Why don't women in real life act like women in anime?

Why don't women in real life act like women in anime?

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She blacked

They do, just not around you kek

because all the female anime parts are written by men?

reality is often disappointing

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not /thread nigger. women IRL just act like horny beasts if you're Good looking/rich enough. none approach the personality and elegance of a perfect 2D anime girl.

>Why are 2D women designed and written by men better than real women
Who knows.

A lot of anime/manga is actually written by women though.

user, I...

There's a lot of nice girls out there but you have to find them because they don't look like the whores you hate, retard.

>he believes this

Average women or below are typically meaner than attractive women.

And they are usually unattractive

Why don’t you just kys for being such a faggot in real life

3D women are INCAPABLE of acting or being as perfect as 2D women. A 2D angel is categorically something superior and higher. 3D women are debased sluts and slimewhores.

2D women
>Capable of feeling real guilt rather than just regret at being caught
>Have hobbies besides wanting to fuck men and steal money from betas
>Personalities beyond eating food, posting on instragram and being grossed out by indians
>Can find love, emotion and sensitivity endearing, instead of 3DPD's where any emotion besides "ME FUCK" and "ME MAKE MONEY FOR WHORE GIRLFRIEND" is "yikes"

2D women were made for 3D cock. 3D women were made for garbage dump

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Yes and no. The best girls will be the losers like you guys. Boring bitches that have no vices.

Why don't men in real life act like crocodile-men in Aboriginal creation myths?

Makeup, my friend. Those pretty girls aren't so pretty. Just go for supermodel features. Find that diamond in the rough. Women fear rejection and will talk to you if you treat them as people first.

The nice women are like you guys, either doormats or confused autists.

Less attractive women are more promiscuous.

>business & finance

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