Ok, the price pumped exactly when you started your thread. It held until now so I guess there really is something coming, uh? What other breadcrumbs do you have for us today?
Sorry knock knock insider
Wait until its night, you nigger.
that they are selling more
Link to thread
Its night in Australia cunt
People need to refrain from using the N word. Either time them out or boot their asses
I bought in just in time thanks to knock knock. Praise kek I’m a poor fag with only 45 links I just want to make it boys
So much this. This is supposed to be a safe space, so please stop using racist and ableist slurs, cis-bigots
45 million dollars sounds pretty good
>45 Links
I remember when everyone sub 20k used to be a linklet here. Time has changed so fast.
I remember the time before you loser redditors flooded my board with your centralized soi token.
Please don’t use the word “ass”, it’s very insensitive. I was anally molested by a nigger and the word triggers me, thank you for understanding.
Trans nigger kike faggot
The 700K transaction to binance exactly after this pump is also suspicious. I wasn't sure if they were selling before but now it looks that way.
Shut up you fucking nigger if you are hurt by words then just kys.
OH NO the NIGGERS at Jow Forums destroyed your beautiful ASCII art fren, here I'll fix it for you
I love how /biz buys into any larp no matter how vague it is. If you actually think that even insiders at Chainlink or any other company have some foresight into exactly what their stocks share price will be at any given point, you're legitimately retarded.
Everybody that stacks on LINK can sit back, chill and wait 2 years.
Thanks fren, how based of you
Difficult to pinpoint a pump minutes before unless you're the market maker or know the info from them. Not that difficult to understand this, unless you're a retard.
It’s called freedom of speech nigger
Riiight, except it's not, especially when literally every thread has a 'link insider'. Let's also ignore he claimed $5.2+ and we didn't even come close to reaching 3.
you guys know this is link jesus right? hea a fucking faggot making these threads for attention
Nobody talked in absolutes. I said it is difficult to pinpoint a pump with minute accuracy. I don't believe it will pump to $5.2 either. Can't really argue it wasn't an interesting thread and occurrence. What's your point, faggot? Just to be a contrarian? Congrats, you made it.
He told us to look for product placements related to Link
No, just to point out that you're retarded and fell for one of that hours 10 larpers claiming to be insiders. I'm sure if you check the catalog there's another larping faggot who has some anons losing their shit, so don't feel bad, or miss out on their breadcrumbs.
I don't fall for anything. I've been in since the ICO, top 200. I have the patience and wisdom of a saint. Suck me. Not here with no 100$ lunch money.
> I didn't fall for anything!
> In his thread
> Entirely about how he fell for a larp
Go to bed user
I too find it odd that the pump began right after his post. I'll give that insider some merit.
> reading comprehension of an 22 year old with low synapses
Wish you the best, user. Invest in yourself. Stop being retarded.