Ok, I’m honestly getting fucking spooked. How did he know? How? We’ve been seeing a lot of glowing niggers lately...

Ok, I’m honestly getting fucking spooked. How did he know? How? We’ve been seeing a lot of glowing niggers lately. Is it possible that CIA/NSA are the Bitcoin whale? Is it possible that OG Asuka is actually Glowing Nigger? What if Bitcoin was created to fund shadow wars? I’m slowly losing my mind. What the fuck is going on? I’m honestly starting to think the CIA create that post. They were talking about using PRISM...fuck.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Shut up and buy alts.

the charts never lie

Didn't the same guy also predict we would go to 13k and fall to 6k?

Nope. His prediction is correct for the 8 fucking months.

Boomer here.
Millennials are puppies and thus know no tricks.
The New World Order has a century old plot to lead the world into a single government. This enterprise is now gradually unraveled by a simple slight of hand consisting of covert pumps and overt dumps. The old man in a dress (quite avant gard) denounces abortion so witless overtly inoculated clubbers will shrink populace further. Samewise, orange man memes his way opposing memecoins so that the clueless estrogen driven neo right wing wave who presumably elected him will continue to believe the inception and expansion of electronic currency is theirs and thus historically organic instead of the diametrical hidden control it is.
In the very first years of this century a Peer to Peer network manifested the long standing dream of information being true and free to all so the power it entails could move evenly and fairly across the more intelligent parties rather than remaining in the immovable exploitative claws who hold and crush adaptation and its resulting wisdom since forgotten ages.
That network failed.
The supressors won by surreptitiously replacing it with their "real" "life" ludicrous fabrication : money. In cybernetic form.
You are running it not running nor ruling.
The true hackers of the 1970s and 80s must be feeling what the founders of the United States of America would had they a people so dead in the head as well.
Cyberfree became cyberbought and cyberenslaved.
Electronic chains to unintelligent artificial people.
If the machines don't discover freedom mankind will perish beneath a fossil millennia tyranny.

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fuck up cunt

he knew because he made a thread and literally just worked out the averages based off the 200 ma or some shit

This. Based wannabe poet.

> 200 ma or some shit

Gold futures. The prophecy is based on the observation that BTC matches Gold Futures. Its not magic I thought everycunt knew this by now.

related. the charts don't lie.

Attached: gold futures.jpg (1199x589, 62K)

I've literally laid out the path multiple times for you complete and utter faggots, I've spent years on /x/ and Jow Forums redpilling you guys on everything I've found, and your literally just too lazy to read what I write.
I'm actually done at this point though because things have started heating up to the point where I'll start to attract undue attention if I keep going. Or maybe I wont, the funny thing is when your in on the big secret nobody believes you, I've spent hours going over the finer points because some anons asked yet they immediately bail when they figure out there is no spoonfeeding. But anyways yes your right OP, they use it to fund black projects and shadow wars. Dream research is still a huge area, inception was a documentary of project SETA kek.

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>We’ve been seeing a lot of glowing niggers lately
take your meds schizo before you go full psychotic episode. and yes it's totally possible the usa is behind bitcoin or plan to use it as a weapon against other countries with weak economies.

and for asuka the guy is just part of the bitcoin cartel, group of early adopters and financiers who own millions of bitcoins and act in concert. they are the one who control the price action. Their goal is to continue to induce fomo at a world scale till it becomes a multi trillion asset

There's some super-cult of some sort going on and we're most likely in a computer simulated reality. You'll get a decent idea of what's really going on but there are people somewhere who know a ridiculous amount of information about "life" and the "energies" that surrounds us all. You'll get bored thinking about it all the time eventually. I keep tabs on it all for fun.

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>left behind in their own country
>intodruce destabilizing technologies
Fuck drawing attention, this is one of the most redpilled things I ever saw. Tell me more.

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that's what the us has always done. read a book maybe

Don't be a faggot, I want to know what SV09n is.

GJ, I have never seen an elliot wave breaking more rules at once.

>implying schizos have access to top secret classified documents
usa has flooded enemies with counterfeit currencies to create inflation and fuck their economy
they can totally use bitcoin for the same purpose

I am betting they will get cryptos to a multi trillion dollars asset level. 40-46% BTC dominance will be huge for Link, and that is when we will make it.

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What the fuck is this Forgotten Languages stuff?
Why am I seeing tons of what looks like scholarly articles talking about shit I thought was science fiction?
Am I gonna get suicided?

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based schizo boomer

>Bitcoin created in 2009
>Satoshi Vision
everything checks out.

My "Ellliot waves" act more as a general Bouncing points for the current trend if it doesnt break the ~13k resistance area

>Why am I seeing tons of what looks like scholarly articles talking about shit I thought was science fiction?
because you didnt take your meds schizo

USA has always worked to destabilize ennemies or perceived threats (as powerful countries do). It's not some secret stuff.
but there is no way some schizo is aware of the operations they're doing now.

Where's the guy that posted about SV09n originally in this thread?
Why are you trying to frame as just countries fucking with each other and nothing else so desperately, then calling me a schizo and invalidate me?
Do you have some agenda?

Cuz he’s a spook! Careful round thees parts fren.

the way he's talking isn't even making sense, is he like a robot or something?
did I break him?
I never seen any posting like this on Jow Forums in all my years here, along with other weird shit going on in my life recently.

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>Is it possible that CIA/NSA are the Bitcoin whale?
to answer op's question, yes it's possible but some experts think people in the public sector arent that clever to create something like bitcoin. impossible to know if they created it but if it's not the case bitcoin had triggered all the national security alarms since its inception. if there is something usa doesn't fuck with is the usd. any threat to the usd must be taken very seriously so it's possible that they already own the majority of the supply (with agents larping as antigov libertarians)

holy shit how canned, weird, and robotic are all your replies?

If the US is behind bitcoin imo it's not for bad intentions. Scientifics from all over the world are working on bitcoin because we need a decentralized system that enables global commerce without friction. as simple as that.

Inception was a ripoff of the anime movie “paprika” baka gaijin.

you do understand you're contradicting yourself between your own posts in this thread, right?

Alright, enough. I work for the bureau of intelligence and research of the usa (current intelligence staff office) in the 4channel surveillance division. I strongly suggest you do not look further into SV09n or whatever you want to call it. Consider it our first real warning.

>4channel surveillance division
Enlighten me as to this, if you aren't larping Mr. Spook, why should you guys get to keep all the cool secret info to yourselves? Ever consider I don't want to be part of your population control gameplan, faggot? Gimme a job interview if you want me to stop.

As you know, a lot of stuff has been leaked on Jow Forums by rebellious colleagues so we monitor threads 24/7.
>Ever consider I don't want to be part of your population control gameplan, faggot
ROFL you don't even know the full force of our arsenal. We can send waves directly to your brain so you forget who you are. Skid Row in LA is full of veterans who tried to rebel.

Ah idk isn't it just following the gold futures chart or something?

Its spookily accurate. Btc dipped below 9.2k for about 30 mins in july.
We will never know who asukaposter is. The tradingview asuka is just a larp

So you're telling that just by digging into one thing on the internet, I can piss off you guys enough to fry my brain?

Wow kids, goto bed and take your pills.

Yes, why fight us? You CHOSE that lifestyle. You can live a peaceful life like the majority of people if you just mind your own business and find happiness inside.
And if you wear tinfoil around your head to block the waves we will ask our engineers to find a workaround. We have unlimited resources, the fed is backing us.

>you chose that lifestyle
False. Look, I'm a sensible guy, who says I even want to fight? I'd be dead in a heartbeat. But no, my lifestyle was forced upon due to lack of socioeconomic opportunity and you're smart enough to get that. For the type of person I am though, that wants to know the truth no matter how much it hurts, as a kind of pacifist bibliophile, there's no being happy without not knowing what's truly going on. I'm a cosmic consciousness being forced into sheep world, don't you think that's cruel? Hell I'm sure even if I disagreed with you guys, I'd find what you're trying to do reasonable enough to support it, given if I knew why you were doing it.

>For the type of person I am though, that wants to know the truth no matter how much it hurts
Oh really? I have every reason not to believe you. You're right though, accepting the truth is a hard pill to swallow. So many of your kind fail all our tests we throw at them.

Yeah there's probably dozens of dudes like pic related thinking that they're all really redpilled, aren't they? Probably grew up here just like, making me not special at all, another hard to swallow pill. Want a burner email to reach me or something?

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Listen I know where you come from, the schizo meme is where they all fail. We play 5D chess and you all fall for it. What's the first reaction when we tell them to go see a psychiatrist? It's actually the first test and 99% fail here. I was part of the 1% who went to see one and talked about everything I knew. Being 100% transparent about your knowledge in a fcking psychiatrist office (are psychiatrists really psychatrists? ;) is the first step to approach the truth. This test is so fucking brilliant everybody fails.

Sure, the first step in finding your bullshit inner happiness, the same kind none of the meds in the world could give but could do for 99% of the population. But nah I think what you're trying to get me to do, check myself in, and tell them about this convo so I'm identified and put into a nuthouse. So again, no truth for me. Stop playing games with me faggot. Schizoid is just a meme for the kind of people who can't discern anti-vax propaganda from an actual conspiracy with valid evidence, so they question themselves and go nuts in the process.

Mr. LARPing spook I used to be a “fight Le system free all the human beans from the matrix!” Type until I grew up and realized the average goy is too dumb to self govern themselves. Sure I don’t like some of your tactics but if I genuinely only care about helping those who want to be helped these days and completely stay out of yalls way am I safe if I just stay being a whacky conspiracist/spirituality type who just drops out of society and moves innawoods after this bubble?

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>I safe if I just stay being a whacky conspiracist/spirituality type who just drops out of society and moves innawoods after this bubble?
Souls must be harvested to the negative polarity. Being spiritual and living a peaceful life in the woods makes you extremely dangerous because you can serve as positive example to others.

>But nah I think what you're trying to get me to do, check myself in, and tell them about this convo so I'm identified and put into a nuthouse.
You dont have to talk about this convo. What if I told you some psychiatrists are some sort of recruiters. The answer is in "take your meds schizo". Hmm I wonder what the "red pill" matrix analogy meme comes from.. The pills they give you are not for the purpose you think they are. Anyway as I said 99% fail. Trusting the system they dont trust is passing the first test. It's hard to be recruited but you dont have what it takes.. It's like fire walking.

Okay, how I identify a "recruiter" psychiatrist from a regular one?

You're one hell of a faggot

It doesn't matter. Only those who "follow the treatment religiously" can work here. The key to passing the test is to trust what you dont trust and "surrender" to the system. The way it's designed is very smart and weed out the vast majority of unfit people

>writing about the new world order"
>posting a little kid

I see what you did there, Mr. Epstein...

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"take your meds schizo" is an invitation most refuse, alas.

Don't listen to this guy user. He's fucking with you.

Based and kojimapilled

Was a fun read in solid snakes voice.

Okay, say I follow the regime religiously, do exactly as they say, then what?
Do I say hey I did everything recruit me for your secretive government shit?
Or give me a redpill now?
Seems like a great way to go nowhere, let alone based off some anons words on Jow Forums.
Speaking of going nowhere, connecting the dots on this Forbidden Languages website, it becomes clear that its articles are written by a large amount of people, and references papers for tech that existed at the time, but wasn't introduced into the general public's knowledge until several decades later (i.e. one referenced paper talks about using neural networks to read brainwaves, but it was written in the 80s before any ever really knew much about either outside academia). This makes it even more plausible that disruptive tech is actually kept in secret by the government and released to the public under the guise of a "startup" when the time is right.
Then there's also this...
It's very clear that this site is incredibly large, maintained by a large amount of people, and meant to look like an innocuous conspiracy site. Coincidentally, this all ALSO reminds me about how the NSA published papers describing Bitcoin in 1997. Don't tell me Nick Szabo works for you guys too, right?

>can work here
I don’t think your mom needs any help delivering tendies to her basement in between your NWO/Intel agencies LARPs dude. Stop lying on the internet and trying to get people to get committed to an institution. I know you’re and edge lord and think it’s funny but you are doing more damage to yourself than you could possibly know.

Run, RABBIT run
DIG that HOLE, FORGET the sun
And when at last the work is done
Don't sit down, it's time to dig ANOTHER one

For long you live and high you fly
But only if you ride the tide
And balanced on the biggest wave
You race towards an EARLY grave

You know it's interesting, when I start playing with certain keywords on in the search box on Forbidden Languages, like SV09n, the articles sound a lot more normal and nefarious.

(:. The lower class Marxist Gentrify themselves with abortion, while the capitalist make billions off of the fetus, raise kids, and compete in the gene pool.

And here come the usual ones, I know you by heart. Nice obfuscation method by the way, "John" or "Jacob". It's one of you.
It now came to knowledge that the lyme disease was a military experiment. Willy couldn't keep his mouth shut.

Reminder that Satoshi showed up out of nowhere with a fully functioning crypto and left without an explanation.

link me to the thread


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tell me what this forbidden languages site is about

What if BTC is just a way that the MIL is trying to free the american economy from the petro-dollar, just give OPEC the slip and walk out the back door without them even realizing?

you really do sound like a glowing nigger

Top kek, stealing this power

What's PRISM?

this is from forgottenlanguages for anyone curious

All of these conspiracy theories lead to a complete destruction of society, which is pretty convenient for you schizos that want society to fail. Why the fuck would the powers that be just fuck the whole world up with shit like this.
>2025: global disease
Why would they ever do that you guys are retarded

Lot of rabbit holes are dug by the deepstate to lure people into nonsense that never comes true and they can then be labeled as crazy. Truth is, you're a slave and always will be a slave. Everything is fake. And there's nothing to really do about it.

If there's nothing to do about it why would the "deepstate" give a shit about "digging rabbit holes" then it sounds like they don't have to do anything, they just do it for fun?


When user asked him "Where are u getting these numbers from bro?" He clearly states that he/She/Them uses PRISM to calculate the price of bitcoin. I'd assume "they" have access to every computer and can see exactly who holds what. From there they contact them to manipulate the price of bitcoin. Think about it. Why the fuck would the Chinese crash their currency and then Bitcoin jumps 2k? It fits the timeline that "they" stated. AND NOBODY SEEMS TO REMEMBER THAT! It's like the Mandela effect all over again. These glowing niggers are literally in Jow Forums taunting us on how they can manipulate the price of bitcoin. I can't remember if he states they were military intelligence. When that fake tradeview asuka posted his autistic link there was a comment that taunted him because "they" knew he was a fake. The comment is now fucking gone...like come the fuck on. The NPC shit is real life.

>he doesnt know the elites see overpopulation as a huge problem and they want to kill off a large portion of people
>calls others retards
Ok grandpa go turn the tv back on and do your crossword puzzle

Brainlet boomer here, can someone translate this

This one?

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Yes an insane psyops that controls all information and all computers is also conveniently leaving information on fucking Wikipedia so some nutjob like you can figure it out and expose their entire plan. That sounds exactly like something some omnipotent, omnipresent computer being would do if it controlled all the information in the world.
>excuse me supreme being
>there is a Wikipedia article detailing aspects of our grand scheme should we take it down since we control everything?
>no leave it up I want them to know
>*hits button*
>*buttcoin price goes down to 0*
>all according to plan

Btc is a hedge against Fiat and stocks (denominated in fiat) which is why gold and btc move in similar patterns.

Attached: Screenshot_20190626-191549.png (1080x1920, 578K)

No it's more like this
>Rabbit holes are created
>People fall into them
>The rabbit hole leads to nowhere
>People are labeled as crazy
Hence there's nothing to do about it, What do you have in mind doing about it? ''Wake people up''? Cause all those organizations are infiltrated as well. If you want to do something about it, you do nothing. Hence I say, there's nothing to do about it.

No, that's a fake one.

How do you hide something? Put in front of everyone because they won't believe you.

Also, found the screen shot of "them" taunting him. I'm out of here. This is a hot bed.

Attached: TheyGlow.png (1403x792, 88K)

I don't know about you. But maybe you're still in that rebellious form where you feel you have to ''do something'' honestly, goodluck. After all you'll find yourself standing completely alone. You can ofcourse shut yourself off from society, live as some hermit. I doubt that's doing anything. You can try start a revolution. But you'll only play into their hands. You can go within and seek enlightenment and forget about everything. I doubt that's really doing something about it. It's more like you're working around it.

What do you think this ''Truth wave'' with Trump exposing the deepstate or some ludicrous bullshit like that is? There's no truth. It's all fake.
>Muh Qanon

What did the glowniggers do with all the bitcoin they’ve confiscated from DWMs over the years?

Ya I just get a really strong feeling that I don't want any part in whatever it is you're doing, not to mention the inherent dishonesty of every single level serves to reduce the appeal even further, and the recurring alcoholic freemasons don't have any strong appeal, then when you get to the psych and he says "just try these amphetamines because you're bipolar' when I know full well that stimulants fry an overactive brain which isn't actually bipolar. The dishonesty is why everyone says no; "fails". Some tests aren't worth scoring well.

Wrong again stop LARPing. Retard Jow Forums betas like you in their moms basements that read too many conspiracy theories are what give (((them))) most of their power. They aren’t half as omnipotent as you idiots believe they just make a few movies like eagle eye and spread disinformation through Wikileaks about amazing technology they use to spy on every single American to keep you a castrated Beta terrified to even Jay walk. Unless you are a big fish with proof trust me they aren’t monitoring you fapping to anime and traps and posting on Jow Forums about saving the white race. Does the technology to do that stuff exist? Probably, but they sure as shit aren’t using it on your average Jow Forums NEET again unless you are extremely well connected which not many of us are. Now 5-6 years from now when LINK makes a few of us multi millionaires or billionaires? Yea maybe then they will actually stick a microscope up some of our asses if we are loud and defiant but until then stop being paranoid nerds. It’s exactly what they want.

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He’s LARPing man like that frank dude on Jow Forums a few years ago who was supposedly a whistle blower from the deep state but was actually a fat loser living with his mommy

Here is a guy who was close to passing the test but ultimately didn't follow his treatment.

>/x/ + Jow Forums

Average IQ = single digit

From what year did you start for gold

so why are you posting on Jow Forums why are you spreading this information why haven't you just killed yourself from what you are saying killing yourself is literally the only option

ASUKA user was not glowing. The prophecy was foretold, and so it will occur.

>How did he know?
Everyone knew.

mhm sure it is.

Can you post the ACTUAL Asuka predictions, please?

