My plans today thx to crypto

Today I’ll be doing 3 things.

- ordering 3 meals of takeout
- playing games in bed
- posting nonsense
-Sitting comfy on my bags of alts

Blame crypto for allowing this level of freedom.

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Who that and can I pay to go for a round?

>Sitting comfy on my bags of alts
what is OP holding?

Anons read into xFutures it will become huge. Public staking soon, last round with some bonus. Their exchange token will get listed on OKEx, and your funds? They are safe, as they are backed by OKEx.

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>be me
>order all my meals
>play games
>shitposting on this board
>sitting comfy while I'm getting staking rewards to live off

I blame FTM and COTI for that

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What coins do you stake for passive income?

MITX and FTM are my biggest bags. And some ETH BTC

FTM I stake on this platform by OKEX

I know already am staked

What should i buy and how much to be able to do that. Also how much do you need to do that?

We're going to need her name, user.

What did you buy op ?

what ya think of coti and ankr

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>proofs of steaking

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no sex? lol boring

OP sits in the background as the cuck he is while this women is getting pounded by someone holding MITx.


> posting nonsense
Here we just shitpost nothing fancy like nonsense

Get MITx. Girls love it, it will make you a chad.

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Fuck 3d. 2d > 3d. Oh btw. Get BPRO, big news coming lads

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So much inane transparent shitcoin shilling and still no source.

My plans for today are to buy more coti. Have you guys even researched how big the input of this fucking jewish team will be.? They will create the best antiholocaust you will see in the future!!!!!

Attached: Coti_Drugs_01.jpg (1080x675, 135K)

who diz bitch, i would coti her full , in her mouth , anus , pussy tits

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Buy bpro tit girl, eoy you can drive lambo and fuck me

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Who tf is the girl

Tineye turns up one match which is for a girl named Jem Wolfie. I'm not convinced it's the same chick because Jem Wolfie's ass is huge. But she looks similar.

Attached: 740full-jem-wolfie.jpg (740x857, 140K)

So you cashed out?

Or are you going into CC debt to afford this lifestyle?

today i'll bang your mom and buy more link

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>i'm not convinced

she literally has the same tits and hair style
you can't even see her full bottom in the pic

thanks for introducing me to tineye though

When will COTI moon? I've been in since 600 sats.

more bob and vagene please thank you sirs

Agree with you user. xFutures will be big soon.

Bon appetite, Monsieurgay