Too many doomsday boomer bagholders waiting for a moon that never happens. Get out while you can. This shit is going to 0.
Silver has been a sucker investment since the 1980's. The only thing it's good for is pump & dump because once in a while it moons only to then lose its gains.
>The only thing it's good for is pump & dump
cue OPs mom
Silver has kept up with inflation
How is it possible that something thats been in the same range for 100 years beat inflation?
There are still bagholders from the 1970's when silver was $50+.
They bought the top of massive FOMO
And at the beginning of that decade silver was about 2 bucks an ounce
Bitcoin has been one of the best performing assets of the last decade, obviously beating the inflation rate of the USD despite the fact that there are leftover bagholders from buying the top at 19k. You aren't disproving any point.
>This shit is going to 0.
Silver will literally never go to 0 and in fact you'll likely never see silver below $15 ever again.
The funny thing is that they buy PM when it moons, stupid people be stupid xD
silver is pretty cheap.
i have 1kg prepped for doomsday.
>imagine paying 20% more for some shiny rock and having to wait 30 years to break even on your investment
Just buy a silver ETF you mongoloids boomer fucks
But you can't even profit off of those pnd's if you buy in real life since there is a huge spread plus tax when buying or selling
tfw too smart to fall for the silver scam
Holding metals is not waiting for them to go up, it’s waiting for the fiat scam to crash. Which they all inevitably do.
For instance, 1oz. of silver in Venezuela money is 4million Venezuela dollars which is about 400,000 usd. Now someone told me that was the bank rate and that a regular couldn’t make that trade but my point is that silver is for holding not trading. All fiat currency goes to zero in the long run but gold and silver have been in play for thousands of year. How can you call that a scam.
omg i have to sell my silver in venezuela
US is only a couple decades of socialism from becoming Venezuela.
lad... I think we got an idea
Recently inherited some silver from my Grandpa. (RIP) Where's the best place to monitor price changes? And where would I sell or buy more from? Being an oldcoiner I never got into precious metals.
Monitor the price on kitco, buy from jmbullion/providentmetals/apmex, sell to those sites or ebay or a coin shop
Thanks user
Good luck getting it into the country
yeah and getting out lmao
Trustverse is the new silver. Asia 2020, my friend.