Wtf Jow Forums I think crypto is ruining my relationship with my wife...

Wtf Jow Forums I think crypto is ruining my relationship with my wife. It never used to be like this I don't pay attention to her like I used to, we argue nearly everyday. My feelings have slightly changed because of Crypto what's this thing doing to me. Can any other user relate?

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dont havea wife but ive became obsessive about crypto and its basically all i think about now

Either she doesn’t respect your interests, or you are triggered by her. Either way you two need to talk it out without emotion (that’s how fights start) and try to see eye to eye on what you each expect in the relationship

dump her, just like the last shitcoins.
you just noticed she's a stupid cunt

People naturally drift apart when left to their own devices. Do something fun together.
Ride a tandem bike to a dive mexican food place
Go to the park without your cell phones and just walk around.
The distractions are about to be a lot more distracting so make time, it will get easier if you do.

It's called being a man.

sell her and buy more crypto

is it crypto? or biz? biz is a slow poison and if you're here a lot, it probably is ruining your relationship

So she's talking back to you? When's the last time you hit her? Not like a little slap, I'm talking about really putting her in her place. Step up, OP. If you don't want to act like a man, I'm sure she can find someone that can.

We used to do things, my interests have changed I don't see the point in going out anymore its boring as fuck.
Being a man is toxic then
It probably is is/biz/ you fuckers are soul sucking vampiries with your FUD