Are there ANY non sales jobs I can get with a finance degree?
Are there ANY non sales jobs I can get with a finance degree?
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Ops at a bank
Financial advisor dumdum.
I hate number crunching tho
Then why are you a finance degree dumbass
I’ve applied but get nothing not even an email back
>i got my degree, now what?
Know how i know you're a millennial?
Go talk in person. They want a face to the name you're putting forward.
>I don’t like numbers
>guess I’ll major in finance
>hey guys I became a veterinarian but animals piss me off what do
>I fucking hate children
>I’m a pediatrician, why do you ask?
>Im a proud no coiner, I would never spend real American dollars on fake internet money
>why yes, I do spend the vast majority of my free time shit posting on an anonymous Peruvian basket weaving forum
I tried that and was told to apply online.
My parents said they wouldn’t help me get a cs or engineering degree because they thought I’d fail out it.
*Gen Z
>I tried that and was told to apply online.
Fuck that, be aggressive. Ask to speak with the highest manager or owner directly. Don't be a pussy man.
Yes. Most of them aren't sales ur so stupid. Wow!
>he fell for the biz meme
Do you think engineering or cs is less ”number-crunching than finance?
Finance is a lot of number crunching if you are an analyst, after that its more about dealing w/ clients and peddling analysts to do your excel work for you that make 3x+ less than you.
They’re not mindless though. Finance is
>open excel
>type stuff for 8 hours
CS is math but in a different way. I’ll never get to know if was capable of it
I think that you just don't have an appreciation for finance for its own sake. That's a terrible mindset to have if you're trying to find a job you like.
You can always go back and get another degree, you know. Nothing stops you from getting more than one and/or re-specializing yourself if you don't like finance.
I can’t, I’ve been trying to get a job. Only responses are from jobs that pay “0 to 220k” aka 100% commission based sales “jobs”
But sales job are unironically the best jobs in this day and age I work like a cuck in IT for pennies meanwhile my brainlet sales friends are on 200k for leasing printers for Xerox
I'm a welder but I really hate binding stuff together
I’m a 4channer but I hate sucking dicks
This right here is when you fucked yourself
Literally all of them.
I'm a CPA.
I don’t want to have to take the cpa tests
If you’re asking this now you’re a fucking brainlet. I’m a SVP of Strategic Finance at a publicly traded company. There’s plenty of non sales jobs.
Why are you on biz then, and even if it is a publicly traded company, is it a penny stock?