Centralized ethereum price

Friendly reminder Chainlink mainnet is just some centralized shit for request the eth price. Moreover, here you have your BigQuery or Google "partnership" : docs.chain.link/docs/big-query-chainlink-testnet
The only thing you can do with Chainlink related to Google is to request the ethereum GAS price on a centralized manner.
Where are the hundreds-thousands of use cases? The Chainlink team has not been able to create any more than this, a centralized eth price checker. You wanna get some sports results, bets, fly delays, house prices,city weathers etc on your smart contract with Chainlink? No, obviously you can't. And just look at the pivotal/github, there is absolutely NOTHING about this.

Attached: clk-og-image.jpg (1200x630, 122K)

Didn’t read

Uh, this FUD is starting to get tiring.

Can you actually debunk or just throw some cheap shit like "FUD" "you had 2 years" or something like that?

Read the Chainlink blogposts.

Fuck you we are not obligated to answer every little question that comes out of your brainlet head.


I don't have to debunk anything dude. I don't owe you an explanation if you're too lazy to do your DD on Chainlink. Do your DD and you'll debunk yourself.

I've actually read them. Just some vague and superficial stuff about threshold signatures, "expanding" the team by market selling 700k every 2 days and not much more. Nothing about getting other kinds of data on smart contracts. Still nothing on pivotal/github about this.

Attached: DRNS.jpg (200x250, 8K)

Ok I read
>Where are the hundreds-thousands of use cases? The Chainlink team has not been able to create any more than this, a centralized eth price checker. You wanna get some sports results, bets, fly delays, house prices,city weathers etc on your smart contract with Chainlink? No, obviously you can't. And just look at the pivotal/github, there is absolutely NOTHING about this.
You realize that this falls on other teams, not chainlink, to create? Link provides the platform, developers provide the apps ya dipshit

Stinkies can’t answer questions because they live in an echo chamber and don’t have the answers hurrrrr

didn't read; sold 15% at $4.50


Oh sweetie, if you actually knew how things really are. No, this doesn't fall on other teams.With the actual Chainlink structure/code you can only access at some public and very specific apis, all of them related to eth price. And obviously you can only create/request chainlink for the eth price.

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What do you mean other kinds of data? Do you understand how Chainlink works? It can access any API.

I am guessing you don't have tech background? The infrastructure is being slowly built out with the heartbeat a testing ground and means to fund early companies who are joining the network.

I say this again and again to people new: DYOR.

Do you think I actually understand the technology? I literally didn't understand anything you just wrote. I made 500k with ETH following memes. Blew it all, except for $79 827,23 because my life is a fucking meme, now I am following the memes again.

you realize youre arguing with a fellow marine who is just bored and fuds all day, right? save your time man

Wew lad

Ethereum 2.0 will obliterate almost all alts including ChainLink. No such garbage as legacy needed. Linkers are the ultimate brainlets.

You had 2 years chinky dinky, Mr have no pinky.

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everyone laugh at the brainlet!!

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