Are you Jow Forums? when did you realise being aesthetic and shredded is more important than being rich?

are you Jow Forums? when did you realise being aesthetic and shredded is more important than being rich?

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god .... gomez is so fucking fine

Fit here, I've been lucky enough to be gifted at sports. I've had six pack abs since I was 11 years old.

im "atheletic" def no jacked but going to put on a good bulk this fall/winter and put on a few pounds. its definitely the alpha move. you could be rich and have the finest bitch of all but when youre walking together in public and she see's a chad walking towards her the only thing hes fantasizing about is his cock inside her.


i have a prison body with about 20% body fat. not aesthetic or shredded because i workout at home. my cardio is push ups

being famous is better than both

Im fat cause i sit trading shitcoins all day.


What does "fit" mean?
If it means healthy and within the recommended BMI, yes I am "fit".

coping Jow Forums poorfag

Same here, played soccer since 7 to 16. Wasn't exactly shredded though. Put on some muscle this schoolyear, but now I'm taking a break from working out. Feels good to still look bigger than 90% of other guys. I thought about getting shredded, but eh, still look good in clothes.

All we want is the body of a woman with the face of a young girl.

Money > fit

It's not like one interferes with the other

>tfw you will never have her

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beta mentality. i can get whatever i want

I’m talking about her specifically

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I'm too secure to need to work out

My manly beard makes me alpha

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You faggots know you can have both right?

>I'm too secure to need to work out

>My manly beard makes me alpha

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Cramming in two solid workouts a day leaves no willpower to do anything else. On the other hand, wagecucking an entire shift leaves no willpower to get a balls to the wall workout. I don't know how the fuck some of you manage to do it, if anybody actually do.

>god .... gomez is so fucking fine
calm down, its just some nonwhite goblina.

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im a zoomer in college

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try preworkout. other than that i have a comfy as fuck home job that i only do 3-4 hours a day and then have time to get a nice 2h gym sesh in and get a sweat going. i feel godly everyday user.

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So this Mexican is not white am I right?

*fat goblina

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Your racism disgusts me. God gave us different flavors so we have the option too choose and yet you choose to spit on it.

don't understand the lust for this sloot, she's ugly-cute, the worst kind of cute. it's prob cause you're ugly and don't have the gusto to go big

nonwhite subhuman

>choosing nonwhites


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she’s a cute and we want her to abuse us like she did to her boyfriend

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aesthetic and shredded is more important than being rich right up until about age 22. from that point on, being "successful" matters more and more.

having said that - nothing outside of Weinstein $$$ is really going to help you if you're a 2/10 and have a repulsive personality. but - if you're a 6/10 guy... maybe struggled in college to hook up with 6/10 girls... if you become successful and have a normal personality - by the time you're in your early 30's, you'll be have no problem with 6's and 7's... and have the potential to score higher.


Why would you want this feminist man hating moron?

Get yourself a real woman, someone who understands the value of a woman in a family, someone who supports her man, doesn't try to be a man too.

Wait take that back, lovely face but really offputting body.

for every child you don’t have we’re breeding latinas for castizo alpha male children

crikey m8 luk @ the gnasha's on that pearla

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because with her 1.80m she is too tall for your manlet ass?
pathetic little man

pathetic racemixer mongoloid mutt

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>breed her and get sons with chad Eric Roberts genes in them
>get daily beatings from her

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you like stretched out children breh

Wealth lets you more easily choose how reliant you want to be on other people. Having a good physique and physical prowess lets you more easily choose how to interact with other people. I choose fitness tbdesu.

Y*kes pedo. If you’re gonna be attracted to children just go all the way and post cunnies.

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>try preworkout
Just make your own. All you need is
- creatine
- caffeine
- citrulline
- beta alanine
- l-theanine

All that shit can be bought cheap on Amazon and will last you much longer than the prepackaged shit. And you can mix it in juice or something for flavor.

when I was like 3 or 4 desu

you like small fat goblinas breh

shes 23 you stupid nonwhite subhuman.

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Actually I am ~11% body fat and muscular and I just got rejected by a girl because I don't have a good enough career/money. So you're wrong

23 with the body of a child? Y*kez. The sooner you swallow the cunny pill the faster you stop being angry.

When I went to buy my house. The lady selling me was like “wow you are so beautiful. Here, have the house for free”.

Im 6'1 so no. I just have high testosterone so im biologically inclined to like women with feminine shapes, not really up to me.

They don't work. It's the CNS fatigue from the job and vice versa. But good on you, user. What do you do for yourself?

I'd tap that user.
You have fine taste.

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nice bait, in nature humans are hunter gatherers.

The males are the hunters.

The females, and the gatherers.

Females as such are resource based in perspective.

So no, user, just look at Kim dotcom or fuckin drump

Guarantee she just found someone more jacked

so youve had 6 pack for a year?


why would I stop being angry?
that would only stop if subhumans like you stopped posting on Jow Forums. go away.

>Im 6'1
Manlet, in high heels she would tower above you.
pathetic little man, stick to your fat goblina mutts.


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Oh y*kes sweetheart. The moment you take the cunny pill you’ll understand.

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fuck off retard
promote your pedophilia somewhere else.

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>then she gives u those cum to bed eyes

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But you’re doing the same?

isnt this chick in the rain, weird danish netflix show?

Being famous is an NPC tier goal you retard. You really want to not be ablentonwalk into the grocery store without paparazzi and gold diggers/star fuckers harassing you?


Naive little child, there's a reason so many celebrities say they'd rather be rich than famous, imagine the pressure of 10000s eagerly waiting your next tweet or to swarm you everywhere you go

Nah she just wants some one with a comfy rich job. Falling for aesthetics shouldn't be for women. It should only be for yourself so you don't feel like shit looking in the mirror and you have energy, etc.

This girl reminded me that as a man you are primarily valued in your utility. It's a black pill but it's for the most part true. As a woman just being pretty and having good values makes you desirable, you don't even need the values. As a man you need to have good values, be attractive, be socially intelligent, but mainly be a provider for any chance at something meaningful with a quality woman.

Quality women will vett you and determine you arent worthy. So now I'm back to being blackpilled and only focusing on getting rich

i lost 80k by investing into some ICO. i copped by getting a better job and 12% i've never fucked more girls than in that time even tho i nearly lost all of my money. Got in worse shape since crypto started to pump again and i spend too much time go check the charts its probably stressing me out.

Though im not doing it (getting rich) for women. I'm doing it because it will enable all the other forms of happiness I desire, ie enabling easy relationships and friendships, time spent with loved ones, buying a tesla roadster, etc. If im poor I won't be able to do these things maybe I'll find an okay girl but do I want a girl who would settle for someone like me who doesn't have very much RightNow besides maybe a good personality?

kill yourself retard

No its a Russian supermodel