Tendermint just tweeted and PINNED about SENT

Get ready, Sentinel is starting to get some real attention and hype behind the project.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-01 at 1.49.21 PM.png (598x1135, 269K)

Other urls found in this thread:


How can you post this an not share the link?? The hype is real.

Here you go user:


Sentinel enterprise solutions already starting to scale OP.

Attached: IMAGE 2019-04-28 10:54:51.jpg (520x1280, 169K)


Make VPN great again!

Pinned tweet. Nice.

Tendermint tweeted about sentinel from official account and it is pinned tweet?

Oh yes, sentinel is a scam, 100%, tendermint is scam, bitcoin scam, the world is a scam!!!

No user, the only scam is you due to your stupidity and you are here because condom broke and your parents didnt have money to pay the abortion

Congrants Sentinel team!!! Now people will start taking you more seriously with this huge official support from tendermint

how the fuck did this get pinned by tendermint? was biz for the first time not shilling scams?

The NSA employs the best team user

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-12 at 2.18.54 PM.png (900x542, 839K)

>dev team shilling based on market cap
firetruck red flag

Tender mint team is OG, it is where Facebook team goes to for consulting for lbra. Market cap just designates how much of a premium the asset is selling for or not. The smaller the Market cap, the less of a premium. AKA buying direct from market.

Imagine trying to trade and not even understanding mcap.....

Maybe you should start with babypips first before you loose all your lunch money user

The market always needs easy lunch money on the books

You don't say user?

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shhhhh don't let Jow Forums know

Ok im starting to change my mind, sentinel might not be a scam afterall

The SENT devs have been working with Tendermint for a long time user. This is the way projects should be. Development and product should always come first. These days all you see is projects spending half their budgets on hype before they even start coding a working product.

Ok, that is a pretty solid endorsement for Sentinel

But but biz told me this was a scam!

Haha, but all biz said it was a scam. Sentinel is LEGIT. Hub on cosmos/tendermint. Hodl Sentinel Marines, we are the new link of Jow Forums. See you on moon!

Why anyone would choose LINK over SENT is beyond me. There is almost 0 upside to LINK at at $750M mcap. SENT on the other hand has room to do a realistic 20x. None of this $1000 EOY unrealistic bs.

>tfw 200k SENT
Am I going to make it?

For LINK to do a 3x would be a miracle. The upside is far greater for SENT.

Its a % game hehe

It is all about the risk to reward ratio user. Find what is being adopted early which minimizes your risk.

Decentralised VPNs is a billion dollar market.
Who runs Tor on a CIA trap?
How does a chink call XI fat?
How does Abdullah fap?
How does Hans call Hitler friend?
With SENT!

Lol drinking beer and thinking about sent user?

With the trend towards decentralization, SENT has a great chance of capturing a percentage of the VPN market. Good to see they are also focusing on the enterprise markets as well.

Decentralization and the P2P business model are disruptive and very lucrative. It was only a matter of time before it was applied to the $40 billion VPN market.

>buying this instead of UND

not gonna make it

What kind of shit project is UND?

Attached: Sentinel_GF.jpg (316x293, 18K)

post hand

Honestly, and I own 70K SENT, how big is the upside here? It's not a dividend-paying token, I fail to see how it would capture value (after all, users use it simply for payment).

swap from erc20 to native SENT soon, then you will receive dividends (pic related)

Attached: Staking_tokens.jpg (1057x591, 64K)

They're doing staking

no SENT is a staking token for sentinel own tendermint dpos blockchain you should get around 7-20% yearly interest, also you will get part of the fees from people using the chain for the services.
SENT token can be used to pay for the srvices but also other coins like BTC and ETH will be able to be used to pay for the dVPN for example, this way no friction is forced upon the end user, and whoever stakes gets a nice diversified portfolio of fees.
many services will be activated after main net and they will generate more and more fees:
relay net
private nets

Pocketnet.app tries to do it with social media and they don't plan to form a legal entity for the project lel
If you understand what unique setup that is you understand why many bizlets are already there farming a bag.

current stats

Attached: adoption.jpg (1280x730, 50K)


weak fud, check how many people are using it, it has more users then 99% of other crypto projects

>active sessions 629
There are like that many pajeets in one family. Weak shill brainlet.


Attached: aa0c3e41.png (861x877, 143K)

pajeets will out bred you weak basement neet.
instead of fudding solid projects you should be going around and making babies.
but you are here loosing time while your government seels you future and and your children through bonds and inflation


The only thing that's designated here is the shitting street where you take your dumps on

let go of your bias, don't miss the trend

What do we do as a token holder when they swap? I currently hold in metamask wallet. I have never owned anything during a swap. I am currently in US so it is a bit difficult to buy.

how do we stop the poo invasion?

join the official tg and they will announce when token swap will happen and what the procedure is going to be

there is no coming back from this.
either white people start fucking like rabbits and ban usury or they will be simply genocided in 2 gen

Attached: indian ceo.png (590x527, 337K)

stacking sirs
yeah sirs stacking good

Some fresh news:


Just wait till all eth dapps start switching to tendermint projects

I just came across Sentinel recently and all I can say is WOW. This is seriously one of the top projects in the whole crypto sphere. Actual users, working app on desktop and mobile, one of top projects in Cosmos ecosystem (huge). I’m sold. My new favourite blockchain investment in my portfolio. So bullish on this!

I just came across Sentinel recently and all I can say is: WARNING PAJEET SCAM!

Cosmos is a late 2016 scam

you putting lots of effort in your brainlet comment,
you ok bud ?
why you think cosmos is a scam ?

Like 650 people using that dvpn
So bullish

/biz should try the dvpn before fudding, it works fine

Do not miss out on the tendermint steak dinner ecosystems!

join official telegram channel, they will share all information about the swap well in advance

i think sentinel is one of best projects in crypto, really not many that actually produce working tech and sent seem to be smashing milestones like no other!!

the tech is not in production yet....keep that in mind

when can I run a node for rewards? should be soon, but I am using that as a true test of "working tech"

Sentinel is the next LINK. Same fractals in charts, same smart investors, same thing happening all over again. Link is too late now but SENT is strongest Altcoin right now in whole market. Gonna make smart early investors so rich man!

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Yeah I really like sent, it’s crazy undervalued right now


This is a solid project. Im in. Real users. Repeat that. REAL USERS. What other cryptos can say that? And don't forget your suicide bag of the 1mil mcap lion. Need them both to make it. YW, dyor anons

yes, tendermint is actually a scam

there is zero reason to talk about your market cap, whatsoever, through official channels while communicating with the public

Capital markets are part of success. Tender-mint isnt scared to discuses the reality. Take your passive aggressive in between the lines baby boomer culture else where. Where you LARP to the public, and device behind closed doors.

>bitch tears
as expected of a currynigger

im starting to think Jow Forums is obsessed with pajeets cause guys like you watch too much indian porn

If curry nigger is your Satan, your devil. I can be the curry nigger, or I can be that monster of an uncle who molested you user. It is up to you, what ever monster you need to project in your head. I CAN be. I charge most cucks like you 500$ an hour to gag ball in a motel 6 room. Only bitch made boomer startups/companies/blockchains pretend to have social face value, and than proceed rape kids behind the closed doors. The real chad systems can discuses markets and their nonce's with out getting butt hurt. Now put your gag ball in you cute little bitch.

Attached: peperapesanon.png (300x300, 56K)

tendermint is such a scam that facebook is paying them fat stacks of cash for consultance.
and they will be some of the main contributors to LIBRA hotstuff.
people like you that open their mouth before researching basic info on google is an embarassment for this board

Tendermint developer sdk is top tier, their modules system makes creating a blockchain tailored to your project needs very easy, custom logic and blockchain interoperability are solutions that blockchains need to step up to the next level

holy shit user, that man had a family

Attached: Destroyed.png (498x367, 220K)

>ruin this board for days spamming non stop threads
>pump and dump to shit in 3 days
>bagholders posting this crap thinking I will ever ever buy in
Ayy lmao kys niggers

Facebook QE reports

- 30 million in revenue due to Tendermint consulting fees

you will be buying later user, in the next few months you will be in these threads praising sent

Attached: soon.jpg (1170x351, 46K)

And yet, nobody cares about your irrelevant butthurt emotions. Usage of the network is at all time highs and growing every day. Hundreds of new members in the telegram group discussing the proejct. The devs will keep developing and improving the dVPN. Main net will be released this year along with other products in the privacy suite. Guess how much your feelings matter?

Nice, seems like sent found a solid trend to follow

>11 posts by these IDs
Lel, never buying

stay mad faggot, you are letting your bias influence you thus loosing opportunity.
if you let laud opinions on Jow Forums influence your due diligence on a project you are just a brainlet.

man I need to get unlazy and make accounts on the exchanges this is on and start buying it up when available. it's screaming imma explode in price soon

dude wait too much user, these low caps move quicly

that's exactly why I need to get on those exchanges... I have hotbit up in a tab atm... waiting on a ride to go run some errands so i'll have to get it done when I get back. And yeah that low marketcap is why I need to get unlazy. to many people talking about it and it's gone up steady and slow since the dump and will only keep going up at this rate. even throwing $50 at this isnt a bad plan for people atm.

Trend is your friend. SENT/BTC is in uptrend. Only alt to BTC in an uptrend. Will be attracting a LOT of attention from traders trying to find alts that have turned. Sent is unstoppable. LINK all over again

yeah there is lots of opportunity left in this coin both for long term holders and short term speculators

So tru, I got traders in our groups all accumulating sent. Wen it breaks out of this triangle it’s gonna moon so hard

I think I know who that is. I know these groups too. Some big whales buying SENT right now I can tell you. Very promising asset. $50Mil mcap on the horizon

10x at least. Not many opportunities around like Sentinel in crypto market @ the moment. Make the most of it before it’s too late

I have been watching the top wallets closely and I don’t see any selling. Only accumulation. Something big is coming.

Someone with a functioning brain in biz, congrats user keep your sanity

Attached: IMAGE 2019-07-11 08:49:14.jpg (955x555, 82K)

SENT is way bigger than any of us thought.
I did some research and anyone staking SENT on the Sentinel hub will get part of all the transaction fees going through the Sentinel hub.
Why would anyone want to send their transactions through Sentinel?
Because Sentinel is the privacy layer of Cosmos, anyone using Cosmos that wants to have anonymous transactions/services etc has to go through Sentinel.
Cosmos is a "internet of blockchains" which means that it will connect a lot of blockchains.
By default any coin, BTC, ETH, NANO etc that doesn't have a privacy layer can now get that with the help of Sentinel hub. Fees can be paid in any accepted currency on the Sentinel hub so staking SENT can give you BTC, ETH etc.

Currently trading on Idex, hitbtc, and forkdelta.


You will also be able to pay for the dVPN in any accepted currency and staking SENT will also give you transaction fees of these payments.

Don't tell me you're missing out on the next 50x bros
This is clearly just warming up and smart money is entering, when free money is presented in front of you, you should be eating it up.

Welcome to Sentinel. Welcome to the Matrix.

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I don't see it reaching 700 mln mc

It will definitely reach a $100M mcap. That is about 13x from here. It is a no brainer.

x13 is fucking nothing.
Better put that money in LINK.

1b by 2021

It would be a miracle if LINK can do a 2-3x from here.