You can choose only one:

You can choose only one:
1. 10/10 Rich Asian Dominatrix as a waifu.
2. 24,65$ daily passive income. But, you'll never find love.
3. The power to kill anyone just by writing their name on a notepad.
4. 2 kids, 10k$ / month and average (not asian) looking waifu.
5. Power to know BTC price in the future (doesn't work if you short).
6. Sex Toys factory with 5k employes.
7. Perpetual Immortality but you stay poor forever hodling shitcoins.
8. Power to eradicate a country, but, you lose 1 testicle.

Attached: fresn_only.png (485x365, 189K)

Other urls found in this thread:

id lose both if i can choose both the US and Israel

Good list I’ll take death note and sex factory

3 is objectively the best.
Using three you could get everything else on the list if you wanted.

You can choose only 1. REEEEE!!!!!



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Hard choice to pass on the sex slaves tho

I'll take one for the team and wipe Israel off the map


3 is arguably the most versatile, because you can exploit it to make huge money off killing CEOS of public companies in tragic ways. (McDonald’s CEO dies huffing has from children’s asshole, stock slides 10%) and you can also solve all the worlds problems in one night by writing all jews and nonwhites down

With the knowledge of future BTC price you can have infinite money. I'd take that one

i would start a hitman service on the deepweb(through several proxys and vpns ofc).
i could kill anyone from the comfort of my home without a trace, and for about 60k a pop(depending on the person)

quit after ive got a few mill, use my money and newfound super power to do whatever the fuck i want


3 means you can kill anyone who opposes cryptocurrency and create a better world in general. It’s objectively the best option

number 1 easily

Kek ubgugi ubgubu ubguga

If a death note worked like a parser, then you could easily kill most niggers by writing Tyrone or Laquan down.

You’d just have to keep your mouth shut, because if anyone with power knew that if they crossed you they’d die, you’d be #1 on everyone’s hitlist in an instant

Doesn't work if you short the market.


Does Nr. 3 woke with wildcards? Much easier to just write *stein once...

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No, you have to write down each name individually.

>6. Sex Toys factory with 5k employes.

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On this subject, does it only work on birth names or known public names? If someone caught on they could just hide their real name and go by an assumed name and circumvent you.

Never seen death note so I don’t know anything. Easier to just write Africans Latinos Jews Homosexuals and Feminists and communists and Marxist sympathiszers unless you want to be writing your whole life

It’s birth name.
“L” does this to the main character

If you answer anything other than 3 you are never going to make it. With 3, you can use that power to make billions of money as the world’s most effective hitman who is basically unstoppable. You will however be the target of assassinations yourself. If that makes you too uncomfortable, 4 would be the second best option and probably the best overall.

5 of course. no downsides. literally.

3. Write down the name of the genie giving out weapons of mass destruction and never use it again.

Kek I’m just imagining the huge panic search that would occur if suddenly blue check marks started dropping like flies. Extra based if I can write how they die and make them all pedos post facto like Jared Holt. also if you write Larry blankstein would it kill all Larry blanksteins or just one? Can you do the death note on a computer? These are important questions regarding efficiency

>4 would be the second best option

3 and I'd kill my noisy muslim neighbor first. That fucking shitskin plays loud shitty music and screams so much on his balcony everyday.

3 Is all I need to manipulate the market.

First and last name
You have to imagine their face as you do it
You could also write cause of death as long as it’s *plausible*

5, I long instead

5, I don't need superpowers to get waifus, but I can't predict markets.

immortality and shitcoins. already my life without immortality.

imagine not being able to use 3. to accomplish 8. and keep both testicles. that said im going with 1. since i will unironically make it with my LINK stack


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retard, that's why you get someone else to pick the other country.

5 has no real downsides, there's more than enough instruments to make money in a bear market besides shorting

its always 1 you fucking faggots

smart move. then you create your own class and charge a fortune.

Based. 3 == all of the above

>not picking 1
It's like you guys don't think with your dicks or something


why would I want $24 per day? that's below minimum wage

1 easily. Life would be perfect

Attached: Comfy.png (394x329, 100K)

Jow Forums did grow up after the big dumpening.

Definitely 1

2. Meh, fuck your gibs if u have option 1 my wife is already rich
3. We have already seen that deathnote is a lot of trouble. And you get caught and stuff, not worth it.
4. So basically a normal life? No thanks desu
5. If it doesn't work for shorting its shit
6. What's the point of living if you stay poor
7. I don't care enough about geopolitics

And what do you think about No.8 user?

7. Hold my shitcoins to zero, abandon crypto, and get rich slowly like a normie but with infinite compound interest.

Anyone not picking 7 is a retard. Any rich person would give his entire wealth just to live longer, let alone forever. Who cares about poverty if you are ALWAYS alive? Just keep walking around earth (you don't die to cold, disease, heat), hunt for food (not to survive, just to not feel hungry), smoke weed, eat mushrooms, have sex, and live long enough to witness maybe a mars landing, moon station, a nuclear war...
And all this time you will keep laughing at the pathetic attempts of rich people to extend their lives like pumping young blood into themselves and shit.
I might even have opened a social media account and become famous but I feel it would get me into trouble with CIA and shit. Just keep low profile and walk around nature and stay away from lakes and sea because you don't want to drown and stay alive under water.

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Whats the Dom's level though, like pegging, cucking, etc, ballbusting or what

She will peg you every couple of hours, you stay in a cage, you get free food, female hormones, surgery + internet. And that's about it.

3 then

3, and profit in the assassination market for the rest of my life.

You don't know the conditions of your immortality. Maybe you'll look like the crypt keeper at 210 with backbain and dementia. And it is explicitly stated "poor forever", so everything you touch will turn to shit.

Can I just do #3 and write down?:

>anyone but native Europeans and East Asians

My niggas

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Guess I'm the only nigga picking 7.
Death scares the willies out of me.


goodbye india

Dementia and any kind of disease will kill you though if wait long enough. If anything can manage to have dementia for over a thousand years then that thing isn't alive anymore. I don't think illnesses are included in "perpetual immortality".
Same with being maimed and bled out completely. The brain and heart won't work without a blood cycle so "perpetual immortality" means being godlike durability. You can feel pain, sadness, thirst, hunger, and fear though.

Am I an idiot if I choose the dominatrix?

if i pick 7 can i get rich of other things? can i still die if i get bored of immortality?

see >forever poor


nice. Shoujo commando izumi fan I take it?

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7. Pasta costs 70 cents a kilo in italy. Pasta forever

I changed my mind, 3 maybe, 2 maybe because does anyone find love?

You can turn into a low functioning amoeba in a million years and still be considered alive and immortal. Being an unconscious clump of cells until the heat death of the universe.

4 easily, Trump's already doing 8 for me and he leveraged it so Germany loses the testacle

If you go for #4 this is what always happens.

3 and you can keep and gain karma, like annihilating companies like Monsanto and Bayer after investing into their rivals etc and then simply life off of this while buying a spy network to destroy manmade evil until nobody wants to fill the gaps anymore. You could also threaten entire governments not to be autistic or heads will roll.
Sounds fucking scary from a 3rd person viewpoint tho...
And everybody who has access to c4 and amazon drones kind of has the same power, just more analog.

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Obviously 7. Forcing the simulation to keep running past its natural conclusion is a victory.

That won't be a "me" though. That's like saying the microbes in my gut are "me". Any form where my brain and heart aren't functioning isn't "me", and by extension any illness or maim would eventually lead to the failure of my heart or brain therefore immortality means I must stay healthy. I can feel pain though so if a bear attacks I will feel his claws trying to dig through my invulnerable flesh.

I take 3 and write down names of every Jew I know lmao.
I literally spend the entire day googling Jew names and writing them in my Book that I call the Holocauster.

Then when I‘m done with the Jews I start with the muslims and other annoying people.

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3 is the only one to truly meaningfully impact the world.

why so many murderers here?

Hypotheticals, you could be right, but if I can't read the small print I would never make such an irreversible decision. Your microbes in your gut don't have your DNA, so they're not part of the blueprint. Life by definition is just organic matter, and your DNA is the signature that makes it yours.

>Life by definition is just organic matter
I mean living cells

Rich Asian dominatrix waifu please. What does such a creature look like?

In what world is 4 an acceptable choice? 10k per year isn't enough to support yourself, let alone 3 other people
Plus the non-Asian wife is statistically going to divorce you and take that 10k

>10k per year

>Rich Asian dominatrix

Attached: asian_dominatrix.jpg (1280x1739, 256K)

Have been thinking about how to get into the sex toy business but I’m at a lost for what niche to fill.

Please clarify the conditions of "perpetual immortality". Can you get severly injured or get ill? Can you fall into a coma and stay like that for millions of years?


With 5 if the price goes up and I know the specific prices at seperate points I can get rich. At least I can give my parents and siblings a comfortable life.

I hesitate between 3 and 7.
7 is obiously the superior choice on a personal level, since you can be rich in others ways than currencies, but 3 would help tremendously with a lot of stuff.

Throwing a coin, head 3 tail 7.

Head, not retarded Kira it is.

Wow, even Lord Kek wanted me to choose 3.

5. you could buy every dip and sell every top multiple times per day that could exponentially grow.


Don't have to read further than 1

OH nvm, I misread that
Even if she gets half, you're still better off than most guys per month

This creature can still be my rich mommy though

oh fuck I just noticed the strapon I CHANGED MY MIND

Not the hero we deserve

Say a car hits you and blows you 10000 pieces. You'll regenerate instantly. No memory loss, not even a scratch.

There are 2 downsides:
1. Someone can trap you. Like, keeping you closed into molten metal pot. Where you'll be stuck into a die / regenerate loop.
2. No matter what you do, everytime when you have money, you'll feel the need to buy shitcoins that are obvious scams.

3 or 7, either way I get what I want

(1) Tfw I’ve already done it. Jow Forums posts reflect my reality- the clownworld has truly begun.