BlockChan on XRP/IPFS is now live

Per discussion last night, the project has been renamed to BlockChan.

Posts live forever on Ripple and Images are stored on IPFS.

Performance improvements have been added but if you are using Tor or a slow VPN, loading times may be slow as with any chan

UI improvements are in the works

Attached: 74567817458439.png (386x387, 42K)

Other urls found in this thread:

How long will this last before taken down?

centralized garbage

I just contacted XRP about your plans to host CP on their ledger.

It can't be taken down without severely hurting ripple in general

what is the purpose of this, and why choose xrp specifically vs some other Dapp platform ect

Easily, OPs Ripple key is encoded in the Javascript, as soon as people rip it out and drain the account this stops being free and requires people enter their Ripple private key to post here essentially killing the service.

Attached: thumbsup.jpg (1000x800, 61K)

You can store 800 bytes of data on ripple for a fraction of a penny and they host websocket servers javascript can interact with. Makes this app serverless, why it can be hosted as a github page.

>what is the purpose of this, and why choose xrp specifically vs some other Dapp platform ect
Ripple is extremely cheap at the cost of about 5000 posts for one penny. It also has longevity which was a huge reason I chose it. Other 'blockchains' haven't withstood the test of time and somehow ripple has

>Desperately trying to get noticed by Ripple Devs

>Desperately trying to get noticed by Ripple Devs
I definitely don't want that and can assure you that they don't want me. What I'm developing and my background is not very well suited for Ripple. Plus, I don't enjoy programming in C++, so that is a deal breaker in and of itself.

Does it store the hash on the ledger or the actual file?

I assume you have nothing to do with XRP the coin as an investment

>Does it store the hash on the ledger or the actual file?
It stores the IPFS hash on ripple and the file on IPFS

>I assume you have nothing to do with XRP the coin as an investment
I have a couple of thousand laying around for testing but have never considered it for investment

Hello Tiffany

Totally different answe than yesterday. You can’t keep your ((story)) straight.

>everybody post your thoughts on a globalist surveillance centralized corporate blockchain

You’re glowing

>Hello Tiffany
I'm sure she will be here any minute creating fake posts without my trip code, screen shotting them, and posting them to her twitter for all of her thirsty fans.

>Totally different answe than yesterday. You can’t keep your ((story)) straight.

How cencorship resistant is this actually? As far as I understand it it's a github pull and the project is open source. Can github decide not to "host" Blockchan and if so how easy is it for another indipendent party to make the site available again?
t. brainlet

No thanks FBI. I’d rather not post on that centralized survailence network. GTFO

are you retarded? nobody answered you in the last post, check archive

>pic related
nice try tiffany

Attached: sccreencap.png (641x93, 5K)

Not me. Look up when he squeals “ThEy CaNt PaY mE eNoUGH”

Changing story. Nudging you to post on a centralized surveillance network. kek gtfo

kys LOL

Indlmm doesnt translate into English. I know its indeatructable and immutable or something but mashing words together doesn't make it pronounceable to people.

pretty neat. if you can use this to make an image boards, is there a way you could expand upon this with more features? like peer to peer betting/wagering system for example

So why aren't my ripple bags getting nay lighter?

I'm open to many paths, always looking for ideas

Also, I have made downloading/showing images togglable and default to OFF for people worried about illegal content

I got answer from ripple they'll shut your ass down

That's funny, I talked to Ripple and they said they didn't care.

ripple just flew over my dad's nintendo lads
all good

How to view the images?

here's some ideas i just had off the top of my head thinking of blockchain powered website

-p2p wager
-buying a difficult to track wallet system: like you deposit xrp (plus fees) to ping pong across bunches of wallets that then at different times accumulate to a new wallet for new funding transactions removed from the one tied to exchanges.
-a webplayer like youtube
- a code bank for devs
-leaked info database that's as easy as drag and drop.

i don't know these may all be out of the ass farfetched ideas but that be cool to use xrp for that kind of stuff

This is actually genius

Also, tipping for valuable posts.

I actually have talked to key stakeholders in the ripple community and they see my projects as more of a nuisance than a real threat and if it ever becomes a problem, they say they can take care of it and evolve. I'm not sure what that means.

>How to view the images?
I'm liking your ideas and will definitely investigate implementation

Side question: Why isn't there a MakerDao equivalent on Ripple?

I've been hearing a lot about Makerdao for a while, but haven't looked into it. What are the cliff notes of it?

wait if its javascript... can you run an unbreakable minecraft server?

Its javascript not java brainlet.

Needs to be more atheistic. Needs colored ids and and a better post number system so we can keep dubs and trips. Great idea but if you can make as close looking to this website the WAY more likely it will be adopted when this placed is finally destroyed. No one trust zero net so blockchain is the future of free speech.


I'm going to try to come up with better aesthetics, but UI is not my area whatsoever. If there as anybody who was ever completely inept at UI design, it's me...obviously

Releasing new features in a few min and will create a new thread