If you still think this picture is a LARP you are a lost cause. Market makers browse this board and everything so far has been 100% accurate.
Charts DO NOT lie
Other urls found in this thread:
>Market makers
You keep using that term, yet you have no idea what it really means.
>November - BTC ~87.00
What did he mean by this, what year, 2020 or 2021? 87$ or 8700$ or 87000$ ?
Please this is driving me crazy
it's a long and rocky road between here and October. Hoping for some hardcore barting
>Market makers browse this board
It's done on purpose. Nobody knows. I personally believe the 87,00 meme
It says 87,000, stinky Euro. I bet you're G*rman too
He says 1.5 trillion market cap. Now divide it with the BTC circulating supply.
he just missed a 0 ffs
Market maket here, can confirm.
G*rmans have extremely advanced autism, go easy on him
>he thinks btc will br at 16k in october
lmao it will be at 20k by next month. the tether scammers accelerated the scam and need to oump this shit in less than 80 days. this shit will be at 30k by october, that "prophecy" was made by a lucky desperate bagholder brainlet and if hes reading this he knows its true
It's very clearly $87,000, he just forgot to hit the final zero
What if....what if he didn't mess up?
Then he wouldn't have written $87,00 because that's not a number
I'm giving it until October before I decide whether to ride this prophecy train all the way to the end or sell what I have
>Everything has been
>100% accurate
>Bitcoin dominance 40-50%
pick one
Fake News. He only posted once.
I'll believe asuka user when BTC dominance finally fucking tanks.
>everything so far has been 100% accurate.
thanks for the chuckle.
Like the others said just look at the BTC dominance and see what BTC price would be at those levels.
Does your dumfuck ass know what a market maker is or does /biz sucked out all of your braincells ?
>tfw gotta wait a whole year to make it
im gonna kms
>Oracles exist
Yea the yield curve's inverted and the feds just cut interest rates for the first time since 2008 and we're not about to crash.
I always thought this cap was probably fake but it's actually real
so many people calling him dumb and shit too
>hey guys, it's totally me again. Here are some numbers that are completely wrong
Survivor bias fallacy
don't buy then, faggot
how do i attain this bros?
I don't need to buy BTC in order to get BTC lol