29 years old here, never had a women, alchol addicted

- n o job
-no education
-no women
-no children
-no family (wife)
-no home
-Stacies on tinder/social network-kikes always ignore me / block me

>10k ChainLInk
-big nose
-protruding ears
-gum smile

Suggest me a good vengeance when Link gets to 1000$ END OF ONE YEAR (unspecified)

Literally evey girl I contact on social networks ignores my penis

What should I DO once financially free and 30 years women will want my provinding power?

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wow imagine accidentally eating her ass out haha that would be kinda random right guys? haha

Just fuck a fatty you incel

What should I DO once financially free and 30 years women will want my provinding power?

You should realize women literally don't matter.

tried... women look at face... I am ugly in face (big nose, mallocclusion protusing ears...)

You aren’t shooting low enough then, not only are you apparently ugly you’re also a retard

>You should realize women literally don't matter.

it's not true... everyone, even rich guys...want to be loved

Money will not make you loved. You are looking to get rich so you can find a gold digger. Women are not worth it.

This. They are just a means to distract you/get you caught in a trap.

tried with goblins women literally kikes tier,,, they don't want me...they seek for Chad... thanks damn fucking sexual emancipation

damnit fuck off with these depressing self help threads, every fucking day there is a guy telling you his life story asking for advice. Here's a tip don't ask for stacies if you know they are quote a few points above you in attractiveness. Fix shit inyour life you do have control over. For Men physical attractiveness is only one component of SMW, you don't have a job and you don't have any signs of wealth what the fuck do you expect for them to like the sound of your personality on your tinder profile?

Mate, link aint going to $1000, so please stop deluding yourself in that regard. Get into AA, get a job, get a hobby, read literature, get in shape, dress better, and stop with your incel gibbering. There’s enough women in this world of differing tastes and backgrounds that I can pretty much guarantee at least one of them could see you as a potential partner if you made an effort to better yourself. Unfortunately you sound like an absolute cunt, and until you change that, your odds of finding someone to even tolerate you are slim

I have seen broke ass debt slave niggers have the best white blonde womens just because they are actractive... only face matters... the reest is cope. Just want my Mary Queen's Revenge (Barbanera's galeon) against these stacies. cum on their faces and then ignore them like they ignore me now

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You’re almost a 30 year old man and you’re still unironically acting and speaking like this. Just do the world a favor and neck yourself you are absolutely worthless. If you are from the west you are even more pathetic because you have the world at your fingertips and still fail

kike spotted

not gonna sell kike


shitty generalization, only trashy women fuck blacks. you should be willing to change your beliefs if your beliefs ain't working for you. with that attitude if you do meet someone you will just ruin the relationship with poor behavior from having a resentful and negative view of women as a whole. Building up resentment of women as a whole can be quite the bitch to deal with. Read books, pursue your interests, get more successful.. More things matter than just facial appearance for men, I've never heard anyone express that theory convincingly. If you want to believe only your ugly face matters, then you don't want help or advice and just made this thread to whine and convince others why you'll never get a woman.

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This isn’t Jow Forums you disgusting faggot. Absolutely nobody here cares about your gay problems.

>Suggest me a good vengeance when Link gets to 1000$
Neck yourself, in protest.

How much alcohol do you drink and for how long ? Asking for a friend

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I will neck myself rich and famous like a rock idol, nigger
when LINK to 1000$

days I am depressed 1 liter + aswagandah + l- Teanin

Is this some kind of booz out the loo, pajeet ?

it's a natural ansiolitc, l-teanin is an amminoacid for anxiety and depression


hehe never thought about it like that

based haha poster

youre a pajeet arent you

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italiano, spaghetti

Haha like you just trip faceplant onto her ass right and then next thing you know your tongue is in her butthole

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Love yourself first, user.

That starts with treating yourself like you matter, ie eating well, working out, finding fun hobbies.

Vengeance is for losers, seek greatness.

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Buy a 30kg kettle bell and use it.

herp lip, dont care would eat her ass after a 3 day hiking trip

Go to church and find a fat Italian