Blackpilled so hard even gains are not helping

BTC is way up from the bottom and any normal person should be happy. But I've been blackpilled by Jow Forums about relationships in general so hard that I can't even be happy about this. I mean i guess thank you guys because the only reason i went literally all-in at 3200 - 5000 was that I was suicidal as hell and I was thinking "if i go bankrupt, i'll just kms".

How the fuck do you guys cope with: marriage being a financial death sentence, 9s and 10s literally only willing to fuck the top 1% of aesthetics and wealth, and men being absolute trash in society because of third wave feminism. I'm not baiting about politics, i just want to know how to cope.

I mean im not an ugly incel by any means, I go to a bar and alright girls initiate eye contact with me and from time to time mediocre girls actually approach and make a move on me. The mediocre girls usually lead to one night stands but the ones where i initiate normally require another drinking session the next day with them before getting laid.

BUT THE PROBLEM IS, they dont look like those top tier girls on instagram or brap posts. I'm depressed as fuck about this. I mean sure i can fuck 9s and 10s with money but thats not the point, I want to date them. Its about showing them off to the world. I mean jacking off is literally better than sex (with condoms, raw dog is plesureable as fuck), its an ego thing.

I'm fucking stuck with 1 to 7 tier girls in this life. The only life I'll have then its poof you're gone not for a billion or trillion years but an INFINITE amount of years and I'll never be able to date these model/actress tier girls. What to do biz? Should i just be a fucking heroin addict?

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The absolute state of biz kek
This is the end result of all those never get married threads + brap posters in here

I see you're blinded by soulless bimbos. Dating them is just basically a more expensive escort service. Date women with actual personality and decency. You won't find them in bars. You might not even find them anywhere near you if you're an American/western. You should also accept the fact that 8-10s with a decent personality and morality are 1% of the women in the west.

Unironically have sex

>stop going to bars
>stop interacting with women if no pussy is coming
>fuck prostitutes in developing countries if u must ge pussy
>start cultivating skills and hobbies
>build your own house and cultivate the land
>live stress free with your hobbies and buy stuff & pussy with your money

Quit being a fucking pussy. Instagram and braper posts are photoshopped and they have cake faces with makeup. You don't want to date a 9/10 because they will just cheat on you and leave you. Stick to your own fucking league man and find someone who loves you for you. Quit being pathetic.

Wow the number going up didn't make you spiritually and emotionally fulfilled? I'm shocked!

make it or die trying
ask the question why
ask the questing what is it

why do you want those women, to procreate or to fuck ?
if it is the first get a surrogate and use the egg from some athlete bitch


hahah jesus look at this blue pill cuck

I forgot. Stop posting trannies.

women are for raising kids nothing else
just have a random submisse one thats not ugly as fuck and have some kids with it
if you want to fuck a 10/10 just order a top tier escort(you have to make it first with crypto ofc)

>have sex
>have some more flings
>suddenly marriage isn't appealing anymore
>still black-pilled

without make up 8-10s are already

You say that but OP is completely unsatisfied with his life and can't figure out that Instagram girls are fake.

8-10 women have never had the necessary pressure in life to develop a personality.

op... the 9's and 10's look like 7 - 8's's without make up.. ALL OF THEM.

also they get ugly after they hit 25.. so you only have a short few years of happiness if you marry one of them. dont' it's pointless. only marry if you are poor and always will be poor. cause you need money to date younger women.

also, even if you're ugly.. you can get rich and clone 10's to be your sex slaves.. heck you can even try to genetically engineer the perfect 10 if you have enough money/time... and you can keep replacing them when they get older

But how do you cope 8s to 10s never truly loving you in this life. It fucking boggles me when i think of non-existence and the fact i won't ever be truly attractive to top tier women. I wont ever get to experience it not now not in an infinite amount of years.

You can probably fuck model tier girls in Amsterdam's red light district but like I said. Its about showing them off to people in your social circle. Literally anyone that has a job can pay 10s to fuck them.

>You don't want to date a 9/10 because they will just cheat on you and leave you. Stick to your own fucking league man and find someone who loves you for you.
Hence why im depressed as fuck. Whenever i see 9/10 or 10/10 in person I just feel this sudden rush of despair which leads me to dissociate the rest of the day until the next morning.

>women are for raising kids nothing else
t-th-thanks f-for blackpilling me on how expensive kids are b-biz.....

this is true unless they're from some sort of an abusive household - in which case they're nutjobs

Men love women, women love babies and animals. You are grasping for something that doesnt exist. Just deal with the fact that you are only a resource for women and use your gains to have fun. Never in history has this kind of freedom been there for men, you can literally do anything. But instead you are stuck on some idealistic love thing that doesnt exist.

Why do you feel like you're incomplete or less than because you don't have a 9/10 or 10/10 wife? If you did she would just run your world the way you act when you're around close proximity.

Have you ever tried interacting with people of the caliber? Or do you just get too anxious?

As i said getting laid is not problem. Its the hopelessness of getting 9s and 10s (instagram model tier) to fall in love with you.

I agree, they're less than 1%.
If you don't know what a decent personality is, you probably have a shitty personality too.

Some do develop character. It's just that they're a dying species and are hunted down and turned into whores.

You cope by not desiring their affection and instead loving yourself and finding what life really means for you.
You can be attractive to them depending on your bank account.

Women dont love men, they love what you can provide for her at that time. When that thing runs out or is no longer necessary she will monkey branch. If you want an instagra, thot then provide her with something like travels and photography

Sage you stupid niggerfaggot.

>Why do you feel like you're incomplete or less than because you don't have a 9/10 or 10/10 wife? If you did she would just run your world the way you act when you're around close proximity.
I mean doesn't it drive you crazy that you'll never get to experience having a 9/10 or 10/10 wife FOR ETERNITY? Non-existence is scary enough. But thinking about non-existence without ever getting a 9/10 or 10/10 wife = instant dissociation mode for the rest of the day.

>Have you ever tried interacting with people of the caliber? Or do you just get too anxious?
Funny thing is I've never had one of these in my social circle (including the people in my social circle i dont talk to). Even all the girls at grade school, high school, college, and work. The only 9-10s I've seen live are actual strangers or celebrities/models.

But yeah i wouldnt even have the balls to talk to them probably if they're surrounded by other guys or girlfriends which they usually are. They are almost never alone except during the day/outside bars which would be totally awkward.

I tried meditation btw. I got like 250+ hours worth of meditation according to Insight Timer and I'm still depressed as fuck.

>If you don't know what a decent personality is, you probably have a shitty personality too.
What? Most people use "good personality" as a euphemism for "I want to fuck her but don't want to seem shallow." No one can explain what a good personality is without being overly general which doesn't help anyone. Of course fidelity and kindness are important but those are the bare minimum for being a decent person. Attractive women never have to develop a personality or actually learn social skills; so many times while talking to girls on campus I feel that they actually don't know how to interact with other people because they've never had to learn, and the moment they start talking to a person who doesn't find them as attractive as everyone else does then they crack. But go ahead, keep thinking your girl has "a good personality" if that helps you sleep at night.

You can marry 9s and 10s and have them as a wife for eternity if you can sustain them. Like I said, they're mostly shallow cunts who are only after money and fame. As long as your loaded, you'll have them leashed. Unless someone better than you comes.

op.. you can get a 10/10.. but you need to make 1 billion dollars.. if one man can do it another man can

Where did I say that they all have nice personalities?

>How the fuck do you guys cope with: marriage being a financial death sentence, 9s and 10s literally only willing to fuck the top 1% of aesthetics and wealth
Become the 1%. Let them chase you, and never chase them. Your only chance of finding a decent mate is to deserve a decent mate, which you will only do by not being desperate and by having options.

Boohoohoo have sex

The blackpill is a gift. For before you were gelded, and now you are virile. For before you were chained, and now you are free. You are blessed, not cursed. The blackpill will open your eyes to dangers. The bluepilled will fall into traps you see easily. You will avoid the marriages that have doomed so many men. The world is as it is. to others the world is not what it seems

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Really. Man up, have sex or neck yourself.

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>You can marry 9s and 10s and have them as a wife for eternity if you can sustain them. Like I said, they're mostly shallow cunts who are only after money and fame. As long as your loaded, you'll have them leashed. Unless someone better than you comes.
Those that will have enough cash to sustain true 9-10s that even for 5 to 10 years are probably < 1% of the male population.

This guy tech lead's wife probably isnt even hot and he's a millionaire for sure.

Brendan Fraser's is an actor had several hit movies and his wife isnt even a 9 or 10 and yet he still wasn't enough. Ironically he became the JUST'd meme.

If these loaded guys cant do it, then I will definitely not be one of those < 1%

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i dated a 9/10 in a developing country... for a month. you hear that i was able to fuck get for a fair bit for a month but it took money and spending before it blew up in my face. “retention” and keeping her was a problem. even there they have attitude and options. there’s always a chance you get mogged. lesson is date within your league or improve yourself
wall is a myth for women with good genetics

Spoken like a man who doesn't have any idea how to give a proper dicking

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>Become the 1%. Let them chase you, and never chase them.
You're clearly redpilled not blackpilled. You can't just lift your way out into the 1%. Shit is almost always determined by birth.

1. Are you a male model? Then you are not part of the 1% in aesthetics
2. Don't even get me started on being 1% in wealth. Even a $3 million net worth wont let you marry 10/10s if you're not good looking enough. You have to be absurdly rich, not just rich.

Get girl that makes more money than you. Not that hard since corps are trying to virtue signal as much as possible

Then there's no point for her to divorce you

>guise im a turbonormie who got ‘blackpilled’ by an anime website now I hate my life!!!!

What is this feeble minded fucking shit? What is this Jow Forums shit doing on my board? Please just fuck off and die you insufferable moron.

>Get girl that makes more money than you.
Never going to happen for 99.9% of the male population. Women, even mediocre ones, that are willing to marry down are extremely rare. Women tend to marry someone who have a higher social standing than them.

Which is why all the movies and tv shows have a trope where a rich guy falls in love with a girl. But never a trope where a rich girl falls in love with some poor ass guy.

Then be the 1%


It's not hard for me, user. You have to learn to be alone, and find your life satisfaction in hobbies.
I will always get immensely more pleasure out of learning a new skill or working on a massive personal project than busting a nut in a woman.
In fact, maturbation feels better than sex as you have no duty to perform and you can jerk it to 10/10 bitches out of your reach.

Another option is a sex doll. I haven't gotten one yet but I've heard great things.
$1k to $5k investment that is less expensive than a woman will ever be.

>Become the 1%. Let them chase you, and never chase them. Your only chance of finding a decent mate is to deserve a decent mate, which you will only do by not being desperate and by having options.

>"if i go bankrupt, i'll just kms"
I'm in that camp as well.

There is no cope. There is only how useless a burden you're carrying right now, envisioning only pussy and carnal pleasure, leaving all your contentment to rely solely on something that's just as temporary and vapid as your existence.
Seek not women, seek not to accumulate riches. Place all your trust in our Lord and seek instead time and peace of mind.. Get yourself comfortable in your material independence and useball your newly-found freedom to aspire to the higher things, strengthening your relationship with Him and with those around you.
In the end, all we want is to feel validated. But what a silly mistake it is to think that we can satisfactorily find that in the subjective judgement of man! Seek to please only God: his approval is objective and definite.
Let nothing disturb you, let nothing dismay you. All things pass, but God never changes. Whoever has God lacks nothing.

>You can't just lift your way out into the 1%
you fall at the second step user

1st step is wanting it
2nd step is believing you can do it

3rd step is working towards it

you can do it user

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>Another option is a sex doll

The Brenton route is the only way to go out if you go bankrupt. suicide is for pussies

Hobbies really are more satisfying than bitches, and less expensive and troublesome.

OP is delusional, imagine caring for sex and specially for 'love' in the current year... if you were truly blackpilled you wouldn't care about wahmen in any way, dont be a fucking cuck

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lol faggot

>if you were truly blackpilled you wouldn't care about wahmen in any way
He is one of the beaultiful ones.

>if you were truly blackpilled you wouldn't care about wahmen in any way
Just because you know and believe the blackpill truth doesnt make it less depressing. Blackpill = you literally just cant do anything about it. Its exclusive from stoics that willingly accept this unchangeable truths. A blackpill can know the truth but still be bitter as hell about it.

>"Oh woe is me, I can bang beautiful women and pulled a 3x from BTC in less than a year"
Why are white people like this? No wonder the jews want to replace you.

You were going kys in the first place right ?
Go all in, in the purchase of your ten's or die trying.
All you have to do is to talk to em, it seems like you don t have much to lose anyway

> can bang beautiful women
I think you misunderstand my post. I can only fuck, date, marry 1 - 7s. Girls that are instagram tier are absolutely unreachable for me unless they are prostitutes and I pay them. Even you can fuck 9s and 10s if you're willing to pay a prostitute

I legit have a 9/10 wife so I can't relate. As other user's have said. It's either you're rich or she's a nutcase. In my case, she's pretty fucking crazy as per the other user said he was spot on with they have abusive parents.

w/e good trade off. if you want to know how I pet someone crazy I connected with her online until we moved in together. I would literally throw 7-8's out daily like you do and just played a numbers game until I met someone attractive enough to invest my time into.


Thanks for the advice and congrats with having a happy life user

Also, having a stable career and just the appearance of independence is big here. It doesn't matter if you make a lot of money to someone who is crazy; you just need stability someone who can be a constant in their life.

Tbh I think I would be bored with typical women who's 9/10 with no personality. I'm actually quite fond of crazy girls so it's worked out well for me. Just keep playing the numbers game that dating is until you find someone.

Ive fucked girl like pic related sir. She claim she loves my brown 'shit muscle'.

You just need the following: to have big liquidity in the bank from win.

Quickbit (google it) will moon tomorrow. Maybe we can orgasm together, sir,.... the moon.

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You will never succeed with that loser attitude. Change your attitude and your relationship with reality will be fundamentally different. It was a drag reading the words you typed, much less actually being you.
Do you not believe in the placebo effect? Do you not realize that the state of your mind affects you on a cellular level? When did this loser attitude of yours begin, user? Why must you constantly visualize losing?

>'shit muscle
what ?

>Maybe we can orgasm together, sir, the moon.