Holy shit guys Peter Schiff just dropped a ton of redpills on niggers and liberals. Listen to this from 33 mins. I had no idea the Schiffster was this woke. Should I uniroinically long gold now?
Our Boomer
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Where did this idea come from that Schiff was some mealy-mouthed, limp-wristed, live and let live libertarian?
Those students had merit. The merit of being black and oppresed. The merit of deserving to move ahead in the world for once without the white cabal getting in their way and pushing them down.
This shouldn’t be applauded. Racism belongs in the dark ages. We are all one.
have sex incel
Fuck off assholes, I was first in line.
Him being a gold bug boomer isn't excuse for him being such a retard about bitcoin. Trace Mayer was a gold bug and is a boomer, and unlike Schiff he doesn't make up nonsense economic theories such as "intrinsic value".
Fuck niggers.
This board does nothing but provoke blacks. They think it's funny and get a sick sort of pleasure slagging African Americans. It needs to stop it's tiresome and racism is such a cancer plaguing this world.
Niggers are dumb. Average IQ of 85
(You)s for everyone
If niggers stopped acting like niggers, I might be more amicable. But the fact is they act like apes, because they are genetically wont to do so.
>affirmative action bad
>ton of redpills
Not even babby's first red pill. The mainstream has known that for decades.
I was just baiting homies
Not giving a single (You) to one of these redd*t niggers.
Just don't pay attention to them. There has to be something really wrong in their lives to act the way they do so I didn't give any weight to their opinions. They still buy our shitcoins though so who cares right?
What do you know, another schiff thread instantly derailed. Get your stack up before it’s too late. They got theirs up for goddamn sure.
(X) Based
( ) Redpilled
College is a ponzi and affirmative action is a mechanism for expanding the scope of suckers who are getting in late. Who benefits from it? The boomers, of course.
Disgusting. Read Guns, Germs and Steel.
kek this pic
what about asians, latinos, and every other minority that benefits from affirmative action? dumb fucking boomer
I did. Niggers are still dumb.
NO, they had completely different selection placed on them for what is needed from an individual to succeed in African society and you are placing western definitions of intelligence on them.
>This board does nothing but provoke blacks. They think it's funny and get a sick sort of pleasure slagging African Americans. It needs to stop it's tiresome and racism is such a cancer plaguing this world.
Asians proportionally get fucked a lot more by affirmative action then white people do
>africa didn't have any domesticable ani-
desperate desperate attempt to explain away African civilization incompetence as being rooted on anything but genetic differences.
comprehensively debunked: youtube.com
>and you are placing western definitions of intelligence on them.
Oh no the west is so mean =[ Maybe if they went back to Africa they wouldn't be subjected to meanie Western standards
There is a difference between domesticable and tamed. You god damn idiot.
>Some nazi youtuber debunks a professor
Yeah and the earth is flat right? : ')
You have to go back leddit
>Yeah and the earth is flat right?
Ad hominem attacks are not arguments.
They can't go back to Africa because the western world has been raping Africa for decades. People saying go back to Africa is like saying just build a new house after people burned it down.
The most fitting thing would be to let Africans live in Europe and USA while whites go to Africa.
Africans were raping Africa thousands of years before the White man came around
Schiff is a retard boomer
The problem isnt college itself the problem is non-whites and illegals. ALso women. DO you honstly want all whites out of high science/math and history? Who runs it already? Guess? Jews. What happens when whites are completely removed? history and everything else will be under absolute control of the jew to decide what is real and what isnt.
>Muh arguments
Wow there Stephan
Are you talking about blacks?
"dduuurr durrrr nazi"
You're just a coward. No one can watch that and take Jared's book seriously. Don't be so anti reason and anti science, because some facts about the world scare or disturb you.
Based Peter Schiff
Dumb zoomers can learn something from this great man :)
Imagine managing your logic/thoughts/opinions around the fear of being labeled a nazi
Please be joking
>Yeah and the earth is flat right?
yes you fucking faggot
>There is a difference between domesticable and tamed
it takes more time to domesticate?
You are on Anonymous imageboard, no one fucking cares if you are a nigger or not.
>(((white))) cabal
Anyone unironically believing in a flat earth should off himself for the sake of humanity
Low IQ take right here
nobody really believes in the flat earth
the flat earth is a joke based on space curvature and gravity you utter moron
Kill all nazis
Even if it's bait your mom is all one with nigger's dick ok thanks bye
>nobody really believes in the flat earth
False. Some people truly believe this. Watch the Netflix documentary