Another day another cl node

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>Validation capital
>Newroad capital

Lmao no

not bad right?

horse rimmers blown the fuck out

jonny rims horses


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Meh, some Chinese shit. Show me Coinbase or Binance.

>biz refuses to browse twitter because muh secret club
>meanwhile twitter breaks news nearly a month before this bamboo weaving message-board

Most of the nodes now are from staking platforms for cosmos or tezos. Looks like there'll be a lot of platforms looking to stake link for us,
We knew this a month ago from thodges keybase

>Mossad did Notre Dame.
And that's where I stopped reading.

Can these staking pools be trusted though?

Are those percents referring to ROI from staking?

LP was always a very risky bet. Their marketing department consist entirely of tech idiots and telegram/discord morons shilling exclusively on Jow Forums plebbit and twitter with no plan about PR, sales or advertising. Sorry for all LP share holder, you got fucked as crippletopia share holders got fucked

Are there % of return per year, or per job, or ?

That is their whole business, to be trusted. Part of the risk you take when staking.

chinese? that's an auto hard pass for me desu

As always, do your damn research and don't risk more than you can afford to lose. It is so damn easy you lazy faggot

Hmm...I think I'll just wait until Coinbase Custody offers a staking will be delicious.

If you hold less than 500K Links for now and if you get lucky 100K in about a year, you will get no access to normiebases staking service

LinkPool still has the advantage though. It be kinda hard for linkpool to exitscam as long as johnny is still on the CL team

Wow another literally who node operator

Now that honeycomb is making noise, chainlink doesn’t even have first mover advantage anymore which is sad

>in about a year
If in 1 year, link can't reach $10... then wtf are you doing here?

> Exit scams
> Quits team with pockets full
Very tough indeed.

>moonboi detected
I'm more of the conservative kind. I didn't expected LINK to rise over a dollar before Q2 2020, but here we are and I'm a multi millionaire my dear moonboi

By the time staking is operational, I'm sure link will be at least 12 dollars...then my 85k stack will be sufficient to stake.

Your information is old op, your research game is weak
Don't come in here acting like you're teaching me something new when I learned about it a week ago through my own research
In fact I already know of multiple nodes coming next
Keep up kid

>Now that honeycomb is making noise, chainlink doesn’t even have first mover advantage anymore
Are you trolling?
Honeycomb is built around Chainlink.
It's literally described as an "Authenticated APIs for the Chainlink network" on their website:

Do your research.
The coffee standard is not fud, it is very logical if the team keeps building what it planned on building. The marketcap will rise, price, I doubt

>trusting chinks

look what happnd to binance

this is convincing but i wanna see how you came to that conclusion

what happened to binance?
Do you mean that low quality hack larp?
How retarded do you have to be to come up with such a lazy troll?

no i mean selling out its us users to be able to operate in the us. You think sec said make them kyc and thats it?

LINK is far from being complete. The team needs to acquire more tech and high qualified man power to make LINK complete. This means, as stated by the team since ICO, that they will bring LINK tokens into circulation to pay for those acquisitions. With more and more people becoming aware of LINK and what it will do, the demand will probably stay about the same or even rise slowly over time, with offer slowly rising by the token brought into circulation. If done right, the price should remain stable, or fall/rise a bit, but far from the moonbois claim of 1000eoy and the deluded no-linkers claim with it going to 10 cents. With the price remaining stable and the tokens in circulation rising market cap rises. Easy as that

But as stated above, I'm very conservative, and I might be wrong on assuming that the market will act rational.

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>selling out its US users
Stop being so emotional woman. Binance acted rational. They don't want to be fucked by Uncle Sam and as the mexican negro did, the most rational to do to survive is to throw out obvious US users that can't into VPNs

>Stop being so emotional woman

you're an actual retard. Having concern about binnance handing over its users trades to the sec so it can operate in the US is being emotional. i bet you think they just gave them info from 2019 too.

No, I think they comply to the request and if you completed kyc on Binance and not just used a bunch of user accounts like everyone else with a brain, you took a massive risk and are actually the retard

>Market cap
You need to escape this mentality. The market cap of the tokens has absolutely zero relation to the price action or its capacity. LINK's price will be fueled by supply and demand, nothing more. If smart contracts take over and LINK is the premiere middleware for making them happen, demand will be astronomically high and supply will be next to nothing because people will quickly scoop up what exists for hundreds or even thousands of dollars per token. The market is not the trading market that you see now. The market is the smart contract market. Derivatives will bring billions and trillions of dollars to the stage and the nodes will need the collateral to handle those.

In short, two things will drive the price: Adoption & Demand. A multi-trillion dollar "market cap" will be easily obtained if adoption exists and demand is high, but you have to understand that LINK tokens are not a company, they're a vehicle for money to be exchanged for services. The only thing comparable in current existence is maybe banking.

>implying i even traded on that shit exchange

you think using a vpn and a fake email keeps you safe?

You sound like some religious zealot tbqh fampai. I don't believe in LINK, I see a company that has acted very rational and kept deadlines like no other in the space, with a vision of a product that MAY do what you memoids believe it will do. But there is still a long way to go for that to happen. For now the market is the erc-20 token market. What it will be in the future and when this future will be, I don't know, but if they keep doing what they do, it might become what you claim it will. For now, I trust the company to do there work. It is what I do conservative investment in a highly speculative market.
Get that sand out of your vagina

We still photoshopping images to bait nolinkers to buy this trash? Nice to know Jow Forums has its users best interests at heart... NOT!

Sure but you do realize that the market cap of the token is in no way tied to the company. It's the closest you can get to investing in the company, but it's not. So still, your mcap view is futile.

I'm just giving a better idea of how you can valuate the token. Right now price is completely speculative. I think, probability wise, we are at a much higher risk of total failure and trajectory to zero than adoption and high demand... but IF adoption and high demand occur, you will shit yourself with the price action that's to come. Big risk, big reward, just my speed.

The idea that the collateral for delivering data must match the value of the underlying contact is FUCKING RETARDED.

JFL if you don't have a permanent 4x LINK position on

Yo wtf

>Get that sand out of your vagina
cant respond with a counter argument. you just outed your self as weak willed faggot or a retard.

Total failure, I highly doubt. Something unpredictable of an external nature must happen. Like politics deciding on a total ban of smart contracts or LINK being declared illegal for some reason. Another possibility would be of course that real competition with better networks and a better tech will arise, but this also seems very unlikely and it would not translate into total failure. And of course I completely agree with you on current price action being only speculative. As written above, I didn't expected the token to rise above a dollar, let alone 4 dollar this year.
Did somebody cum into your spaghetti? If you don't agree with some cex policies, just go the next one, no need to get all emotional about it. Really dude, you act like some drunken peasant in a bar looking for a fight.

You will need to own 1000 Chainlink brand ethereum tokens to stake on coinbase.

Lol, it’s the blind being led by the retarded

Worst 50x ever

who is that?


Please never buy link. Faggot

Sergey's friends?