Just went all in and bought 5000 LINK. I fucking hope I'm going to make it...

Just went all in and bought 5000 LINK. I fucking hope I'm going to make it, I need at least a million dollars worth to retire. Link at $200 possible?

Attached: EBYUPQmWwAYixIW.jpg (584x1200, 150K)

Other urls found in this thread:


$5mil eoy user





Post pics of transactions for accurate answer

LINK will only start appreciating in capital value once the devs have finished dumping the 30% or 300 million tokens reserved for literally being market dumped to raise cash.

Currently, they dumped approx. 9 million of those, which resulted in an immediate 50% crash of the price.

I'm only guessing that they will phase the dumping so as not to crash the price to 1000 SATs, so this may take 3-5 years to complete.

So expect $5-10 per LINK after that time.

Attached: 1562437396376.jpg (1402x823, 796K)

jesus have I made a mistake? Should I sell until devs stop dumping?

Lol newfag, just gonna leave this pic for you to read.

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Can you imagine

how did you invest in something that you have no idea if it can reach your sell goal? just curious can you please answer

imagine buying near the top.......

>devs dumping caused the 50% reduction, not the regular correction following Coinbase listings

this user is retarded.
do not listen to him.
he is a filthy nolinker faggot.

I did my final year dissertation on decentralized oracles. Chainlink is literally lightyears ahead of any competition. Now $1000 EOY might be a bit of a stretch, since things take time to change, but if you keep those linkies locked up for 5 years, you'll definitely be able to retire.

Its literally 50% off the top on a massive descending wedge on the daily. Are you literally a brainlet.

There can not be a "regular correction" with a coin where the counterparties are one and the same institution, i.e. the centralized issuer.

I hope your joking

You'll be lucky to break 15$ desu

Try a smaller MC if you want those gains

What about 1500 LINK?

I can maybe swinglink my way up to 20k link from my 5, so link would only need to 20x from here.

It's hard to make predictions like this, especially far into the future. I'd personally suggest getting at least 10k linkies, because without a doubt that'll eventually be worth a million dollars. With only 1500 you might have to wait a very long time, but free money is free money, so if it's all you can accumulate go for it.

dont listen to the nolinker, there is no crypto that has as much potential as link just look at pic related, lots of them are here again

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ooooooof just go home faggot

/biz is too advanced for you

All the companies mentioned in that pic will be running their own Chainlink nodes. They're not going to let you be a middleman making money off their data. I'm still all-in Chainlink, but I think it will end up being highly centralized. I don't care though.

They have suppressed the price. It was settling and they crushed it. It tried to break upward 4 times and they crushed it. They can continue to crush the price for years.

This is following the same trend as a stock with the power to dilute its circulating supply several fold and which has a history of doing small dilutions in rapid succession. The only thing that can usually break such a stock out of its trend is a larger company circumventing the dilution by making an offer.

Attached: finethed.jpg (800x800, 378K)

This should be easy. If you'd been doing this already you should be up about 80%. This is not a play for longs.

>I did my final year dissertation on decentralized oracles. Chainlink is literally lightyears ahead of any competition. Now $1000 EOY might be a bit of a stretch, since things take time to change, but if you keep those linkies locked up for 5 years, you'll definitely be able to retire.

Truthpill: If LINK sees real world adoption (which depends on blockchain & smart contract adoption), which is a BIG FUCKING IF, $1,000/LINK might actually be fud.

The key is staking. If operating a node proves profitable and low risk, there will be a race for nodes to accumulate LINK. This will either happen through staking services, nodes buying up LINK on the market, or both (most likely).

This will in turn deplete the available supply. High demand, low supply, you get the picture. As open market supply dries up and prices rise, calls will cost less and less LINK, and the room this has to deflate is, for all intents and purposes, infinite (we're talking multi quadrillion $ / LINK, it'll never happen). What CAN easily happen is a single token being staked netting a profit of a high enough value that it doesn't make sense to sell a LINK token vs. stake one until you're in the multi-thousand dollar/token range. It really depends on how much money is flowing through the smart contract market, and if we're talking derivatives, then shit will get CRAZY.

$200 LINK will happen within 5 years if adoption continues to pace as it is currently.

Good luck, stay safe, ignore faggots on this board fudding with low IQ remarks.

Are the 'dumps' going into the same wallet over and over or could they be used for paying new employees?

Completely serious. It actually went on to bite me in the ass a little. I was unable to compare various decentralized oracles to one another, because most of Chainlink's competition exists only as whitepapers or simplistic solutions (i.e. Augurs prediction market).
I wasn't passionate about my chosen degree so I figured I'd at least write my dissertation on something that personally interests me, even if it means I get a lower grade overall.

That's respectable. What country? Dissertations aren't graded in the US. If it's BA or MA level we normally just call it a thesis or capstone.

Lmaoooo that’s the amount a bought last year when it was 0,2$. Of course i sold a long time ago like any other intelligent link holder

>calls other people brainlet
>needs to ask if his investment will reach a certain price

this is one of the posts that made me all in. never fucking selling

Attached: 1532494130404.png (632x676, 342K)

This post contains all you need to know, OP.

UK. I've heard that dissertations are optional in the US for Bachelor's degrees. Over here we don't have a choice, they are graded and are worth a huge chunk of the final grade.
Not a fan of UK's education system honestly, since we couldn't even pick our modules, they are all predetermined, so you have to study a bunch of shit you might have no interest in.

Probably prudent to buy back in early 2020 when the LINK token is back under 60 cents.

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you guys are fucking retarded

>I did my final year dissertation on decentralized oracles

Post it faggot.

>not 25% RSR

Retard here who fell for the "ChainLink is a meme" meme. Should I go all in on LINK now with my life savings? I need a 25x to make it. RSR seems like a decent option too, it's held well during the recent BTC dumps.

well this is surely some autistic pie in the sky shit

let's just be happy it'll probably go to $10 alright? jesus

>let's just be happy it'll probably go to $10 alright?

Not for another 2-3 years.


Never all in. Make sure you're at least 50% btc

I have a small stack of link, but I really can't wait until one of the big boys releases their own method of connecting smart contracts to off chain data. There's literally nothing proprietary about Chainlink, this idea that they are guaranteed to be the monster /biz thinks they are is based on nothing more than hopes and dreams. I'm going to laugh when one of the big boys launches their own method at SIBOS and ends up tanking link entirely, it's going to be funny as fuck, and is way way waay more likely than anyone even mentioning link once.

This post is incorrect they bought tableau for more than mulesoft. Should I invest in decentralized dashboards? I mean I don’t think it exists but might be a niche I’ll look into it.

He posted it a few months ago. It was a boring read and nothing more than most of us knew a year ago desu

There’s nothing proprietary about bitcoin or ethereum either you brainlet

sergey is giving 700k to node operators, there wont be any "race for nodes" to accumulate link

This, sell those linkies and buy back in 6-8 months after sergey has finished the round 2 funding. Price is going nowhere but down until then ;)

I can say you would probably make 10 times with Telecoin which is absolutely awesome and will be huge soon.

yeah. except that these businesses will be extremely profitable and once the supply is dried up and there are more actors that want to join the network they will have to buy their way out of a monopoly owned by the initial node operators.

they'll have to price it at such a point that the existing node operators will let in competitor nodes.

> tldr
> drns

> why would i let you in on my closed profit pool?
> if you want in you better make it worth $$ my while
> any outside hodlers will be privvy to sell at the price point established at this point which will most likely be in the thousands per link

>except that these businesses will be extremely profitable

So far no one in crypto except scam exchanges like Binance are profitable.

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Having more LINK = ability to have more collateral. Even if the 700k thing is true, that's bullish as fuck. It means 700k is the bare minimum a node will need to operate efficiently on day 1. We can expect this to grow significantly as adoption increases. Of course, you're just pulling shit out of your ass, but if you're correct then honestly we'll see that $200/LINK within a year or so. It would leave very little room and therefore a low amount of time for people to accumulate enough to operate a node with reasonable collateral to be getting jobs, so the race would REALLY be on then. Nice reverse fud.

Post disertation or larp. I bet you can't even name 5 other CL competitors

Sasageyo ! Dedicate your hearts for the cause !

there are no competitors right now

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you are a MANIAC!

that's not true. I grant you that augur and the like are not competitors since they are more predictions markets with pseudo oracles, but post your dissertation because right now this is 100% larp

Nah, whoever that was wasn't me. I wouldn't post it here, it's nothing special, but it did require me to do a lot of research on existing / upcoming solutions. None come close to chainlink.

If they or (((you))) have already sold, then they or (((you))) are no longer a Link holder. It is a startling paradox you mouth breathing retard

Also they lose the ability to sell stock they dont have. They cant sell forever

There really aren't any serious competitors. I didn't even bother discussing pajeet scams like Mobius or Zap in my dissertation, but besides that there is Augur and Bitcoin Hivemind (ex Truthcoin). Both of which are prediction markets, so they would only work for things like gambling outcomes, not onboarding external data. There's also Oraclize, however they've bent the knee for Chainlink, creating more of a marketplace instead of being direct competitors.
There's one more called Astrea, which I've never seen discussed on biz and only found digging through academic papers. However this was similar to Augur, in that it uses voting to find the truth.

Chainlink really is an uncontested market leader at the moment. Sergey would literally have to purposely sabotage the company for them not to be worth 100s of billions of dollars in the next five years.

What about RLC? They have the superior oracles.

any else? are you sure you haven't missed any?

>distributed blockchain-based cloud computing platform

I've never really looked into this, always thought it was a cloud service kind of like Azure, but decentralized. Did they recently announce that they're doing oracles? It wasn't mentioned in any papers that I read. My research was done about 6 months ago.

There was at least one more that only existed as a whitepaper. I didn't include it in my paper and have forgotten the name. Apparently RLC is doing oracles now, according to but it didn't pop up when I was compiling my research. I'm sure seeing Chainlink's success there are now other startups looking to get into oracles. iirc there are platforms with built in oracles (i.e. Corda). If I'm not mistaken IOTA is also looking to implement oracles. These are both irrelevant, since they're not blockchain agnostic. Chainlink works with public blockchains as well as permissioned chains created through Hyperledger etc.

Any more that I missed?

I'm a developer and I looked over the Chainlink white paper and documentation, as well as the blog post by Google. Here's a few reasons I would not use Chainlink for my own apps:

The current "mainnet" is not decentralized. there's no way to decentrally assess if an oracle is any good or not.

It took them 2 years to basically build centralized oracles, which is extremely unimpressive (and already exists). I do not have much hope for the future or the competency of their engineers.

The white paper doesn't coherently describe how they plan on making their centralized design decentralized one day. They broadly go over their "decentralized" reputation strategies as if creating sybil resistant decentralized reputation is something of an afterthought, when it's actually an unsolved computer science problem. They've had 2-3 years and 30mil in funding to actually publish technical specifications for this and instead they decided to build trivial centralized oracles. Extremely worrying. It kind of reminds me of IOTA "we'll remove the coordinator later". No you won't. You don't know how.

News outlet and journalists keep reporting on "partnerships" with Google and Swift. But if you actually read the source for the "partnership", it's just a blog post by Google Cloud that promotes their own service (BigQuery) and shows an example about how Chainlink users can use Google Cloud if they want. In no way is Google partnered or planning on using Chainlink themselves. The Chainlink codebase is extremely trivial to rebuild if Google wanted to get into the blockchain oracle space.

While there's certainly profits to be made by trading Chainlink, I recommend you do not HODL it with the hope that one day developers will adopt it as their source for decentralized oracles. That certainly won't happen.

I went in on a 4x long position on LINK with fulcrum.trade earlier today.

I thought Iota detailed how they'll remove the coordinator with coordicide a few weeks ago

>sergey dumps LINK to zero
>sergey buys all billion tokens at $0.00
>sergey moons link to $10,000k while he holds every single token
>sergey still never sells ever

He's playing the long game

Attached: 1550387681972.png (624x623, 551K)

>codebase is extremely trivial to rebuild
Do people not realize how fucking retarded they sound saying this shit? It's the network that is worth something, not the codebase. Otherwise it wouldn't be open source.
You can go ahead and create an identical blockchain to that of Bitcoin. It won't be worth $200B. It doesn't have a massive network behind it.

I do agree with you on the blogpost. However, Google endorsing Chainlink and showing that it can be used in combination with one of their own products is pretty big, doesn't matter that it isn't a partnership as such.

Say what you want about the new FUD, but my sides are in orbit. Thousands of people are counting on this being their ticket. Jow Forums would reach depression levels never before seen.

absolute chad move

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STINKlets will never recover from this.

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No. You have to pay attention to supply or stock to flow ratio. Find something with less than 1 billion tokens or something with huge real world demand

>Replying to pasta
Welcome to Jow Forums, boys


There were at least 3, but I can only remember 2 atm. Verity and Witnet. Not sure what Witnet's status right now is, but Verity was discontinued but they were probably both active during your dissertation. Verity focused more on human side of the oracle problem by delivering unstructured data not covered by software or hardware pieces onto the blockchain and was quite complementary to Chainlink. Witnet on the other hand covered more of what CL does, but they were a bit behind. Still I think both would deserve an honorable mention in the dissertation. No one is as far as CL is now though

Verity sounds like a manual input oracle? I mentioned that they could be used as an alternative in my paper, but didn't find any existing examples. Did not come across Witnet either.


But it hasn't been addressed. Which means he's correct.

No brother. The supply is too big. Buy SHOCK or BOMB those things shilled here make me the most $. Quick too. I bet both 10x in a month. There's no where else that you can find a 10X so easily. I take suggestions though

just keep it i think it will dip to 1.80 though. just wait, you never know

why would an application layed oracle hit $1000?

>Verity sounds like a manual input oracle?

Ya, basically. You'd post a job and optimally 10 people or more would join in and input the data out of which a consensus would be built - those who ended up in consensus get rewarded and their reputation increases. You'd set the consensus rules so that 2/3 (or more) of people would have to agree by casting identical votes, giving time limits, minimum number of people. Problem was the whole thing devolved into keynesian beauty contest in discord and wisdom of the crowd principle was really stretched since the crowd was neither decentralized nor independent at that stage and it only got worse in somewhat subjective tasks.

Hey, I see myself, n5sld4hu

Impossible. We are never selling. Not even to serg

link to dissertation?

we are never selling.

only Sergey can sell 700K at a time.


You are a loser!