Tfw blackpilled myself too hard on nihilism, determinism, lookism, race realism, women and other Jow Forums redpills

>tfw blackpilled myself too hard on nihilism, determinism, lookism, race realism, women and other Jow Forums redpills
Is it unironically over for me? I feel like I'll never feel happiness again in my life. I crossed too many bridges too fast and now there's no way back for me.

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time to take the clown pill user

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back to Jow Forums incel

Can I get a quick synthesis of the clownpill?


everything is stupid. live for your own happiness

just stay off pol for a few months, it gets better. look for other perspectives that challenge your natural human disposition to focus on the negative.

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Jow Forums rots your brain and makes you retarded

The final redpill is accepting God into your life and trying to make the world around you a better place. There's still a lot of good out there you need to focus on it and try to redeem the bad things about it and to make your life and the lives of those around you more enjoyable and prosperous.

"I swear upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of men."

>Off topic
You have to go back

off topic thread, but stay away from Jow Forums and you will feel better. this happens to many of us.


Don’t worry bro senior year is gonna rock! Class of 2020!!!

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How else will normies learn 101?

Money = happiness

I wanna give that fucking nerd a nuggy

You can’t change the world. Raise your kids well. Try to make sure your grandchildren are ok.

No going back. You're here forever.

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The Christ pill is the final, and by far the most pleasant redpill fren.

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It's time for Nietzsche’s Perspectivism

Sorry you got programmed by the most spiteful and lonely weirdos on your computer instead of thinking for yourself. Enjoy a life of suicidal loneliness and crushing despair

the generally accepted Jow Forums principles are correct. That being said, a lot of pollacks are far too absolutist about it. You're right that too much time on Jow Forums rots your brain because you get a constant influx of negative news and over time it blackpills you too much and you end up like OP. There's a lot of beautiful stuff in life and in order to appreciate and achieve it you need a positive attitude. Be aware of all the shit in the world but chose to focus on achieving the beautiful stuff rather than obsessing on the negative.

My school pushed Satre hard. How long before Wittegenstein is banned

You just need alcohol friend. Feel the sweet embrace

Listen to this user. Also the less time you spend there the better if you enjoy flying.

Jow Forums unironically made me lift, read books, go outside more and become religious

He said he browsed pol not Resetera. Pol is a board of peace.

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It is. I am in same shoes.

all these redpills, bluepills, are but just an illusion none of them hold any absolute truth just a one sided view. You decide what is the truth, that is the true blackpill.

>race realism isn't an actual truth
Go live in a

Still better than being programmed by modern mass media.

i didnt tell you to ignore, but why indulge yourself in such negativity all the time? The world is large, open the curtain and you will see the light. Happiness is what you should sought after not bitter resentment.

Have kids

Yes that means have sex incel

Look into the law of attraction. It will completely undo that loser shit you call being “black-pilled.” Try astral projection too.

I live in nyc so I have no choice but to "indulge". I'm confronted with the horrors of multiculturalism everytime I step out the door.

You have a choice of moving to another place, but if you can't then you're going to have to confront it. You either circle jerk each others on pol and hopefully one day to create a new nazi regime or in the meantime rather than filling with hates how about do something more meaningful that benefits your health? You can continue to hate these people but dont let it consume you.

being on Jow Forums and being blackpilled is literally npc tier. free your mind of that bullshit user it's not too late

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>Level 6
>it is a personal choice as to whether to include religion in a consistent worldview.

And what is that personal choice based on? It could either be completely arbitrarily, controlled by a benevolent or malicious being or something completely else.

Personally, I'm at the point where the only thing I can say with some semblance of certainty is that I know nothing however despite that I still follow my ego and care about the survival of a white race, establishing an ethnostate, working out to achieve a good body and becoming "educated" even if all knowledge may be completely false and maybe entirely arbitarily but I'll never know.

Is the /ego/ pill the only way? Some thigns could matter more than others, everything could equally matter or everything might be pointless or something completely different but I'll never know

>hard on nihilism, determinism, lookism, race realism,
well you can just...
kys incel

Go back and read more nietzsche.

Protip: Jow Forums is only the first step towards "redpilling" and a great filter for idiots who get stuck at that level.
If you claim to be redpilled by Jow Forums but still havent figured out how it is constantly manipulated to keep you in a negative feedback loop to harvest your emotions in a way that feeds the same dark entities (((they))) worship then you have a long way to go.

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OP, you need to suffer and enjoy your suffering. You can only read about the nature of reality for so long before you need to experience it yourself. If you learn to enjoy your suffering, all else follows. When the time comes that you are truly ready to let go of your conception of self and discover the true nature of consciousness, take a moderately large dose of LSD or DMT and meditate... it will feel like you are dying. That is a good sign, embrace it and focus on breathing and letting go. You will meet yourself in a dimensionless, timeless realm along with the rest of us and all existence for all eternity... in a single moment without instantiation. That's inevitably what you want to see, but to get there you must be willing to sacrifice everything you think you know, everything you think that you are... allow the limits to dissolve in that moment, and you will find peace.

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>tells OP to do LSD and DMT to defest nihilism and false enlightment (black pilling)
>posts picture of demonic transdimensional entity

And just what type of energies and beings do you think push for and feed off the suffering of people like OP, user?


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I lose motivation to lift when my crypto goes to shit fucking hate it

Hey joe rogan

Watch all Kubrick movies to complete the redpill.

Glad you caught that. Creation cannot exist without destruction. Look at it with the perspective of Nietzsche's eternal recurrence: if this universe were to recur infinitely, would you find that beautiful or terrifying? That's relative to your perspective on a perpetual cycle of creation/destruction.

And thats how anons with weak spirit get duped by entities that play on their ego and lead them down the left hand path into false enlightenment by showing them ersatz visions of diluted "truths" that tickle their intellect. There is only Light. There is only Love. Everything else is an illusion. Of course....this is easier said than "done" so here we are

Reckon I've taken most of those pills and am doing just fine mentally

>Tfw less than 20% white

One could just as easily reject the unbounded light because they hold too tightly to their limited definition of self, as written in the Bardo Thodol.

Welcome to the desert of real.

OP may I refer you to:

>"Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
It is really that simple, as Truth must be. No obfuscation or esoteric practices. But the nature of our world makes it so that it is easier to follow all sorts of difficult and contrived paths than to be able to laugh with the innocence of a child. Anyways thanks for the replies user its time for me to go, but Im just curious since this is Jow Forums what crypto are you personally investing in and why?

Transhumanism. We will program humans to feel 140% pleasure all the time in the future.

Delusional crackpot

BTC because it is scarce and shilled as a store of value. Betting against the debt.

you blackpilled yourself with false concepts user, good job, it really should be over for you
and you deserve it

>Truth cannot be known
That statement is a statement of truth, so truth can be known. Fuck off with your penis for brain ideas.

With modern tech it is possible to have kids without sex. Take that pill!

Those boards brainwashed and made you miserable. It's okay to have some unconventional views but pol takes that to the fucking extreme.

>and become religious
Implying this is a good thing

Take the green pill.

>horrors of multiculturalism
Get a grip you retard

The thing about being blackpilled is you always assume it’s forever
It’s kinda like being in an acid trip and in hour 3 you’re freaking yourself out telling yourself this is forever and then things get bad quick but eventually you come out of the acid trip and you realize nothing lasts forever
user everything is in a state of flux. You. Are. Going. To. Make. It.

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determinism is a meme
our lives are radically free beyond our understanding

>t. ex hard determinist

Quite that meme, block Jow Forums.

Anyone that has ever visited Jow Forums for more than 5 minutes needs to be sterilized and/or executed for the good of the human race

Nietzsche is great and all but he's just as much cope as the stoics. Taking the neetypill is hard

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>It's okay to have some unconventional views but pol takes that to the fucking extreme.
Jow Forums has conventional views. They're literally boomer tier.

Redpills are effectively updates to your programming. You take a red pill to accept and a blue pill to decline and continue operating. Your mind has no firewall so be careful whose updates you accept. You could get a virus like OP

Your lack of happiness and feelings of despair are demonic entities and dark powers sucking you dry and leading you to death. Take the last red pill Adam.

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Time to KYS, user. No one is going to miss you anyways

Back to Jow Forums and remember to stay poor incel. This is a capitalistic board not your ethnosocialist wet fantasy.

Same feel. It's even worse if you are partial mutt surrounded by full breed chimps. The darkest timeline for me.

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Buy chainlink and take phenylethylamine

Good thing Jow Forums is wrong about everything.

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>bunch of racist, misogynistic incels who sperg about everything and think that being white makes up for being a failure in life
>"generally correct"

/pol is a shithole filled with sad lunatics and pathetic losers who blame anyone but themselves for how shitty their life is

Let your suffering be your teacher
>t. Budda, Jesus

Existence is the literal Hell (Jesus) Suffering (Budda) until you ego death (Budda) or take everything as entertainment (clown-pill)

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pol has been filled with reddit teir centrist fags since 2016
Don't get me wrong, it was always a shit board, but now it's a shit and cucked
Nihilism is gay, there's plenty to live for, plenty of beauty in the world, but you have to go out and find it.

batman;tas joker voice?

You are either in denial or have not done enough research about the truths of race, women and other things concerning the state of the world

You either find out the truth or keep on living in your little fairy-lala-land

fuck off cuck

op do the world a favor and start killing niggers, jews ,mexicans or hindus. these are the fucking animas that make shit unbearable for whites. kill them gun them down, poison them burn them out anything just fucking kill