he doesn't hold the only coin destined to shoot to the moon and beyond in a month

> he doesn't hold the only coin destined to shoot to the moon and beyond in a month
> he does not know or accept the decentralized AI-driven smart-cities coming with 5G. Literally the whole world will be running on iexec
> he doesn't know a major major exchange listing is about to be announced
> he is a fat faggot
everybody not holding at least 10k RLC should basically just kys. Its the only coin that matters.

Attached: iexec.jpg (1050x1050, 46K)

also sidechain + bag of tasks for v4 soon. This will be big. Ignore the fud. Accumulate and you will be rich!

When is the major exchange listing going to be announced and any source for it? Why won't it dump upon the exchange listing like every other coin? Shits been bleeding since day 1 mayne I'm looking into RLC and its promising. I might pick up a bag.

I wish I could accumulate

just buy and thank me later, I have insider infos I can't reveal

Team doesn't matter with marketing and exchanges, they are setting at thousands of ETH and could list RLC on Kucoin or Bithumb

Stop buying 2017 trash-coins, and ride the 2019 waves, in case you haven't noticed. Buy UND.

Attached: Screenshot_20190806-140012__01.jpg (1080x1210, 297K)

I don't know anymore if this is Gilles Fedak in a desperate attempt to keep the tranny scam alive or a desperate indonesian bagholder trying to have his rupees back

fuk off bitch, I'm from algeria and know a lot of the team personally.

Cheap trannies in algeria?



Attached: reee (1).jpg (800x522, 30K)

No, very expensive. We usually stone or burn them.

dont worry no one is buying so you can accumulate as much as you want


lol how bad can the marketing guy be? He's setting deadlines to announce annoucements and missing them, also hyping random stuff right now without even revealing things he hyped before.

they are desperate

>Team doesn't matter with marketing
Bullshit, they hype up every little announcement as hard as they can, and even resort to top Pajeet-tier comparison charts.

I already made it. I'm going to buy 50k more

> He thinks the team needs to scoop down to fulfill every little investors wish
LMAO this is the best fud you have? Another proof that iExec is literally unfuddable

lol that's the difference between a team and a scam group. I think you can't make them apart with your pajeet morals.

stfu neet. Everybody holding RLC will be millionaire next year, while yu will be in street eating pig dirt.

It's over Gilles, no one is paying for your trannies anymore

So extremely


true, fren. millionaires 2020 yeeet

true, fren. millionaires 2020 yeeet

true, fren. millionaires 2020 yeeet

>He thinks the team needs to scoop down to fulfill every little investors wish
Sure looks like they're doing exactly that.

Attached: iexec cringe marketing.png (2912x2088, 1.86M)


This level of pajeetery

and they overdelivered on all promises. You are just to stupid to see it.

Yes Prahmaneesh, go poop now

>and they overdelivered on all promises.
No they really didn't.
t. the market.

And even if they did, that type of announcement is top Pajeetery.

the market is retarded. Real investors know this should be in the top 50. They have Intel and Alibaba!!!!!

yesz ranjeet the market is wery wery dumb, Blair is a marketing genius.


stay .poor

To all normal anons: remember that you're arguing with pic related

Attached: rlscammers2.jpg (599x599, 77K)

Blairjeet is their marketing genius and stuttering autistic Julien is their head of communications kek

instant red flag, would rather buy justin sun shills than this shit

I’m forever rekt. My average price is $1.50. This shit will fuck me until I die

At least justin sun is honest about spending money on marketing. These guys sit on more than 40 million but act all high and mighty and refuse to spend any money on new exchanges after getting delisted from bittrex and binance us. All they can come up is hyping a new exchange but then it turns out its only a dex, and then they don't even deliver that because they 'are waiting for liquidity' whatever that means.

It's so bad tha I don't think anyone could come up with worse marketing and strategy than this. It's like they try the hardest to make the token fail.

Fuck u scott!!

fud. RLC rules.

top 20 man. All these baseless fudders make me even more bullish! I'm literally all in since beginning of 2018 and can't stop buy buying more!

have you considered that your "bullish" feeling might be some kind of stockholm syndrom after incurring repeated, devastating losses and a team that gives 0 fucks about token value?

It's over Gilles, no one is paying for your tranny parties anymore

I feel sorry for you, I don't know if you're really serious but I feel bad.

fuck you, you obviously have never experienced a dip before. RLC will make a new ATH this year, pretty sure, most people in the telegram agree

I have 62k... Is that enough to make it?

You're on a sinking french aids boat, this is not a dip.

You post this in every RLC thread.
This just shows nobody has any solid FUD against RLC itself so they try to imply it is a shill campaign.

63k here. Ill be 1m$ richer than you

and is not?

No, it is not.

everyone in this market is fucking GAY

especially you. Buy RLC now or stfu for ever.

>Literally the whole world will be running on iexec


So you're in every RLC thread, in months, trying to get rid of your lame bags full of shit.
What huge copypasta arguments are you pasting while the ship sinks more and more?

> Ai alibaba microsoft partnerships why such fud are you insane? 10.000 eoy
It was 80 cents, now it's 28 cents

>So you're in every RLC thread, in months, trying to get rid of your lame bags full of shit.
No. I've had my eye on iExec for a few months. Never posted about it until last weekend.
>What huge copypasta arguments are you pasting
No. All my posts are mine. No pasta. Some of us can actually understand the projects we invest in, and have original thoughts.
>It was 80 cents, now it's 28 cents
Cool. I bought at 29 cents so I'm not too stressed. If I did get stressed I would just look at the profits I've earned from when I bought LINK at around the same price.
You have nothing to say about RLC so you're trying to make it about me. You are just proving my point.

agree, it's only a temporary dip. We have reached the bottom and are on our way up.

Post hand with timestamp

You first.

> No actually i'm the king of india, bought some RLC just yesterday, but i check every single pathetic RLC shill thread for months for no reason, i'm obviously capable of thinking my own thoughts, and i'm here doing the same shit every RLC shill does: defend this shitcoin until the last drop of my curry blood, but i assure you i bought it just for accident yesterday
I'm here just to ruin your shilling and make your indonesian livers explode, aids bagholder.

Attached: pjts.jpg (259x194, 8K)

How much RLC do you have mate?

> not so much

Attached: gbp.jpg (421x656, 48K)

>I'm here just to ruin your shilling and make your indonesian livers explode, aids bagholder.
Ok but I'm not Indonesian so image how stupid you sound to me. You are not ruining anything, just making yourself look ignorant. You're too low IQ to bother with any more.

About the same (in token terms) as the amount of LINK I have.

The amount of samefagging from indonesian and algerian RLC shills is out of this world.

> No indonesian no indian
Definitely not pajeets arguments, i feel checkmated by your superior not-curry smelly logic

>the absolute state of iExec fud

I’m an RLC holder, but isn’t the price going to dump when the Binance US ban starts? There’s literally no other exchange to get RLC from

>There’s literally no other exchange to get RLC from

>say false shit to scare RLC holders, the post.

Im not the one shilling shitcoins. Pajeet confirmed

They are desperate, i don't know where all that shilling is aiming at.
Probably they want to bring other people on that aids tranny titanic to not die alone.

I'm just saying what he said is false, as RLC is on multiple DEXes and is getting put on more before they apply for US exchanges around v4.
>imagine not buying the dip

Are you fucking dumb or retarded? Most of the volume is from Binance, and the only alternatives are shitty exchanges no one uses

Attached: A764FDE2-283A-4175-BC61-8314256A29B8.jpg (1536x1064, 693K)

and bittrex is also delisting..

Gilles is making shure every tranny on the planet becomes a sort of RLC ATM
Why such fud, are you insane?

>implying US buyers won't move to DEXes or put RLC in cold storage because it's the next 1000000x
>implying every buyer is from the US
>implying it wont be available to non-US buyers
>implying they won't get it listed on a US exchange before EOY
>implying you aren't a retard if you don't buy this dip
Protip: every time the red line crosses over it moons hard as fuck.

Attached: erreyteyey.png (1318x910, 64K)

This will dump harder than Bitconnect. When does the ban start?

Neither of you have anything to say other than pejeet/indonesian.
I remember the days before the paid pajeet/indonesian fudders learned to racially denigrate themselves in a farcical attempt to blend in. Shame to see them selling their dignity for a few rupees per post.
Prove you are capable of an original thought by making a technical argument against RLC or GTFO.

you're trying too hard. If you want to achieve something go set Blair and julien straight, they're getting you baguette'd hard

that's what you sound like to me

No need to argue with an indonesian shill.
> Same copypastas, same fake announcements, but in the end:
.80 -> .29
And delisting will pull down the price even more

I'm here just to check that no newfags come into your sinking tranny ship

Are Datawallet and iExec natural allies here or what?

Aware me, iExecutives.

Attached: OFJy8yiZ6GoqKSLnBvozq3sJBGLyGNIoTTMbHqYkRTQ.png (1080x1331, 713K)

Who exactly would be paying people to fud a low volume shitcoin? People who get paid to fud get paid to make fud threads not shitpost in rlc pajeet shill threads. How many fud threads about rlc are there right now? Also you still havent posted your hand. You are definitely from Asia or North Africa. Probably Algeria.

And they're doing this shit with the same memes and copypastas every day for months, years, that's ludicrous.

A French aids trannylover named Gilles Fedak is doing that

Attached: RlcShillsB.jpg (917x799, 61K)

true, same pasta, same memes, already 4 threads just right now at the same time. Jumping from one thread to the next one, once one is getting too much heat from people who caught up to their game. And lots of people still think that they aren't a organized and paid group.

Idk why you would buy IExec instead of DXT.

Dxt has products out and is more than just a raj taj mahal for shit jeet data hoping to scrape some transaction fees

>as if users are going to be that active and involved with their data

True desu. Datawallet is a solution that has the potential to become ubiquitous. Long shot obv. Chainlink is number 1 in IExec's space. Game over.

>Chainlink is number 1 in IExec's space.

Attached: 1522706353293.jpg (2544x4000, 865K)

iExec has their own data wallet and marketplace why would they need your shitcoin lmao
>Dxt has products out
>implying iExec doesn't also have products out

"products" that are basically unuseable, have 0 users and stink of baguette and trannies don't count.

Like what

>iexec doesn't have products!
>iexec has unusable (not true) products!
pick one

Again this fake screenshot. :)

what products are out? from my understand they don't work or do what's usable?

At least DXT has working products and the two apps actually show normies what the platform can do