What does /biz think about this?

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it's covered in veves and other symbolism to benefit the issuer

paper currency = papal currency = religion = to bind ( book binding, scribing, keeping state )

>for the dolls
>clay dead entities made of semen and blood
>your strawman identity which is being used to defraud you of your dividends as a participant of the corporation of the americas

looks like the A.I. agrees with this one.

watch/listen everything from sevan bomar

What about this one

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You can never put virtue on a dollar
and every time you put virtue to paper they either hang it up on a wall or perserve in a story.

really needs to explanation


I think that debt-free paper currency can be a useful tool for bringing a nation out of an economic rut but ultimately doesn't last.

one out of 7 actually hits the topic. why wouldn't it last long?

i think that it's always been pozzed

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because of (((them)))
they will come and try everything to install a central bank

let's assume (((they))) dont exist, what other reason would cause a failure

there is no other reason

if (((they))) wouldn't exist it would change so much I cant even fathom thinking about it.

probably some garbage like growing logistical problems in a globalized economy gibberish, probably it would work if you tried hard enough but that's just wishful thinking user

Pretty much the only reason it doesn't work, Jews manipulate global affairs and destroy your country. What do you think Libya was about?

If I remember correctly Libya aka Gaddafi wanted to start selling oil in either rubles or yuan
both of course unacceptable for murrica the surrogate state of (((them)))

Nope, he wanted to create a new currency backed by gold and African oil futures, this is a no no.

yes big no no indeed equally unacceptable and a great reason to start a war

Not even really a war, more like a global build up of hype and hatred followed by an assination, and then a complete withdrawl after he's dead.

Well it leaves the people at the mercy of the issuer of the currency, it opens the nation up to counterfeiting and just like with interest-bearing paper currency, the true value is nothing outside of the "medium of exchange".