SENT is way bigger than any of us thought

SENT is way bigger than any of us thought.
I did some research and anyone staking SENT on the Sentinel hub will get part of all the transaction fees going through the Sentinel hub.
Why would anyone want to send their transactions through Sentinel?
Because Sentinel is the privacy layer of Cosmos, anyone using Cosmos that wants to have anonymous transactions/services etc has to go through Sentinel.
Cosmos is a "internet of blockchains" which means that it will connect a lot of blockchains.
By default any coin, BTC, ETH, NANO etc that doesn't have a privacy layer can now get that with the help of Sentinel hub. Fees can be paid in any accepted currency on the Sentinel hub so staking SENT can give you BTC, ETH etc.

Currently trading on Idex, hitbtc, and forkdelta.!/trade/0xf96dd969dca52bcf7dafa0ee75e5b6815ab761b2-ETH

You will also be able to pay for the dVPN in any accepted currency and staking SENT will also give you transaction fees of these payments.

Don't tell me you're missing out on the next 50x bros
This is clearly just warming up and smart money is entering, when free money is presented in front of you, you should be eating it up..

Attached: rekt.png (23x181, 531)

I approve rajeet

looks very robustic

Attached: 8383453453464692.jpg (1280x720, 175K)

hold til binance

Kek dyr anons

Cosmos makes everything proof of stake but needs to beat Ethereum to do it. Do you think it will beat Ethereum? No? Youre not retarded? Then Sent is worthless, which is why its cap is so small.

Its a pnd idc long term

don't make it complicated, guys, just get a stack and hold til binance and move on


Nobody gives a fuck about your fetish-hiding vpn.

About the what

when is exchange listing


We are way more JUSTED than any of us thought.

Attached: 1565235007388.jpg (601x601, 106K)

Pls post proof I will sell my xbox and buy

These are the people buying sent, people who need to sell a fucking xbox to scrape together $150

Stfu not all of us live in 1st world countries


Netgear confirmed

dumped this once i saw these shitty copy paste threads.

all the volume in the last week has been people capitulating. get in if u want but i dont see this taking off. i would never use the vpn software, i dont want to run my traffic thru some randos computer, and i would never host anyone elses traffic. dvpn is sketchy af to any normal person

there are places in the world where using a dVPN is worth the risk. there's a lot of people living in those places.

Spotted the drooling retard

I bought

what was the distribution method? Airdrop, ico will not be listed on us exchanges or binance us

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Unless you are purposely reverse fudding, answers like that make this project look even shittier that it already does. Sent has zero credibility with this low rate paid pajeet shilling.