CZ refuses to admit it. Everything is crashing, all your personal information has been stolen. If you have ever used Binance you have been compromised.
Slowpoke, fake and gay Just pics from a phishing website
Jayden Ortiz
can they just release the xsn dex already
Jacob Lopez
Nah just stealorz trynna scare TSO telefagz
Jacob Ward
Just another bullish day for Binance killers like Trust Verse
Luke Bennett
pls stay away from here tyrone
Dylan Collins
This is not fake and gay. Binance is compromised once again. They said the same thing when they were hacked last time. Get out now!!!!!!!!!!
Luis Hill
Sold all my bnb except 10 to cover trading fees for the rest of the month. This shit is going to crash. Especially with burgers leaving.
Jaxson Lopez
he probably sells user data anyway
t. never done kyc for an exchange ever
Luis Thompson
I think I registered my name there once
Justin Perry
what do you mean keeping 10 BNB to cover trading fees for rest of month??? how to trade for free on binance? you just need to keep 10 BNB? do i have to pay exchange fee if I buy shitcoin via BTC?
Jaxon Taylor
How on Earth can one avoid KYC?
Hunter Stewart
Just dont do it? It's not mandatory on binance.
Sebastian Hall
lel its literally pleb data from fishing sites, dont shit yourself (And dont panic, im long)
Parker Davis
>"Just use a VPN and trade on binance" t. every faggot on this board
this. You can withdraw 2 btc a day without verification
Chase Reyes
should I withdraw my funds? not safu?
Parker Morgan
lol frankly this is why regulators need to get fucked they forced this bullshit
Austin Martin
This is what I heard a few anons saying. These are phished elsewhere, and now they're using the phished data as "proof" that there was a KYC hack. And they're using that to lure in more people to give up their information to "check if they've been compromised"
Lincoln Price
Ethan Parker
might buy some BNB today for the first time since 2017
Adam Price
FFS how stupid are people.
The telegram group are POSTING PICTURES OF THE KYC
How exactly are they hacking or asking for anything?
Fucking cz and bozmining are creating not creating FUD
Kayden Kelly
What group?
Brayden Reed
I don't know what you meant by this post
Grayson Morales
and you can have an infinite number of accounts. so really, you have to be incredibly dumb to KYC
Brody Anderson
None of that matters. People did for official reasons. Now its all gone. Binance has been proven once again that it is easily hacked. Anyone in crypto is basically compromised at this point.
Brayden Stewart
you need kyc to buy ieos
Dylan Smith
>Using Binance >Using KYC account Nigger, thats the entire reason to use Binance. Why not just go make an account on some shitty Japanese exchange or something if youre fine giving KYC