Daily reminder that life is beautiful. You can accomplish your goals and become strong and wealthy. You're all gonna make it.
Daily reminder that life is beautiful. You can accomplish your goals and become strong and wealthy...
Thanks OP, you're not a fag, I don't care what everyone else says about you.
Based and wholesome-pilled.
much love to you all
Deceiving lies.
Based ty fren
I didn't come here to cry, wholesome user ;-;
Based and hopepilled OP. Don't forget your physical fitness, though. An inherent part of making it is not dying of cardiac arrest at 35.
Is this a raid?
Are we being raided?
Redpilled and based.
This is a blessed and wholesome thread. Thanks OP.
this is why biz is the best board. we will all make it frens
I was just thinking the same! Life is beautiful so get the best out of it
Thanks OP, you too. Fug I just wish we could acquire waifus
Based post
Just ignore the "be a chad" threads and focus on this one, waifus will come naturally if you internalize the message fren. Love is for those who love.
Thanks man, that's great advice
does every user on biz love each other, deep down?
its the only form of brotherhood most of us have in our lives : Jow Forums
Nice to see you happy bro, have you chainlink today?
You're god damn right I can! Thank you OP!
I do feel a sense of belonging on Jow Forums
thanks user you too :)
No, I'm recently disabled.
Beautiful lie
Agreed my friend.
Positivity begets success.
Bunch of slack jawed faggots in this thread.
thanks fren, this is now a blessed thread.
Thank you friend
wholesome bump for a wholesome post
Thanks OP
I was truly moved