Im thinking about longing btc with 5x leverage for around 3 BTC, please talk me out of this

im thinking about longing btc with 5x leverage for around 3 BTC, please talk me out of this
I think the king is primed to launch, this is classic bear trap

Attached: beartrap.png (979x810, 74K)

WTF is that chart

This shit is about to dump, not even tether can save this ponzi.

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Buy call options instead

I dont know thats too risky, not even tether could pass 13k, what makes you think it will this time, with the trend fucked

what is a call option?

This is the iq of the average bulltard

Ask me how I know bobros are gonna win

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Google "deribit" and read their FAQ

do it faggot

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The thing is while you may be right about the macro level trend of a bear trap, you will get fucked by a manipulated red candle which will liquidate your position before it gets to your target.

Just don’t fucking over leverage like a retard and you’re fine

Hardly 'fine' 1 scam wick like we saw a few weeks ago hits liq at any leverage, stops can be ignored if the system is overloaded too.

any stop below 9200 is never going to be hit

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Do it then, pussy

>stops can be ignored if the system is overloaded too.
does that really happen ?

thx for the tip, i just signed up
I have 0,7 BTC for yolo, what is the next step?

yes lmao, you should go visit the bitmex trollbox and see people cry over it when these extremely high volume wicks occur

well I guess they deserve it for using niggmex

I’m short 150k usd right now on 1-1 leverage. I will add to it shortly.

I won't. Expecting 11.2k to be broken by monday and then it's all sunshine and rainbows

Lmao that’s not shorting, that’s hedging in fiat

I guess technically you short the instant you sold but just no

long high short low, the /biz way

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he can still get liquidated

I went long 3x leverage at 10300

Do only DCA or you will KYS

Market cycle is ~4 years between bubbles. Your 2 years early user. More side-trading still to go.

>Market cycle is ~4 years between bubbles.
> price history less than 9 years

Attached: well then.gif (325x252, 891K)

11 years

I only use deribit, they have never ignored stops so far.

No I can’t. I have literally no liquidation at rice. But I will make it a 3 to 1 short if we hit 12k

Nobody traded BTC for the first two years of its existence. There's no real price history before 2010/2011

You aren't going to make it if you don't take any risk

talking about 4 years cycles is such a young market is ridiculous

Don't be retard you will get liquidated. 2x leverage max