>he thinks he’s gonna make it
>he doesn’t lift regularly
Why would you do that to yourself?
He thinks he’s gonna make it
i'm lazy
it's easier to jerk off all the time and relax
why is that so hard for some of you to understand
iz fokin zeez m8
>runs from constructive adversity
>constructive adversity
wow when you put it like that it really changes everything
i've seen the error of my ways
You look like shit and everyone is embarrassed for you.
Muscle is for manual laborers. I am energy efficient
i'm tall, have a handsome face, and i have a girlfriend
i also get regular exercise, i just don't go lift things over and over again like a fucking retard
I'm only doing all different types of push ups and prison workouts. I try to do at least 50 push ups a day when things get busy. I've seen pretty good results. You faggots don't understand how /comfy/ it is being Jow Forums and holding link. Keep lifting bro, i will join you once I go back to uni. Whats your max? mines 140
I lift 3x a week though alongside cardio activity
Jogging, twats
kek. that's richard right the fat boi billionaire.
80lbs weighted push ups for 15 reps
As if those superficial details matter. Get in shape faggot or die of heart failure or diabetes at 40 and watch your gf get fucked by Tyrone from hell
Lifting is a meme. You get bigger but nobody will love you for it, and it really won't make you much healthier than people who just do sports. If you're autistic lifting won't get you laid, you'll just get complimented from time to time and you'll uncomfortably sweat off these compliments and suffer because you have no idea what to do when other people shows interest in you.
I still do it though, but because it's cheaper than doing martial arts or requires less dedication than being good at a sport. Just an hour or so thrice every week so it's a minimal investment. The only thing going for lifting is that it's the most efficient time/reward ratio.
>In before: "I don't do it for girls/self esteem/ego"
Don't try to fool me.
how shameful it is for a man to reach old age without ever knowing the limits of what their body is capable of.
I go to the gym 4 times a week. Nothing too hardcore, but enough to feel healthy. Also try to keep a balanced diet
how shameful it is for a man to reach old age without ever knowing how the insides of a vagina feel like
-Chad Thundercock
OP is right. You need physical, mental and financial gains to truly make it.
pushups/pullups/squats is all you need
i lifting regularly. Started 3 months ago and since then i never sold any Link. After swinglinking degeneracy i lost 10k links from 60k so right now I'm training my body and soul to hold strong, like true Link marine
Unironically can't afford the calories to make gains. I'm living on like $5 a day.
I have a grade 2 systolic heart murmur.
I used to lift not anymore
I'd rather not get a year attack in the gym
Never took any preworkout because of this
>thinking vagina is important at all
once you have it, you realize its not worth the effort
-anyone with a brain
Lifting heavy weights makes your balls shrinks and causes low test when your older. Cardio is healthier and you'll live longer
Buy dried lentils buck fifty a pound. Put three bags in slowcooker. Add spices. Fill to top with water.
Throw in 2 pounds of ground chicken 5-6 bucks that you fried and broke into pieces.
Throw in a dozen fried eggs-1-2 dollars.
Cook for 5-8hrs and feed yourself for 1-2+ weeks
Total cost= About 12 bucks
Tastes great with ramen add another 3-4 bucks for a week of ramen
perfect, saved, thank you
Ironic seeing as OP posted a pic of Zyzz
My routine:
07:00 Wake up
07:15 Run (5km)
07:40 Cold shower
07:55 Meditate
08:15 Mindset Training
08:45 Dress and groom
09:00 Travel to office
09:15 Take action
15:00 Gym
16:00 Travel home
17:00 Study hour
18:00 Boxing
19:30 Drive home
20:00 Fuck
21:00 Visualization Training
22:00 Read
23:00 Asleep
Yes this is my personal blog and yes I am more successful than you and yes it is purely down to my consistently repeating this routine for years on end.
There is no external force. It’s all you. And you’re probably letting yourself down.
>the most efficient time/reward ratio
This, but I think you underestimate how big a deal this is.