Ok boys I’m in some serious shit

I hold 4200 Link
Almost no savings
Wife wants to buy a house
We were saving for 5 years
She was saving
I was gambling, doing drugs, occasional hooker
I just need my Link stack to get to be worth 50,000 USD

I won’t ask when, but can it Unironically happen by 2022?

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it will be $1000 next year some time after the halvening

Tell her everything is gonna be alright

Kys I’m asking seriously, 1000 is fud faggot

lol don't tell me you really bought link?

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Sell me your link. Take out a fat life insurance policy. Shoot yourself in the fucking head. Your wife sounds like a good woman so she can come to my house and be my second wife to take care of kids and get impregnated by me.

Try your luck with moon3d and get good profit

My stack average is at .42
Either way I’m coming out ahead but my wife is going to ask what I spent all the money on I was supposed to be saving
I’d like to not have to cross that river and have a bunch of money. Even if I can get to 40k, that won’t be suspicious

How much of a brainlet are you that you don’t know life insurance policies aren’t valid if the insured commits suicide.

Keep your low iq genetics away from my wife

You'll sell before it's that much. You're a degenerate gambler and your wife will leave you.

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damn and i thought i was a fuck up

I won’t sell because it’s my last gamble
My wife might leave me if I tell the whole truth
If I do have to tell her I’m short the 35-50k I should have saved by now then I will say it’s due to gambling and not the drugs and hookers
Again we’re not supposed to even start looking til next summer so I have time, I can easily convince her to wait one more year after that as well

you are right in that 1000 is fud, its way too low

Just calm down. Link will moon trust me. You won't believe me but i know 2 people who have been in crypto since 2013 since the very start who both are investing heavily into chanlink and they say all you will need is a passport to denmark or another country that doesn't tax crypto and in a few years you will be set.

>4.2k stack
>worth 55k

LMAO i remember these same threads when btc was at 12$ and eth was 1$

people were celebrating and counting how many thousand BTC they need to buy their favourite used toyota LOL LOL LOL

never gonna make it.dont you fuck dare to come here post pink wojaks in 2020's and crying that you sold 4.2M$ for 55k

Listen to me and listen catefully you degenerate fuckuo. Sell Link...its already wayyyy too high marketcap and team dumps too much...and buy the most undervalued legitnproject in crypto Vidt thst will do a X1000 within 2 years tops.

This is literally your only hope to make it. And hold long do not effing sell .....you degenerate gambler.

I really hope your wife finds out about the hookers. I also hope you sell your stack for $55k.

degenerates like you belong on a cross

this is best case scenario so he wont have to give her half of his fortune when we make it

You're a nigger and your wife is too good for you. You will raise horrid children; she deserves a better man's seed. I suggest doing what says, but instead of shooting yourself you drive into a tree.

you should be good by 2022

I literally don’t care if I’m a millionaire
I love my wife and want her to be happy
She wants a nice house so we can have 2 kids , I’m 31 and she’s 26. She wants to have the 2nd kid by her 32nd birthday so they don’t come out all retarded and such
Literally don’t care about being a millionaire
Just don’t want to tell my wife about lost money

Bumping this shit cause I seriously want to know
If not I’m Unironically going to pull it all out by March and go to the blackjack tables

>I love my wife and want her to be happy
>I was gambling, doing drugs, occasional hooker
KYS degenerate. Your wife will be better off.

Rescind us passport and move with the other pass or keep US pass too?

>i want my wife to be happy so i spent all of our money banging hookers

This is your average linker folks, a disgusting degenerate

What a dumbass

I have a sex addiction, drug addiction, and gambling addiction faggot
It’s a disease I want to stop

>be OP
>finally get portfolio to $50k
>withdraw usd
>show wife
>spend $50k on downpayment, decorations, and whatnot
>be EOY
>owe 20k to the gov for taxes
>return to biz asking how to turn $2k into $20k to pay off gov before wife finds out

>buying the top of the market.
Crash is coming user, convince her to wait.

Suicide is the cure user

Women are retards for choosing partners like yourself mate

For me, not for my wife
She needs me
I’m her chad for life
She would be lost without me

Unironically this. Fuck buying a house

You’re a fucking virgin ass faggot
Take your little 2 inch micro and get a sec change, at least someone will fuck you then

Oh yeah, have sex

>squanders money on gambling, doing drugs, occasional hooker
>She needs me
No, I do believe she’ll find a way to carry on without you. She’ll probably have more money in the end too.

You don’t understand
That’s what happens when you have small dick energy
You don’t understand these things

Which drugs have you done?
>You don’t understand these things
You'll get beaten into submission by reality. You think you are the only tough guy in this universe?

I smoke weed and take adderall every day

I feel so bad for your wife to have a leech like you attached to her.

You’re just jealous no one will touch your penis

Yup. I also wasted 1.2k on hookers and strippers. I was saving up but i failed. Unlike you im 19 and i finally realized Cannabis affects memory and fucks up your rational mind. Fuck Weed.

Its not you, its the drugs that messed you up. I advise you to take 5-MeO-DMT or 8 grams of mushrooms or just meditate for 5 mins a day and quit addeerall and weed.

>wasted 1.2k on hookers and strippers
Imagine not just going to a stripclub in Mexico for $15 blowjobs

kys degenerate

You’re solution is harder drugs?
I’ve done adderall for 8 years.
I didn’t smoke weed until I did it with a hooker once and ever since i cannot stop, it’s the most amazing high I’ve ever had.

Tell her to shut the fuck up and get back in the fucking kitchen.

Look at all my solutions.
>i cannot stop, it’s the most amazing high I’ve ever had.
You are in for a wild ride if you do psychedelics.

>have sex
Ok. Lube your butt up

>so it doesn't come out all retarded
>creating a child with your shit DNA
Yeah your wife's age is defintely the biggest concern here

I’ve done harder stuff I’ve never enjoyed any drug besides pot
Cocaine was alright, I hated mushrooms, LSD isn’t my ride, ecstasy was ok but that’s the last thing I need as a sex addict

Adderall and weed both destroy your mind, no wonder you're a psychotic mess. Those "harder" drugs will unironically help you given your context.

Your wife deserves all the shit coming her way lmao.

Say what you will about my personality, but I’m not a brainlet, any child would be blessed to have my dna if it receives my iq and stem abilities

the crypto fad is dead and gone. accept it you delusional zoomer

>my iq and stem abilities
>If not I’m Unironically going to pull it all out by March and go to the blackjack tables

Even if you card count you're going to get asked to leave by the casinos.

Even if you bestow good DNA upon your child, I fear for your fathering abilities. Please just promise not to grace this earth with 2 more little shitheads. It's all I will ask. Good luck

I’d be a better father than husband

You can't be that smart if you didn't know that most life insurance does cover suicide, usually after the contestability period.

This is what you need to tell your wife bro.

Try again moron, the only ones that do have an extremely high payment and have a 5 year insuree minimum to claim the payout

>I hold 4200 Link
I've discovered an equation here on biz that might be helpful to you, user

X = # of Link held
Y = $USD amount bought in at
Z = What you need Link to be EOY

Z x Y / X = Average link fags IQ

>x=1, y=5, z=1000000
>5000000 IQ

Try harder

Normally 2 years, and virtually every policy will have a suicide clause, but you keep on believing you're high IQ.

So crash into a tree you idiot

>sex addiction
Just get a divorce user holy fuck you don’t even have kids yet

I cannot divorce my wife, I love her and she would go into severe depression if I left her.
I’m not asking for relationship advice I’m asking if 4200 Link will be worth at least 40-50k by 2021-2022

Hope you and your landwhale wife die in a car accident OP.

>cheating on your wife with hookers
You’ve got much bigger problems my friend. You need bigger solutions.

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>hasn’t seen penis in 6-8 years
>”your wife is a land whale”
>Cholesterol higher then a fucking kite”
>scheduled for open heart surgery”

Put the Twinkie down you fat faggot

dude are you stupid? of course, you're asking for a target price of 11$, are you retarded? link will go to atleast 500$ by 2022

After reading this thread you're a degenerate OP and I hope your wife leaves you.

what about accidental overdose

nobody knows for sure retard, don't go gamble the rest tho

This is unironically what people mean when you hear 1000 $ eoy is fud.

You don’t love her you fucked someone else, drugs are clouding your perception, you’re better off without her AND holding Link at the same time

Checked and topkek’d.
Yes OP, it should be worth that much by 2022.

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Go to rehab then. You'll have a nice surprise waiting for you when it's over.

amen. jesus dubs.

OP stop cheating on your wife retard

>occasional hooker
Kill yourself degenerate

The absolute state.