To the LINK fudders

To the LINK fudders.
What coins do you hold that is so much better?

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VIDT, IHF. I also hold LINK. Not gonna all in LINK. Might touch RSR.

I hold LINK, I think the real delusion of linkies is thinking that LINK is the only project that will be successful. I made a good profit off of QNT for instance. Currently holding a suicide bag of VIDT and a good amount of REN

Nobody thinks that


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I'm cashed out because I'm not a fucking retard. The profits were already made and the norms jumping back in are about to get bled out big time now.

Yes, of course

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XCM (coinmetro) + LINK = AssBlaster's prediction. The only 2 worth holding.

nope. Permisionless DLT has no future

Lol you haven’t been around here very long have you?

Nobody in crypto thinks everything but LINK is going to 0.


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>nobody thinks
>everybody thinks
just write we


>Permisionless DLT has no future


I kekked user

Not begging but any rich linkers want to help a nulinker out?
If not its okay... i understand :(


I only have 50

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VIDT. And yes I sold most of my LINK at 4.30 to buy it

I didnt have alot of money but i bought $100 worth today
Hopefully this really does go to $100 or something

I have 25 lol.

I also hold peepee and poopoo

fug you I have 3 shitty jobs and barely am able to pay rent utilities and food. It's a miracle that I have 125 linkies!!!!! Go work you poopy head

Usd, and not any stable coins but usd in my account on jewbase.

>has almost 3x as many Stinky linkies as i do
>wants me to feel sympathetic
user i.....

think this way user, any time you're out and thinking about buying something you don't really need, don't buy it and put that money into LINK instead. Works especially well with things like cigarettes and alcohol, but also any kind of food item not really required to live

Wow fuck it's really time to leave biz forever, isn't it? See you faggots tomorrow.

>LINK is the only project that will be successful
Not the only, but the most, probably.

get rid of all that rsr and put it in link

cute user


>tfw put 500 a week on link and I thought I was poor
Holy fuck

Shhhh what RSR user?
Im poor stfu

Bout to be 125 tomorrow, 200 next Friday, then hoping and should be able to really throw money at it and have a suicide stack by early September, I don't expect to make it because of moon. Wanted to buy forever ago, but coinbase is as sketchy as I'm willing to go as far as platform. Got CBP once it launched, but CB was already launched before my first funds cleared. Got in at 2.7 originally, about 1 minute before it spiked to 4, that was my highest buy in.

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Seeing posts like this make me so happy I got in at 20cents. I’m still a linklet tho :(

2.7 is the highest I bought in to be clear*. I will probably stop accumulating at 10 and just hope my stack is big enough to make a dent in my shitty life in the end.

It's all good like I said, I wish I had bought in but I...just really don't trust chinks.

Sometimes I feel bad about my sub 50c stack going from $4 to $2. But seeing this is the new norm, I'm never fucking selling.

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I have 2(two)

