look more credible
it is simply not possible to be more cringe than Etherium
There is plenty more, this is just the most obvious (if you're older than 16 that is)
>check price
>212 satoshi's already
jesus what a shitcoin, it was just in the 260's a few days ago
>gayest sci fi virgin name since NEO
you mean the coin which hit $10 billion last bullrun? And you think FTM is a bad buy? Kek
2017 is gone and never come back. This shitcoin is DOA
Tbh FTM always reminded me of FemaleToMale trans and I hold 100k myself
/OP's last brain cell
CEO of a company that has 350+ enterprise clients. Nothing wrong with the name.
Fantom is a scam guys. They ran off with ICO money and now its just bag holders coping. I guarantee they will delay and delay the main net for years and never make anything.