Just got some modafinil through the post, any thoughts on this shit Jow Forums...

Just got some modafinil through the post, any thoughts on this shit Jow Forums , I have some resits to do soon and am paranoid its gonna fuck me up instead of give me focus.

experiences? Some say placebo, some say gives them headaches, some say gives godly powers etc.

Attached: moda.jpg (700x350, 44K)

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It works. I take it every day at this point.

It’s great if your tired, otherwise don’t expect too much. Try noopept / piracetam if you want to get results

Literally cured my depression, I ran out and I need more. I had the energy to finally get shit done in my life.

I found all this aniracetam piracetam nootropics stuff literally like a placebo if im honest user. Tried that shit years ago and recall having to stack it with choline or some shit to the point I was getting so scientific about doses like one of those supplement fags but it wasnt really giving me the nzt feels some people reported.

It made procrastination less maybe.

not gonna fucc you up, not gonna do much either. you might placebo get tons of stuff done first few times though.

an older relative takes this for nacolepsy. still works hard by choice in his 70s.

Ahh... the Modafinil pajeets are back again.
Another case in point for the flags on Jow Forums!

where did you buy?

The point isn't to get NZT feels, that's not possible. The point of modafinil or armodafinil is to feel energised. I do agree the nootropics shit is meme, but fundamental supplements like zinc, magnesium, iodine, B12 Methyl, K2 MK-7 and D3 are far from ineffective. That said, they only give you a baseline to function from, not a noticeable stimulatory effect or such.

lol im white and was basically hassled by a friend to 'try' this shit.
tolerance? surely its not an every day thing.

I dont have narcolepsy.

I kinda figured it was just gonna be the same as nootropics, more of a placebo than a smart/study drug. meh.


yea my worry its gonna be like speed, dont get me wrong I do drugs when the circumstance presents itself. But I dont want to waste an entire day feeling all phetted up when I could be getting shit done without some meme pill..

Its a schedule 4 controlled substance in the USA just like xanax
Felony possession. Dont get caught.

what the fuck is wrong with your country, motherfuckers shooting up churches and walmart weekly, sometimes multiple times a week and you still can buy ar-15's everywhere.

But a controlled drug which is sleep disorder aid and it falls in the same category as murder etc.

Literally, in the land of the free, your some of the least free people in the world.

Doctor here.

Be careful, you will build a tolerance rapidly and the withdrawal will not be nice. Take 25mg a few days, slowly increase by 25mg every few days, only run it for 2-3 weeks maximum.

It's essentially a mild methamphetamine. It should never be used long-term.

thanks doc, I have only 200mg pills and was literally going to restrict to 1 pill per day, once/twice a week.

I'm familiar with tolerances as again, have been a bit of a draaaag head in my younger days, withdrawal mind? how does this generally manifest or just undefined?

I will say I was abit of a raging coke head when I was in my early 20's and the withdrawals from that was like the most 'kill me fucking now' feeling I ever recall having in my life.

dont listen to this faggot. No comedown, doesn't even have remotely similar effects to coke (which is milder than meth). Doesn't do much at all, other than make you feel you have drank lots of coffee.

buy adrafinil instead
it’s legal to posses without a prescription unlike modafinil
and neither of them build tolerance or decrease effectiveness over time at a consistent dose due to their pharmacology.

and most definitely dont listen to this absolute idiot, unless you wanna fuck up your liver.


You're obviously not a doctor. 0/10 larp

You're as much of a doctor as johnny sins is

I'm in the market for getting some of this, I love it, never had any side effects with it just literally you maximize your focus and get rid of mental fatigue. The site you ordered from, is it "yes buy this but def only if you have narcolepsi *wink wink*" or is it a legit website you need to prove you actually need it for medical purposes?

Nvm they don't ship abroad feels badman. If anyone knows where a swede can get his hands on some modafinil i'd appreciate it.

I use phenylpiracetam with coffee and phenibut occasionally.

Good to get out of a cycle of depression (when I'm burnt out and cba to do anything for more than 2 days).

Also if you have to get something done, it'll maintain your focus all day. Like rather than giving it a rest at 5pm, you'll stay it 9pm and finish it.

I only got bad sides after 3 days in a row.

you're gonna be fucked up if you don't make 1 week pauses between uses

>tolerance to modafinil
>withdrawals from modafinil
Hahaha wtf, 0/10 LARP

Attached: 4bb.png (423x900, 473K)

Got some from India and it unironically reinforced my racist thoughts. I began spiraling into some kind of racism induced psychosis. I couldn't stop thinking about how niggers are destroying civilization wherever they go. Their loud music, room temp iq, low parental drive, lack of foresight, and never-ending push for the destruction of beauty - all these things have now been cemented in my mind. Moda now, 1488 later.

Why do all Americans eat pills?

whats your customs like ?? im sure you could probs buy this shit on DNM's desu.

What about dexamphetamine I use 5mg for a day of studying

Basically adderall no? how does that go for you, are you actually adhd? do you get anything like bruxism ?