Wen thomas speech?

wen thomas speech?

Attached: flvdtli7zya6mccpl2wi.jpg (675x675, 40K)

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Tomorrow fren

>be link holder
>invest in useless token
>constantly relying on talks and announcements to feel good about his investment

You mean on top of the 20x gains we've made so far right

>useless token

Attached: google cloud chainlink link tokens.png (1607x827, 157K)

Get ready for a rude awakening after I fork Link and remove the token.

Concrete !
Just send me the bill for 100k.

Whoa, you're gonna do THAT??
No way...
Not good...

>tfw gonna be busy all day and night tomorrow

Uahhhh gay

You just don't understand what is really going on, and it is not our job to educate you.

Attached: 1564026348275.png (888x894, 520K)

Attached: IMG_20190730_095738.jpg (2000x1125, 171K)

>be nothing holder
>invest in nothing
>constantly see people making money, feel bad about oneself so I fud others

That chart shows pretty clearly what's going on.


Why is so damn hard for some of you to just be fucking patient for a while. You will see and understand in time.

What are you even talking about.

The chart is not entirely correct.

So call Google Cloud about it.

>when user doesn't understand how powerful the fud is



Fuck off Jason.


All these presentations are the same shit we have heard a million times before.

Admit it, you never used LINK and never will.


Attached: 1564027889942.jpg (468x240, 47K)

Wen smile

recurring digits

Attached: 09132840129348.jpg (700x1000, 747K)

Is there a stream? Not just the speech but the entire event?