Other urls found in this thread:
thats so fucked up glad i sold and moved on to better projects who dont dump on their investors
He can’t exit scam, he would be hunted down by autists and probably killed. Or best case picked up by the SEC.
They will backburner this shit, give low energy presentations every few months and drop breadcrumbs and tease possible partnerships that never fully materialize.
Paid faggot fudders probably putting their entire paychecks into LINK
No one is dumb enough to do that.
Most linkers are newfags who don't understand that it's not okay to own a 65% premine. Holding a premine was the main form of crypto scam before ICOs were invented. Newfags think something will prevent this Cayman islands company from slowly dumping their huge stack and exit scamming.
Guess what, linkers, there's a reason why Sergay registered his company in the Cayman islands: rules don't apply there. He can do whatever the fuck he wants, and right now he's sitting on $1 billion worth of useless ethereum tokens, which he will dump to the ground without remorse.
It’s the classic pyramid scheme.
not paid just warning people of this scam
reminder you still have time to make it
Aug 2-4 trufflesuite/Microsoft
Aug 19-21 Web3 Summit
Sept 12th Binance US Ban
Sept 14 PSD2
Sept 15-19 Oracle Code One
Sept 23-26 SIBOS/SWIFT
Octo 19-20 Diffusion (twitter.com
the classicest
The fact you even bother makes it obvious you're just FUDing, whether you're paid or not is a different question. You're probably just some butthurt redditfag. You don't really care about calling out scams, you're just trying to cause confusion and panic. Niggers wouldn't be attacking LINK this much in spite of all the evidence if it were a scam anyway, they wouldn't spend all of their time making 1000 threads on the same shit daily for weeks just to try and point out a scam, it's unnatural. You're just being a faggot.
This is how they try to get you guys, let me break this list down so no one falls for the scam...reminder you still have time to make it
>Aug 2-4 trufflesuite/Microsoft
Thomas is doing a link demo, literally nothing
>Aug 19-21 Web3 Summit
another pointless conference
>Sept 12th Binance US Ban
They think binance banning americans will "stop the price suppression" lmfao this makes NO sense
>Sept 14 PSD2
psd2 had NOTHING to do with link, give me ONE citation where psd2 and chainlink have anything to do with each other
>Sept 15-19 Oracle Code One
Another pointless conference
>Sept 23-26 SIBOS/SWIFT
Go look at the website for this conference, CHAINLINK ISNT EVEN LISTED WTF, not tricking me!
>Octo 19-20 Diffusion
Another no name conference
This is how hard they try to disguise their scam. So mister if your so smart show me where sibos has chainlink listed...ill wait for your proof
...im waiting for that proof where you guys keep saying chainlink will be at sibos....
newfag maybe instead of hanging out on metokurs shitty videos 24/7 you should actually lurk Jow Forums for the breadcrumbs we find. How fucking MAD are you faggots. Such disingenuous little kikes.
If you are genuine you are a 110 IQ smug retard, congratulations; you'll never make it though
Nice digits
i love how you guys get angry and start swearing instead of trying to prove me wrong, i guess that makes me right. IM STILL WAITING FOR PROOF CHAINLINK IS GOING TO SIBOS 19 im waiting...
the only mad I see are you fags. spending hours trying to FUD chainlink
Such a shame about Jim, I thought he was smarter than most other e-celebs but turns out he's just a pussy like the rest. The only difference is that he ignores criticism and pretends not to notice. How stupid can people be when they arrive in the middle of a dump and laugh without simply zooming out? When Link hits over $100 im considering hiring a team of people for the express purpose of shitting on and tormenting no-linkers for 8 hours a day it would be glorious
I think anything he touches he ruins. Jow Forums is one thing that he has ruined and Terry Davis is another.
>d-don't say swears!
nobody is mad, quite the contrary everyone that's been here for more than a few months is either laughing at you or just sees you as yet another retard. Here's a tip for you. Most anons who have invested in chainlink were already here for the technical discussion and have put in thousands of dollars for the last two years when chainlink was under $1. Now things are starting to pick up and all of the oldfags with the knowledge already have accumulated more links than you'll ever be able to get even if you poured every cent into it right this very second. None of them have any interest in spelling out why it's a good investment to dime a dozen fuckwits like yourself who come here and beg for information all day. I'm not even an oldfag myself but I've seen buffoons like you on t he daily, I even spoonfed them but it gets tiring after answering the same question 20 times.
I have my 10k stack. You can be a pussy and sit on the sidelines, I don't really give a fuck either way because if you understood anything about this project you would know nobody needs nor wants you to invest in LINK. That's why there's so much FUD. And another thing; most of the FUD you see on this site is from the oldfags trying to get you to stay away because they despise people like you and now I can see why. Hell you probably haven't even read to this point which likely shows a lack of resolve.
On that note, link is a confirmed scam and you shouldn't buy it the devs are dumping 700k as we speak
none of this shit will affect the price because everyone already knows about it. Maybe it would mean something if we were some sort of tight knit secret group, but we're not
why don't you just say priced in? I know you do it every other thread you fucking idiot.
please tell me how the fuck something we already know is going to happen would affect the price, unless it was like "LINK is getting a Super Bowl advertisement" where a lot of unawares would be learning about it and buying in
Yes, premine is what we used to call it in 2015
How old are you?
Hey faggot, just a heads up; people pay for promotion, not defamation. There is no such thing as a paid fudder, only paid marketers exist, ie, 70% of the LINK chatter here is roleplaying pajeets.
Probably because most other people don't know it's going to happen, like with the coinbase listing. It's difficult to gauge just how far ahead knowledge vs price action is, but just because a few anons here have shitposted about it doesn't mean it's priced in yet.
Who is "everyone"? Consider how the normal investor sees something, they typically don't stalk the CEO of a single company for years at a time and look up the personal life of everyone they are seen in public contact with
>if you understood anything about this project
Unfinished whitepaper with no mention of how to actually create a network of decentralized oracles. 0 (ZERO) patents, 0 research papers, 0 technical updates to developers. Be honest with yourself, you’re LARPing as a techie, you are a clueless and newtard faggot lying to his parents about what a good investor he is.
Ask yourself this, if Chainlink is so revolutionary and amazing, why didn’t the team get hundreds of millions in Venture Capital funding? Why did they have to resort to a scammy Ethereum ICO to rake in autism NEET money? Legit projects and ideas get funds, scams get ETH.
Token not needed.
Because it's a scam obviously, didn't you read my post? You're right it's basically just a JSON parser!
Imagine being retarded enough to be this naive.
im just tryin to clear the air. i know its a lot for your mind to handle that chainlink isnt listed on sibos but you keep saying they are going lmfao it would be nice if you provided proof for your claims
stay mad retard
>70% of the LINK chatter here is roleplaying pajeets.
Now we know where some of that 700k stack is going.
There's definitely someone paying for the non-stop shilling. Whether it's the pre-ICO faggots, Usman Chowdry's "influencing agency", or Sergey himself, someone is trying to simulate a grassroots movement emerging from Jow Forums and they are going hard at it.
...and they've been gong hard at it for more than a year.
When a lie is repeated often enough it becomes the truth.
ITT: OP perpetually BTFO and then disappears to guzzle cum somewhere else.
>When a lie is repeated often enough it becomes the truth
That's what the "meme magik" apologetics will have you believe. It supposedly goes by creating a quagmire of sterile memery and wishful chanting. It's the nu-cancer of for Jow Forums.
delusional, cant believe you scammers are saying link will be at sibos when any retard can go to the website and clearly see theres ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT LINK
>someone is trying to simulate a grassroots movement
'astroturfing' is the expression you are looking for- fake grassroots
the fud/fudders are reaching $5 eth levels
astroturfing it is.
all 200 layers of link astroturf here on Jow Forums
it's not a premine because it's not minable in first place, retard. the tokens were generated/minted, not "premined".
ethereum tokens didn't even exist in (the first half of) 2015 so nobody referred to eth tokens are premined
ok, fare enough, not premined, hoarded by the devs.
Shit is worse than XRP, they at least try to hide with (((escrow))).
look at the trend for premined coins, always goes to zero