What is your current personal plan for improving the world?

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Why would anyone ask that

remove the corrupt politicians from your country


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Buying link to fight evil satanic pedofiles

>What is your current personal plan for improving the world?
tell them about your plan to wipe the jews off the face of the earth!
Don't forget a swift SIEG HEIL after your done

just pack your things and walk out without giving an answer.

"To cover the world in a thin film of grease so we may escape our friction oppressors and glide into the future as free zers"

I suppose we should start by rounding up and gassing all the Jews. Then we take the niggers and put them to work in the fields again. The middle-east is to be euthanized through nuclear fire. Africa is to be sealed off with naval mines and air patrols.

>What is your current personal plan for improving the world?
A: Getting you to hire me.

this is called the liberal check

all you have to do is say lead by example in promoting a safe and tolerant space for all races, genders, sexualities, and religions in the workplace.

thats all they want to hear

This. Throw in stuff about solar panels and not eating tuna as well.

>What is your current personal plan for improving the world?
Funding the fourth industrial revolution :)

Fuck companies like this. Make them hurt for asking this bullshit

Pick a cause that everyone universally agrees with (children’s hospitals is good) then in negotiations ask how dedicated they are to match your charitable contributions and how much paid time off will they provide you to volunteer for your cause, since they obviously care about improving the world so much

In nuce: I reject the implicit presuppositions of your question. The state of modern man is such that whatever shadows of nobility remain within his soul, they are directed towards the attainment of enacting a state of moral transition universal to all mankind. This process has become increasingly manifest during the last quarter millennium; yet it is one which has borne for us naught but ill. To understand this, one must understand that the desire to revolutionise the behaviour of others such that it falls into accord with one's notion of morality does not, in fact, signify the moral progress of our species - quite the opposite.
The revolutionary desire, to which I am now expected to pay homage, has rather come as a consequence of the nihilism inherent in man's rejection of his relationship with the highest spiritual good - call it what you will; God, Virtue, Truth. This rejection, now so complete that even those who which to return to it cannot hold it in its true loftiness without becoming aware of their own falsehood, has been the only spiritual alteration of man in the last two hundred years which can claim to be more blatant than the worship of revolution hereby caused.
For in abandoning his hitherto wholly predominant source of purpose - the alignment of one's every action with the ethical superstructure - man has been necessitated to quench his thirst in the moral desert. He grasps at replacement structures and binds them to his very being. These false idols - wholly rationalistic simplifications of our exceedingly profound and infinitely complex state of being - must of necessity detach themselves from association with the Truth which now inspires in man such visceral disgust. As such, man's moral position has evolved from a binding of his own soul to the eternally fixed, to a binding of the souls of others to his own - which has become entirely unbound.

Leftist here. This shit wouldn’t work on me unless I like your other answers, but it would work on 90% of hr womyn

Our last century has been one wherein every member of the ship's crew finds himself justified in abandoning his assigned position so that he may seize the wheel and steer the whole ship towards prosperous shores and stave away the storm. Yet in the collective struggle for the position of captain, man has entirely forgotten his traditional conception of duty. Not only can the ship no longer sail in a gradual peace - it must now chop here, and cut there; pull up the sails and draw them once more back in - but the individual stations of the crewmen have become entirely neglected. Each man no longer fulfills his duty of preparing sustenance, of cleaning the ship's cabins, of repairing its walls. It slowly turns to decay.
Yet the response of modern man to this newly found decay has been an ever more frantic scramble for the wheel; the presupposition being that our plight has been caused by a poverty of adequate leadership.
Man, adhering to his "higher morality" of world-shaping has placed himself in the position of a God. He is no longer aware of his necessary spiritual insignificance; of the limits of his knowledge; of the knowledge embedded in our received cultural norms and structures of belief. He - detached from the natural tether of the spirit - would be contradicting himself in subverting his immediate and personal rationalism to concepts of duty and tradition, both of which are intrinsically linked to faith.
And so I must take my own advice, lest I, with the best of intentions, add to the unending failings of our race in these most troubled of times. While not devoid of my own ideas of world-shifting morality, I understand that all of our recent revolutionary tendencies, all striking blotches on man's already bloody history, have been headed by men like myself, and those who you wish to enshrine through your question: men of firm convictions, men who aspire to raise their fellows to a new level of existence, men who wish to punish the unjust.

Fallible men. For the position of mankind, both ancient, as we agree, and modern, against which you are certain to contest, is primarily one of ignorance. No matter what man claims to know, he will never learn to know the true limits of his own knowledge. Despite this, he can wish to seek them, or he can wish to unshackle himself from them.
The latter has been chosen, and I see that you support this choice.
As such, I must rescind my application.
I wish you the very best, and hope that you take my words into consideration.


My company provides few days, I think 4 for volunteering. I dont think its rare. Helping out in local child hospital is one of the options.
I never did.

Based. You'll make it user

Well, we have to end apartheid for one.

And slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger.

We have to provide food and shelter for the homeless, and oppose racial discrimination and promote civil rights, while also promoting equal rights for women.

We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values.
Most importantly, we have to promote general social concern, and less materialism in young people.

based and redpilled

Put everyone in a realistic simulation world so no one can cause much sin and damages to one another.

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>Leftist here. This shit wouldn’t work on me
>but it would work on 90% of hr womyn
You finna bouta lose your leftist dildo if you keep thinking things like that
Flagellate yourself and repent for impure thoughts

what about if I told you I want to make the world a better place by promoting chaos. would you hire me then?

seriously just spout some shit about cleaning up Indian rivers or helping refugees learn javascript or some shit