I’m in despair anons — my girlfriend recently asked about marriage, kids and about my crypto... what should i do anons..
I’m in despair anons — my girlfriend recently asked about marriage, kids and about my crypto... what should i do anons
please....stop....i'm in despair over these low quality shitposts....
get a younger one, look up di caprio
Obvious redflag. Sell girlfriend immediately
Hmmm fuck her anus
so she sthink u have kids
also buy some eth ftm coti eoy x3 ;)
Buy Mitx and hold. Then you can be proud to tell her
You realize this was all a dream and you don't have a girlfriend. You are just a poorfag larping in your dream to escape your current situation. Fortunately you still have your 0.3 BTC and wonder how you would make it. You read about altcoins and invested in COTI.
i dont have a gf
Silently buy and hold Bpro.
Tel her in 2 months you had it all along. Open your wallet and enjoy the 200x gains
If you're under 30 then it's time to short your relationship user. Until you are where you want to be in life, most women are only in the way.
COTI is an amazing buy right now. Bottomed out, good news coming out soon, and multiple leaks about big partnerships such as Visa. Definetely a good choice to get now
Fuck her in the ass and sell your children to buy more crypto. Get some bitcloud and hpb. They will make you rich boys
>somebody drew this
Girls are not worth it, especially marriage. Don’t know about your holdings but I hold Fantom and ETH, staked on xFutures. Public staking is coming soon, check it out user. Don’t invest in women ;)
Short this shit right now unless you wanna be a loser in 2021
all of us feel this
You dont have a gf
Marry crypto, kill the gf, fuck the kids
What the fuck even is that?
at least you have a gf
The last known work of Elliot Rogers