.9999 coins or 22 karat?

.9999 coins or 22 karat?

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doesn't matter, which ever you can get closest to spot

can't go wrong with NGC or PCGS rated gold

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22 karat will be closer to spot as it has a lot less gold in it

no it doesn't...

>NGC or PCGS rated gold
why dont you try and shill me pre 33 coins too

eh, they should have a troy ounce of gold unless noted

both coins have 1 ounce of gold total

hmm i thought the coins ar 1oz well i guess then it's less retarded. especially for use copper alloyed gold is harder.

Do the needful and purchase some pre 33 gold from my brother Rajeesh at the gold exchange downtown Puducherry

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I like pre 33 coins myself. Best value for the dollar to add weight

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Do you like to touch your coin or do you just like to watch it?
They'll pay the same as both have one ounce of gold,maybe they'll pay a bit less for the 22 karat if you find someone that thinks you're a retard who might accept less but it might also happen with the 9999 if it gets damaged wich can more easily do

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no i don't even like to look at the yellow shit it gives me regret and anxiety

I look at it once a month

And each time i consider melting it down into a bullet and finally making my waifu real.

Buffaloman is ugly.
Just get the double eagles.

For me it is .986

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>tfw bought gold at a high today
>praying to god it doesnt crash

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>gold ID
Lad, you're set 4 lyfe

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why not both?

You can't go right with slabbed shit. Massive premiums for for someone to put on a sticker what everyone can see.

what about asteroid mining

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>could afford to go back to the moon 15 years ago
sure thing


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