His wife or gf, before meeting him, laid on her back, spread her legs wide open, and let men deeply penetrate her...

>his wife or gf, before meeting him, laid on her back, spread her legs wide open, and let men deeply penetrate her , thrust repeatedly and then inject hot semen deep into her womb.

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Have sex then Kys loser

where? show me

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You’re never going to find a Virgin faggot. No girl over 17 is a Virgin

Imagine actually caring about like 1-3 other guys on average
The hottest women don't really have sex that much lmao

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Yeah but then again I injected my hot semen in plenty of other girls too so it's okay. Those relationships don't mean anything to me now so I can see how they would mean nothing to her.

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I thought this and was proven wrong. Still it's overrated.

tfw I took an 18 y/o japanese HAPA's virginity one month ago and she is pair bonded to me with the oxytocin of a 1000 modern roasties. I can go down on her pussy knowing it has never provided passage to another man's seed

Reminder that these threads are all made by the same LITERAL faggot who got triggered by someone making "gay people will never make it" threads

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this is how it goes wrong, you don't have female brain

I think she actually cares less about her previous partners than me.

I mean, it’s whatever

met my gf at 17. she was a virgin.

she is 22 now

we have been living together 3 years

i have been losing intereset in her

havent had sex with her in 3 weeks.

its mostly my fault.

That's rough bro. You can never leave her either

I dated a virgin (until me obviously) for years and it also got boring, it really doesn't matter if she's a virgin or not, that alone surely won't keep the relationship going.

It's a dice roll. I got a virgin gf and married her. She's a starfish in bed, but her pussy is tight, pink and delicious so it's worth it.

You WILL regret it if you mess this up. Dont fall for the (((promiscuous sex))) meme.
>She's a starfish in bed
Thats on you to spice it up, not her.


You really need to get out there bro.

The rule of thumb is don't focus about things you can't change. If it's a deal breaker for you then don't start that relationship.

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Im already married with two kids. I have her v-card and no man has ever shot cum in her.


Don't get me wrong, but it lets me dominate her and I love that. She also has an oral fixation so I let her use my dick as a pacifier.

Still ALL women are insane. You have to figure out what you're capable of putting up with, and virgins usually have some sociological issues if they are older than 20.

>and virgins usually have some sociological issues if they are older than 20.
Those who are pathologically unable to stay with one partner have issues too.

Gays aren't people

>actually believing this



You're the one coping because you don't want to accept that any guy could find one because you haven't

>the delusion

This is why it's better to be an incel than to do date a non-virgin.

If you think shes not gonna get adventurous and wanna try something better than your micro-penis eventually, you're a fool. Might as well get out now.