What are your bad habits Jow Forums?

What are your bad habits Jow Forums?

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Wanting to fuck sissies

Cumming inside of asian hookers after I promise them I won't.

Wanting to be a sissy
Right up until I cum from dildoing my ass, then I feel only regret

being a degenerate fratboy that spends way too much money on clothes and drugs

stop porn you retard


Masturbating when my gf goes to work but she only works one or two days per week bros:(

I shit in my own mouth and burn my nuts with a lighter every single day.

>dad i said it again!

Lol I have been there. The worst part is having to lie about it.

>not masturbating while laying in bed next to her

On nights my wife and I don’t have sex, I lay there and wait until she falls asleep, then I jack off.

Blow, eating out, drinking vodka, nicotine, creampieing my gfs constantly, procrastination, uhhh spending too much money on bullshit, strippers, sluts.

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i would go to the closet and watch porn even after we banged and she went to sleep mfao

Coming to Jow Forums out of boredom, posting in a thread, and waiting for a reply that will never come because this board is fucking dead

Haha holy shit lads you’re afraid of your lady catching you fapping?! The fuck? When my girl is on her period I make her lick my balls while I jack off. When she is at work, I send her videos of me jacking off and cumming on her underwear.

The trick is to not associate masturbating with porn, if you can master that you’re golden.

No I don't hide anything, she knows I do it and has no problem with it.

I've never had a GF, do women actually get mad at guys for looking at porn or jacking off? Sounds really cucked but what do I know

fucking kek, the older i get, the more i see that the weaboos are fucking based

Some women definitely don't like it when you watch porn, but my current gf watches it herself sometimes

no, you are just a faggot.




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Wow you sure shocked me sir! I bet you like eating ass too!

Porn addicted fried idiot. Turn to god he will help you don’t be embarassed. Life is better than the pleasure you feel for a few moments of degeneracy.

This. I think my bad habit/addiction is being unapologetic. Almost everything can be severely insulted. I go on dates and completely blow it because I can't hold it in, women say the stupidest shit constantly.

Its behind closed doors repression is worse
If he doesn't repress maybe he tries it and naturally stops liking it

Women are psycho illogical bitches.
I have a GF. You could not deal with women with logic and fair dispute - only with right fEEliNgS.

I like sniffing my own farts, and I like to pop zits and blackheads.

The weird thing is, after your gf eventually leave you cause you don’t give her enough attention, you start stealing her nudes and jack off to videos of her and realize that she’s a straight up 10/10 and your brain was just ruined by porn, or at least that’s what happened to me. If you actually love this chick m, I recommend stopping watching porn and instead get off on getting her off.

Dude, can you not?

I made a hooker cum but idk if she faked it the thought still haunts me i never felt like i made any woman cum from fucking alone before

I sell things I need to accumulate more TRV. Classic example of bad now, good later.

Checked. You could have stopped after your third word and been totally correct as well

And this is exactly the reason I am happy I only watch porn once per week

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Unironically buying as well before the west finds out

investing in shit and then forgetting about it when I should be selling

What are you expecting

I wish I could, but my braps are so smelly.

browsing Jow Forums

Eating too much lsd and looking at charts as they melt



you dont fuck your girl when shes on her period?

Why you pussy, it helps with their period pain and you can bust a nut inside (even the pill isnt guaranteed so I always bust on her belly/ass/tits etc.)



Also until recently I gambled every day, like all day every day I would have some bets on.

I can go on a booze bender for 3 days , as in wake up continue drinking till I pass out, rinse and repeat. (ive gotten slightly better with this too in the last year).

I am somewhat an autist so can be pretty brutal with people at times, like I say shit that may be accurate, but just phrased in the worst way possible so it really offends/upsets them.

Pick spots mindlessly and they they get worse and have to remember to keep putting cream on them etc.

Procrastinate about doing shit.

It's really depending on the girl. Most girls dont have that much gooey blood coming out so its chill to fuck. Girls like my current gf tho is more like river of gooey blood while she is on her period so I mostly skip it.

You're not alone mate, great hobby

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>not occasionally masturbating next to her while she reads a book and cumming on her belly while grabbing her around the waist "by force" and pressing her soft body against yours and french kissing
Sure, a carrot up the ass and tranny porn feels more degenerate and extreme, I give you that

my girl has a heavy period, but sex really helps desu with pain and to kinda 'un-cork' all the flow.

It really doesnt bother me, yea its abit messy but it feels pretty fucking great + when I come inside she comes from the throbbing of my dick and its really INTENSE, highly recommended.


That's a good habit.