My hands are getting weak

My hands are getting weak.
What are some legitimate fud on this shit??
I'm about to market sell my stack

>inb4 pajeet/chinkscam/tradesatoshi/sjw

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Honestly I hope it hits 50 sats. I will unironically go all in.

total supply 12,600,000,000

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heh. not if i go all in at 1 sats

If it goes down after that so be it. I will not sell until 2500

whales would never invest in a competitor of eth, they have big investments in eth already, they will never devalue his own investments

You'll be selling near the bottom amigo, don't do it
the only legitimate fud is too many roasties on the team + a stupid high supply

>implying we need billion dollar eth whales

This shit is at a 20fucjinf mil market cap. Even dolphins buying it will send it to Mars

The high supply is for staking I think. It's basically a fake supply number and it will virtually go down as the node runners stake them.

the devs dump 700k as soon as any positive price actions happens and they have 600m more tokens to dump

hows that for fud

harmony dont have a competent blockchain marketing guy, its seems its just an app for apple, they are not so smart

Best tech worst performing coin. This market is full of retards.

they are a bunch of chink nerds that canot sell anything, look justin sun, tron is a total shiet in tech, but sold it for billions

They have already sold shitty startups to big tech.

If they get a similar thing here then it’ll send us to an eth like market cap

Tron is useful for gambling

etherium at the end will end buying any new good tech this coin have, at the end will absorb harmony, like any other big tech company do, buying harmony is like a buy a small fraction of an ether

Dude what the fuck are you smoking man? Eth a decentralized protocol is gonna “buy” harmony? Are you retarded?

Tradesatoshi listing will be good, why are you guys so negative about listing there?

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exactly is the modus operandi of successful sole programers, always sold his app to a company, this time is not different

you clearly have no idea what you are saying, but eth has an alternative but similar system for slashing/staking/PoS but they all seem to agree in the end they will be very similar. All of this TM/ETH2 stuff is new and they are still sharing ideas.

You’re a retard man, ethereum is a decentralized protocol, it has no shareholders to “acquire” companies

Aside all the FUD pussies.
When to expect the pump?

>whales have large ETH bags
Yikes, they really suck at making money

harmonians will never make it


The current back and forth between believers and nonbelievers of Harmony is identical to 1 year ago when ChainLink was around .12 and there were countless posts every hour for months about how ChainLink was gonna go bust. Anyone with a brain realized the price would rise from there. It was just a matter of how much. Welcome to the same shit 1 year later.

its falling off a cliff time bois, strap in

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This should bounce around 80 sats or so.

It's not link, there's your fud

its over, harmony will never recover, save your asses

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Uh oh.

accepting having a cute girl in the team and a bunch of chink nerds dont make a successful coin, you need more than that some big pants.

Gooks insiders are DCA'ing in at these prices. There will be no new exchange bump.


666! 666! 666! 666! The Devil has spoken! We're all gonna be millionaires!!!

lol see you at .005 cents, i will buy your bags

Fuck it, I’m never selling. My life is going too good and I need a reason to off myself eventually.

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buy at these price ranges and you will be C O M F Y

Holy shit it's TRYING to stay under 100 now. This might be it for a long while.

>he fell for the harmony meme
Shouldve gone full in on LINK.

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Hard to convince me Link will make it to $15 before Harmony can make it to .05 but possible I guess. I just always like the multi bag chances of those .01 coins.

Ok, we're moving back up now. Time to take it to new levels.

well they tried at least lol...

If you want cheap bags look into SENT. It is a much more promising project

Anyone who takes one look at this and doesn't market sell their stack has severe brain damage

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Why do we need thread for this shitcoin? Dump your fucking bag and take the loss faggot. Put your money in Link or Ren and you will recover your losses.


Didn’t read forever buying

xrp has 9999999 billion supply, supply literally doesn't matter faggot