What should I invest in with my $5500

What should I invest in with my $5500

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Retail investors are hilarious. No point even investing with this little capital.

Gold exploration companies and/or juniors. Real speculative ones. Might get lucky.

If you do retail investing you're basically begging to get raped AND paying for it.

What other options are there sir?

Wage, wagie. You didn't actually think you could escape did you?


yes, a 20x on $5K is very shitty gains indeed.

I think everyone’s trying to say just invest in yourself until you have actual money. A 100x is literally the same as winning a lottery. 2x gains are more what the rich aim for and they are short term and move their money a lot.

literally biz is R E T A R D E D

Datawallet is a low cap on IDEX that's ready to explode. It solves the GoogleZuck Conjecture.

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Read There is no escape, there is only doom.

Black pilling aside, OP has 5k, OP doesn't have enough to invest. Period. He's better off wage slaving, saving money, reducing discretionary expenditure, accumulating capital to start, and developing enough financial literacy to stand a fucking chance.

Don't get me wrong, retail CAN turn a profit, but consider OP's post. If you have to come to a mongolian extreme crotchet forum and ASK what you should invest in, you're already fucked. Retail can turn a profit if you never even need to ask anyone what to invest in to begin with.

Yeah, sure, 20x is great. And it happens all the fucking time, that's why literally every single person who ever put money in crypto is driving a lambo right now and every city on the planet is over saturated by lambos everywhere right?


imagine the smell

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all in NGR

Kek @ gatekeeping someone with $5500 (which is probably a lot more than average Jow Forums user has) from investing

Even bigger kek at using lingo like "retail"

Back to Jow Forumswallstreetbets faggots

I'm not gatekeeping someone with 5.5k, I'm gatekeeping someone that has to ask WHAT to invest in from burning his fucking money away.

You're absolutely right though, we shouldn't use the term retail, as that's misleading. We should call it bucket shops, which is literally what they are.

You basically seem like a newfag who isn't aware of gains that many anons made with way much little than $5500 during past years.

Posts like OP come up every now and then, so there is nothing shocking or unusual for anyone asking such questions.

An exercise bike, by the look of you


You're really not good at getting the fucking point are you?

>anons in biz made gains with way less
Yeah, no shit. We can argue that you can realize even bigger gains with less money by just winning the fucking lottery, and I will argue that coming to biz and asking what to invest in is just as much of a gamble.

This is fucking business and finance, for fuck's sake. What the fuck are we even doing here anymore? Just on face value alone we should encourage financial literacy and intelligent investment strategy.

Asking for pointers on what to invest on in an anonymous board and crossing fingers in hope that "IF I BELIEVE IN MEMES HARD ENOUGH I MIGHT JUST MAKE IT" is literally the opposite of intelligent investment and I don't give a fiddler's fuck how anyone tries to meme it into being.

>you basically seem like a newfag
Yeah, I've been told just that as well when retards on Jow Forums got JUSTED as Mt.Gox first filed for bankruptcy protection. Sit the fuck down.

Index fund?

>asking questions is bad

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based and in touch with reality

Low risk, low return -> index funds.
(5k + keep putting a small amount every month and it will accumulate nicely)

High risk, high return -> crypto.

No real point in other stuff with 5k.

For the sake of 5k, you might as well risk crypto.

is that lena dunham?

What's the story behind this picture?

Plastic surgery and a weight loss program you Lena Dunham lookin bitch

Well it kinda depends. If you're in the US, sure its nothing. If you're in a low-income or third-world country trying to invest the equivalent of your year salary, it might be better to just slowly accumulate using index funds.

Unless you know what you're doing with crypto, of course.

Hey you look pretty clever with all the them TVs and colours and candles.
I assume you already have bought VID back in June...

Huge upside potential but big gamble

Kek has spoken. Buy BNB user (look at your id).

and FTM yikes


(physical) Silver is the only star asset right now

>1:200 Physical to paper ratio
>looming recession
>silver bank run easier to trigger than a fractional reserve one

>bottom is 14.50, mining cost
>top is 16.60x200

And people are still playing with crypto. Lame ponzi with no drastic moves left but down

I've got about 10k to invest.
Found an easy 15 % return. I'll let this thread know about it after I buy in at the price I want.

Dropfeed monthly into an ETF like the MSCI World for an average annual 6% ROI. Not great, not terrible for a relatively safe investment.
Dont invest everything at once but DCA. Keep the rest on a good current around to collect the scraps.


what are all these letters? should I also invest in VBSQIUWQUDIWQJ and buy DPOWIEOWIEOJWKD. fuck off

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story behind this video?


I am also curious about this

fucking brainlet stay poor

Yolo on FD puts. If we have another repeat of late 2018, you will have 100K+.

Are ETFs actually safe? After 2008, I feel like these financial services packages are bullshit. The name is just to fool you into thinking you're investing into something like an index fund, but when I looked what was inside of one - mortgages. No thanks.

I need the story behind this as well. Wtf?

cool off bra

This was a syrian refugee in Stuttgart, Germany. Yesterday he had an argument with the german guy who let him stay in his house. And how do you solve arguments in first world countries? Right by stabbing him multiple times with a sword. The guy has been caught

in sex

You seem like a fun person at parties.

short Germany, 100x leverage

Holy shit you're a spaz go outside and take some deep breaths