What's the catch?

What's the catch?
$2500 gives you roughly $8
The fee for withdrawal is a fixed 0.09 xmr

Attached: IMG_1053.jpg (1851x1115, 170K)

worse case you end up with a bag of monero, which is better than a $8 measly profit

>those are the people giving you trading advice on 4channel.org/biz/

You bought 1 monero for 92.85
Then you sell it for usdt for 93.31
Then you buy monero for 92.85, 16 c of pure profit.

What's the catch?












kill yourself cancer patient

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I say do it OP
looks pretty good
I guess the arbitrage bots haven't picked up since the margin is so small


Thanks mate.

Holy shit I'm falling for that bait
Research the definition of an 'ask' and a 'bid' and then look at your pic again
It just tells you the price you have to beat to be the first buyer/seller

why'd u tell him that cunt if he isn't larping I wanted to see him lose money

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Suck my balls mate.
Dumb animefaggot.


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Yeah, only a retarded man child would watch anime. You got that part right, reeetard.

Imagine not knowing how trading works... How long have you been in crypto?

This is the dumbest investment community in the internet

This, saved for future best of Jow Forums threads

Attached: buyhighselllow.png (969x906, 196K)

I'm new in your neck of the woods.
Since there's no FAQ on this board I have to ask stupid questions.

Ignore that "best" ask/bid thing you highlighted and look at the order book.

Watching the order book and the recent trades is the fastest way to make sense of everything.

I like newbs OP so I'm gonna give you a serious answer. Putting a bid in, even a bod at the highest price does not guarantee anybody will cross the spread and buy from you. Statistically if someone does cross the spread and take your bid it's because the market has shifted and your bid is now likely to lose you money. The circumstances of this chsnge from moment to moment and are highly unpredictable. Suffice it to say you will lose more often than you win. There are people who do this for a living though and they are called market makers. To make it work they have advanced algorithms that react very quickly to changing market conditions and they take advantage of very fast execution which in the case of HitBTC means a FIX connection.
You have none of this but now you know where to start.