Sup Jow Forums engineers get in here!

sup Jow Forums engineers get in here!

Specify what engineering discipline you are in, your starting salary and current salary.

Also give tips to any newly qualified on how to fast track their pay scale (additional qualifications etc.)

Electrical Eng here, starting salary £23k, in the field of renewable energy generation.

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Electrical engineer here, work with automatic reclosers, $50k/year

My tip to anyone wanting to start out college in any eng field is: dont

Start some online business and you'll make the same without all the stress

Chemical engineer salary 85k in burger bucks. Im going back to grad school to get a PhD though

how many years you've been in the field?

A consideration of mine is to obtain experience and start my own company providing consultancy out to others ,hence charge more for specialising.

Have you not considered another field than just working with automatic reclosers, why is it stress?

Mechanical engineer
Starting 68k

Aerospace Engineer(astro)
$75k waiting on my security clearance right now.

just graduated but I'm expecting to be at $88k in a year

About 3y now

Although my opinion on the matter may be biased, i just can't take the 10h-12h a day of work

Stress is just a part of engineering in general in my opinion, i did work for about 2 with renewable energy too, project of wind turbine grids

nice, what did you start with and how long did it take to get there. Why a PhD ? what chems you engineer?

jesus, where is that a starting salary, did you have good grades or is that just normal. What do you work with.

Where’s that pic of the engineers finally getting the girls after they establish themselves in their careers?

Power Systems Engineer
Starting $70k

Software engineering
Need to write my thesis to finish my bachelor's but it has helped me get a comfy help desk job where I earn between 60-70k roo dollars

Got an internship, worked for 1 year after college at 80k asked for a raise now it’s 85k. I do nuclear remediation. The PhD will be in optics which is almost entirely unrelated (however I use optics for modeling things like ion exchange)

Mechanical engineer. $37k a year :/
Trying to get a promotion, but I really just took a job doing GIS in telecom to get some resume experience. Going for a "fiber engineering" position right now, which would probably be a nice raise and then I could work on getting my life together. Currently work 2 jobs. Life sucks. Ideally, I think I wanna pursue either aerospace or controls. Thinking I might try and get a master's in EE if I just can't get close enough to the industry to slide in with self study and ass kissing. I kind of realized I chose the wrong major in my last semester of college since I finally got to work with circuits on a few projects I was on but was too late to even specialize. Sasuga

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Software Engineer, work in Data Processing - Entry Level.

Tips for new grads: Make sure you know you fundamentals well and don’t speed out in the interview ;)

Salary: $176k/year

Side note but I haven't heard back from the guy yet, and my understanding is I'm the only candidate they've really looked at since I interviewed over a week ago. Should I send him a follow up email?

Never sent a thank you for your time email :(

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sounds sick mane
jesus thats a nice salary, as is whats the cost of living where you guys are. £23k is fucking garbage even when you factor in exchange rate, god I hate this island.

what in the fuck?! where the devil are you on that kinda monies.

yes, punctuality is always good, even if you dont get the job now , opportunities in the future you may come to mind.

Thanks bro. Good luck in your future endeavors. Engineering is a great field to be in

Mech Eng in Oil. Starting 60k leaf bucks in 2007 making $70/hr leaf bucks as consultant and feel underpaid but market sucks right now. Used to be $85/ leaflets

Ok, I'll email him. Worst he tells me is to fuck off. Just want the offer to see if it IS gonna be a pay raise because if not, gonna reject it, stay in my current position for a bit longer, then start looking to move on before my degree becomes too outdated.

I live in northern Colorado. Cost of living here is out of control, but you have plenty of opportunities, but fuck off we are full. I'm paying around 850/mo for a room in a 2br, and this is on the low end of the spectrum in my area.

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funny, ive been considering moving to canada as BC have some good targets for becoming entirely renewable energy based, this , washington state and oregon I believe all on west coast.

I want to earn good but I would compromise if I lived in a nice place/country. The UK is totally FUBAR and only gonna get worse so im literally looking anywhere but here in the next 3 years desu.

majored in mechanical engineering. couldn't find a job because i'm white and had just barely under 3.0 gpa. A year after graduating, I found a cad drafting job which doesn't require a degree. Right before my second raise, I found a job as a "support engineer." They offered me 50k which was 2k less than i was getting paid already, and that's before the overtime i sometimes worked. I got them to agree to raising my starting salary to 52k. I didn't get an automatic raise after a year, so I scheduled a performance review meeting with my boss. He said he was happy with my work, and he gave me a raise to 55k. I told him that salary data online shows positions like this starting at around 65k and going to about 78k, and he said some bullshit about how "it's experienced based... don't worry, we'll get you to that 65k."
I'm so desperate to find a new job, but everywhere that i qualify is equal opportunity. I can spend hours writing and quadruple checking a flawless cover letter for a job listing whose requirements are my strengths, and i will just hear nothing back. It's all so hopeless. My coworkers are all literal boomers except my gen x boss that will give you this concerned almost scared stare if he finds out you don't watch television or do normie boomer activities designed for the sedated fluoridated masses. I consider suicide every couple months. I should go back to my old job where at least they valued me, gave me good raises, and had some element of humanness remaining in them.
Don't major in mechanical engineering if you're a white male. I'm actually considering transitioning to reduce my privilege points.

Engineers making $20/hr, and self employed tradies making $40/hr+. What a world, kek.

desu my dude I wouldnt want to live completely land locked, as nice as colorado seems I thought as much that its expensive. I recall seeing people selling colorado bud at like x5 the price as on the west coast, its just bud...

Anyway, Ideally I would like to work offshore and then could be based anywhere in the world.

I used to work in finance and had some clients that worked offshore but lived in thailand, guys were on like £10k per month, living in a fucking palace.

Civil engineer student here
All traditional engineering fields are such a meme
I envy my friend who went into AccSci
I’m studying for the OSCP right now as I’d rather do NetSec than any type of engineering at this point.

BC wages don't support the cost of living unless your in the boonies working in Ng/light oil or mines. Working renewables etc in Canada is a masterbation job. Gonna make way less than anything non renewable energy just so you can virtue signal about saving the world to your normie friends and pay through the nose for rent to live in hongcouver.

During oil recession I was called by a recruiter for a job in vancouver they were offering like 120k salary I was making 138k salary in Calgary. Calgary houses average 500k van closer to 750 plus. I laughed at original offer and said I'd need at least 160k to make it make sense financially. They pretty much said not going to happen and ended to call

Keep at it. What you need to do is sit down and ask him what increasing your performance looks like - and get it in writing.

Mechanical engineering is a cut throat engineering discipline because everyone does it. Take the experience, and then start looking after a year if they won't give you a raise. I don't recommend it if you are an autistic sperg, because it's much more influenced by how well you network. Keep at it though user. Keep that resume up to date, keep your profiles up to date. 55k sounds fair for a cad entry job and no experience, that's in a pretty reasonable percentile. Don't let it get you down.

I love it here. But the cost of living is going up, there's too many damn people in northern colorado, and we got flooded with the most braindead Californian type libshits because dude weed. Our government is a fucking joke (polis lived in California), the voters only raise taxes on dumb fucking shit, and its never gonna get better. I was born and raised here, and now I'm probably gonna end up being forced out.


Unless you are writing code for commercial airliner autopilot or the space shuttle or something similar, sorry software “engineers”, but you’re not an engineer.

thanks my man thats really good to know, intrestingly I saw a good job going in edmonton, just north of you, just so fucking far from the sea, I dont know why its a critical thing for me but I need to be near it.

Also if its the case you say, I shall keep my eyes open for alternate opportunities, I dont know why but Canada just seems one of the better western countries to live in for me, more of a socialist country that doesnt partake in the same stupidity and horrific crimes as most the others (not to say that they dont forceably remove injuns from their land).

oh dude I feel you, that really sucks. I smoke but im not a stereotype, you wouldnt know it if you knew me over a year, but I grew up and have unfortunately had alot of exposure to the types you speak of.

As for being forced out, thats kinda how I feel in a way here, Im Welsh but even though we are an independent country we are treated like a sovereign state by england, so basically we are still under the fucking boot of occupancy, the government here is just a bunch of puppets suckling at the teet of london. London demands money or makes massive motherfucking mistakes, we foot the bill, we arent allowed to be independent, and make decisions whats best for our country, we just get dragged around on a lead.

Sucks my man.

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I'm not sure what is happening

A good engineer should add a lot of value to any company, how come the money is so short? Too many engineers?

I have room temperature iq friends making more than me at youtube, reviewing shoes

Kill me please

could never imagine being that self absorbed to be a 'youtuber' , makes me fuckin cringe.

I'm in edmonton now, it's where my family and wife's family live and we have a very young family. It's good money but wouldn't recommend living here strictly for work reasons unless the rate job is too good to refuse. As for Canada its lame if i had it my way id want the USA to annex alberta or for us to separate invade northern bc to get some coast line and tell the east and Vancouver to fuck themselves

Cost of living is pretty low where I live. So the pay is pretty good, I was able to buy a house.

I mean whats it like to live in edmonton? As in why would you recommend against, I like the outdoors and all that shit, and sports outdoors like mountainbiking.

Ive been told parts of canada is pretty underdeveloped, so like wouldnt want to live anywhere that didnt have the amenities that is normal say in a town/city in europe.

The only thing I know about calgary is that a zombie show was filmed there that I really liked.

I used to work in finance and one company I worked for was based out of quebec, I gotta say, the people that came over from there were fucking assholes, I couldnt stand them, like all of them, and speaking alot of french in a business meeting with non-french speakers, which I thought was pretty rude and unprofessional. I mean, I wouldnt just start speaking Welsh in a meeting knowing others didnt..

Why do you dislike vancouver so much?

Yeah, sorry to hear about your area fren. Whole thing sucks ass to be pushed out of your home area. Probably something poetic going on that would tickle Jow Forums silly, but it's pretty much death of an area when that population starts influencing your local government. Feels bad mane

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Software "Engineer".

Anyone here an engineer without an official engineering degree? I have an information science degree and ended up becoming an engineer. Pretty nice since the program was a joke.

what do you do?
why? ive thoughtbofngoing back to school. tirdd of making only 40k a year

Edmonton is pretty isolated but its a large city with all the amenities you need. Its cold as fuck in the winter but you get a lot of sun still. Very nice in the summer lots of sun and good weather.

I grew up in Calgary and live in edmonton now there is a big rivalry between cities just like everywhere else.

For outdoors stuff Calgary wins out because its an hour away from the mountains vs 4 hrs for Edmonton. But there are still lots of good outdoor things in Edmonton although its very seasonal

As for the Vancouver hate, the politics there are intolerable I assume similar to California, is over run by chinks and pajeets, and way to expensive cost off living. The weather in the summer is good but winter is always raining and cloudy. I prefer cold as fuck and sunny over grey and rainy but for someone from the UK its probably second nature.

just started out in some bullshit graduate scheme working for western power, it seems to mostly be some substation power factor correction style stuff and career development (like business skills).

love the acknowledged 'eng', how long it take you to get to 260k, where do you live and any tips on progression.

I will add I did EEE, so have been educated in electronics also.

where is that? how old were you when you brought the house.

Electrical eng in Finland. ~40k starting in paper industry. Maybe 60k, plus untaxed hacks possible after 5+ years. If you drive a lot on field gigs it might be 80k and beyond.


23 Just bought the place a few months ago

Had good grades but pretty average in the northeast, defense industry

Mechanical Engineer doing production coordination type work atm. $46k starting, no college 5 years experience

Only took 5 years. I live in the bay area.
Grind leetcode and interview for Facebook, Google or Netflix. It's actually that easy.

Dude. Are you me?

Here’s the bear market of life I’ve been in for the past 2 years:
>be me
>Electrical Engineering / Biometrics dual major
>plenty of internships (3+), ok GPA (2.98)
>towards senior year, decide I like coding better as a long-term career
I’d taken plenty of CS classes back since the beginning of high school (esp. for biometrics), so why not? I’m qualified
>Graduate spring 2017
>go back home, to DC area
>look for jobs all summer
>only gun for CS jobs. Think damn, I should’ve just done CpE/CS
>literally no interviews
>wait too long
>eventually forced to settle for an assembly line electronics tech job
>it’s at Boeing, so tons of retarded safety rules -
> -have to wear a gay antistatic smock all day on production floor
> -goggles
> -ASD wristband
> -no internet access on computers whatsoever
> -not allowed to use phones at all
>basically took apart big fucking radio boxes sent in for warranty, poke around & troubleshoot them, then do extensive, boring tests

I fucking hated that fucking job.
I had worked at a pretty shitty company before, but at least the management was plain bad there so I could fuck off on the internet all day.
Boeing was straight up draconian wagecuck boomer hellscape.

More to be continued ->

>Power systems
Absolutely based and redpilled

70k starting what the fuck? I'm a britbong EE student doing an internship at a distribution network, what do I need to do to move over to burgerland

Also, forgot to mention it was 60k.
Actually pretty good for a first job out of college, I have no complaints in that department. But man you could not pay me to go work there again.

> fall down crypto rabbit hole in summer 2017, just before starting at boeing
> previously knew nothing about stocks, investing, how money worked at all
>get totally obsessed
>sneaking phone out of my pocket to watch charts all day at work, get in trouble tons of times, get angry that my fellow wagecucks were content to do their cucking without internet access
>reading about new shitcoin projects
>start a crypto meetup group in my city that Fall
>guy who shows up to one of them is launching a startup on ethereum
>tells me he was previously writing smart contracts for a living
> apparently all of about 12 people in the world know Solidity at the time, so you could charge triple-digit rates per hour to deploy cookie-cutter ICO token contracts
>learn a bit of solidity and start freelancing on Upwork
>make a couple thousand off several hours’ work, not even smart contracts, just consulting for mining farms (I had started mining at home w/my gaming rig)
>April 2018, still euphoric about bitcoin, barely even noticed the bubble had burst
>decide to quit job and try freelancing full-time, because fuck it, I want to
And it was absolutely awesome for a few months.

Now fast forward a few more, when my gf & I move in together:
>now, rent is higher
>no one cares about crypto anymore, freelance work has dried up
>start looking for jobs again
> maintain same “I’ll only consider coding jobs” arrogance as before; I tell myself I always have freelancing if I really get into trouble
>get no hits, again (surprise)
>turns out employers need javascript trannies, not Solidity chads
> need to sharpen my programming skills

To be continued once more...

Internship is good start, I am in transmission planning on the high voltage side, basically study the electrical grid in Arizona.

As for moving to burgerland I'm not sure. My boss is a Russian, but claimed refugee status back in the 80s.

>A good engineer should add a lot of value to any company, how come the money is so short?

Everything they teach you in college a non engineer can google online if needed.
Unless they need people to sign off shit, they don't need engineers. At least, that is the thought.


At this point I’m starting to feel the pressure.
My savings are going up in flames and I start getting really depressed, probably from the combination of crypto bear market (I taught myself trading reasonably well throughout 2018, but had already lost most of my stack I bought before the bubble via getting JUSTed on shitcoin gambles etc); and the fruitless job search, which I’m now pursuing ever more desperately by the day despite rejection after rejection after no-callback.

>early this year
>come to terms with the fact that my programming chops are simply not up to par professionally
> commit to learning the absolute shit out of Python, to create a trading bot interface for myself
>countless long nights and an ungodly amount of narcotics later...
>actually acquire some solid fucking python skills, and the github commits to back it up
>also, at some point in here, gf gets pregnant
>shit’s crazy in our lives; we just can’t have that right now
>2 months later
>gets pregnant again
>this time, we’re both too tired of fighting the universe to go through w/another abortion
>decide to keep it

And that brings us to roughly now.

We’ve moved into a new place that’s big enough for us & the baby - still small, but also in the same neighborhood as my mom. Only problem? Rent is $2000 a fucking month.

Still no job, although I’ve gotten as serious as I can possibly get about the search - still sitting down & coding every single day to stay sharp, and applying/following up on everything I possibly can, although I gotta say at this point I’m not even sure how I’m still doing it. Mentally, I’m so beaten down that I don’t even want a fucking job.

I’m just completely ambivalent. I know I have a family to support soon (she’s due at the end of August btw), yet I feel like I literally just cannot do anything to secure the bag & bring home the bacon for them.

>whoops one more

There’s a glaring, year+ long gap on my resume that probably looks like super AIDS to employers, which only festers further with time.

I was never good at EE and hate working purely with hardware; I only did the major because I was always a computer geek and thought I’d get to work on silicon die manufacturing & shit, but ended up getting stuck in menial circuit repair for boomer-era electronics.

At first, no doubt, the arrogance and laziness were what killed me. But I’ve tried incredibly hard to kick my own ass into gear, and accomplished way more than I thought I was capable of as far as self-learning all the gaps in my programming knowledge (in only a few months).

So now I’m trying earnestly to get into the software side of things, which is the only thing I feel and KNOW I’m good at nowadays, but the lack of pure-CS credentials and the slowly worsening resume gap are forever stomping on the ballsack of my chances of ever getting any job, ever again.

>tfw counting on harmony ONE to lift me out of poverty

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You really have to count on them because they have the entire supply!

Guess what? You're fucking dumb! Congrats!

Interesting. My internship mainly involves planning the EHV distribution network in the area (33 and 132kv), what's the pay like once you start moving up then company?

Fresh out of university I'd be getting paid 38k GBP (~46k USD) and that's actually on the higher end of the scale for engineers in the UK. Seems like I'm getting absolutely cucked on wages if burger power systems engineers are making 70k straight out of college

I’m studying to be a welding engineer. Hopefully someone wants me when I get out of here.

Ya I'm pretty sure I am on the lower end of pay scale as it is. A lot of my counter parts at large utilities start at 75k. I work for an electrical co-op that's on the smaller side for powering the many rural areas of the state.

As for expected pay, my manager said I should be around 120k around year 5. I get 4% raise every sixth months and some significant raise with each promotion.

>tfw chemical engineer
>tfw it's been 2 years since I graduated
>tfw I cannot find any job

I've done two internships but i can't find jobs

Why didn't you get hired from the internship?

Do you have autism?

>120k 5 years out of college
I think you have to wagecuck for 10-15 years before you reach that sort of money at my company AND they pay more than the rest of the industry
Cost of living in AZ must be quite low compared to blue states right?

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Pipeline welder. 320k

Sure, If you are doing monkey work

Good luck googling how to project medium voltage grid hardware

The company where I was doing my first internship got closed down and the second was because of this I hate having to interact with people too much time.

Software engineer, 3rd world African country. Age: 33. Salary: 66k USD.

>falling for the engineering jew to make money for Mr. finkelberg's construction projects
good goys


Dude, use a fucking condom, there is shit that fuck you up and you cant really control, but getting a girl pregnant TWICE is fucking brainlet af

This is death. I am a carpenter that makes custom cabinets. I grossed 240k my second year of business. 24 years old. I was thinking about qutting and going to engineering school. Not after i read this. Is the economy okay?

Tfw my eng carrer is trash af, but i'll make it anyway cause i have link

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How much link to make it? I only have 5k.


5k is plenty, just dont sell early

Too much people going for engineering
First world countries don't rely on heavy industry like in past except for civil maybe
Average salary jobs require a lot of experience
And most importantly you have to have the right connections and luck

>electrical engineer
>F I F T Y K A Y

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Thanks user. I just realized how good I have it. I was reading that other thread, how often are you late to work? I can't be late to my own shop. Shouldnt a country be a industrial nation? Thats what made america wealthy... how can you have wealth, with out industry?

I'm an electrical engineer who turned to software. follow the money. you can make the switch. you have the skill-set from college. an SDE I minimum makes double what you currently making. comfy as fuck. 6-8/day, in a chair. bored? walk 3 minutes away to be at a park overlooking the ocean. yes you can drink beer at work just don't get drunk. no one gives a shit how long of a lunch you're taking, as long as you do your shit on time. there are stressful days, but those rare and far in-between. I took a class last week and met some junior engineers. most of them made complete industry switch like from sales /marketing with basic art degrees to engineers at our company. they went to codecamps and hammered code for 3 months straight coming in with 0 knowledge.
do it man. trust me, you will not regret it.

EE starting 77k

Quitting? Are you retarded? Carpenters will only grow in demand from here on out retard. If you are feeling lazy hire some dumb dumbs to work under you and watch the cash flow in.

The bitcoin bull made me lazy user

I gotta get my perspective back. This helped a lot. I was being retard and ungrateful

I'm a construction worker and I make 90k a year.
Thought i'd just leave this here.

Underrated. No amount of effort you put in will change anything.

software engineer, starting 90k and current is 130k. This is in burger bucks

It is lower, I'm originally from Illinois which is a blue shithole thanks to Chicago.

Why do the ones with college degrees treat craftsman like retards?

Pivot to a patent examiner position and you will make 100k within 2 years with the added advantage of working from home.

Went to school for chemical engineering right in time for bent crude to shit the bed.

After i couldnt get a chem eng job i got my concrete ACI level 1 and taught myself to write DAX queries and do project management stuff at a concrete plant now. 55k leaf dollars a year. Probably gonna move departments soon, getting complacent and want a raise.

Good, school would literally be a waste of your time and money. You want to wagecuck under some retard? be expected to be somewhere, eat at, leave at a specific time? You have made it without the need to go bust your ass in school taking shit ass science classes or having to work your way up some boomer owned firm. You made it user, enjoy it and if you need time off make your business run itself.

where should I live in the US to pursue my dream of having guns, a f150 and an mcmansion in a white neighbourhood

how much profit? what are your expenses? how did you become a carpenter?

they're probably jealous
i've always wanted to get into woodworking but was brainwashed to go to school (I respect craftsman but I am jealous lol)

I quited eng field to do amazon afiliate

Work from home, 80k/y

Not a big fan of software, but i'll add it to my b plan list


Engineer, US, started at 67k now at 90k. 5 years working for the same company. I enjoy my job. Maintenance and upgrades of specialized medical devices.

but I am pretty much topped out on salary, they were very aggressive about giving me raises so I can't make any more without changing jobs
Also I want to move somewhere more rural but I'm kind of stuck

Unironically true.

My old man was a civil and when I was deciding to do chem he told me "everyone knows you make a bit less doing civil but the well kept secret is you'll never be looking for work, and that counts". It's true too, economy and politics be damned every city still had a bridge and road budget.UT

Software engineer.
Starting salary: peanuts.
If you value your mental health don't do it. Game the welfare system instead.

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i am studying EE and i am unironically envious of you. i wish i had a own business.
im unironically only studying EE because im interested in this field since i was a kid and learning new things is easy for me.

i hope i get a good idea to start my own business. i dont want to work as a wagecuck


Boomer detected. It's all the same thing regardless of the domain.

AZ is good for guns, but tons of beans. Maybe Utah I'm not sure, considering Mormons are fucked.