I hold 50 BSV

how retarded am I? seriously losing faith in Craig "autismo" wright and even if he is in fact satoshi why would this retard market ever care about that or their big blocks? shill me some hopium frens

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He isn't. He's a retard larping making money off you retards. The real Satoshi is living it up on his own private island somewhere surrounded by hookers.

Institutions are getting into BTC. Explain why anyone with that much money, would buy a BTC spin-off of a spin-off that didn't succeed, and is lead by this cult leader and known liar.

BTC is captured by bankers and is struggling at the adoption limits during a low usage period.
This is by design. If adoption starts, the fees will rise and BTC will be unusable for p2p commerce.
BSV is a fraud but BTC is too.

Lightning works and will scale. all the jewish fud is just that, fud to make money of you


FUD is STRONG. 2019 isnt BSV year. Real gainz starts in 2020. Just try find where CSW lie. You cant everything he said is true.

LN requires on chain transactions. It was dead from the start.
Custodial BTC usage will still work, but that's a bank by a different name.

like dude even if he is satoshi (he could be), ultimately who gives a fuck. BSV is already slaughtering the competition tech-wise but nobody cares. I just dont think this clown market will ever catch on and in terms of real-world useage BSV is as worthless as any other shitcoin crrently.

LN dont work. Proof:


Attached: 1563462620971.jpg (400x400, 27K)

BTC is millennial gold, an unbreakable blockchain, simple by design. It won't be build on like you think. Your blocks will not even come close to being filled legitimately on a daily basis. BSV is garbage tech.
No one with big money will adopt such an obvious moneygrab scam

oink oink

the guy who created thecaseforbsv.com said recently he wrote to the judge of the kleiman case requesting that they make a side-ruling on craig being satoshi or not. this was just a couple of days ago so that letter of him might not be on courtlistener yet. given a positive outcome for (craig == satoshi) bsv guys/nchain can start this trademark bullshit with the bitcoin name and refer to the kleiman case where craig got either confirmed or rejected as satoshi

>the guy who created thecaseforbsv.com said recently he wrote to the judge of the kleiman case requesting
Honestly speaking are all SV holders this fundamentally retarded and out of touch with societal norms? What makes him think the judge is going to say, "sure, ok we can do that?"

so we will likely get a LEGAL and OFFICIAL ruling if CSW is Satoshi or not.

BTC is boomer gold, not millenial gold. All the BTC whales I know, at least, are boomers that don't use crypto.
Segwit & LN aren't simple, they are garbage that makes the chain harder to use.
BTC isn't simple, it's been captured and controlled by the people it was trying to displace.
Read the satoshi whitepaper then read the LN whitepaper. That should be enough to tell you which approach is simple and which is bullshit.
BSV is also fraudulent.

I heard the stress test didn't go to well for BSV
BSV will hit 0 EOY

>and even if he is in fact satoshi
Is there no end to the stupidity. There is zero zero ZERO reason to think he is. Zero.
if you think this is up for debate you are not mentally fit to administer your own affairs, and should be a ward of the state.

BTC isn't made for P2P services like you think. SegWIT already did its job, Schnorr will help block size efficiency further. Add in the fact that BTC is unbreakable, and hash rate will soon be dispersed across the world, you get all the right ingredients

> BTC isn't made for P2P services
The bitcoin whitepaper is called:
Bitcoin a p2p electronic cash system
It was made for p2p services but was captured and controlled.

disregard all the low iq plebs itt op
bsv will outshine everything in a few years, ethereum and the shitcoin army appeared out of nowhere because btc couldn't support what devs wanted to do, so they made another solution, but it's gimped as well and just has the same problems with scaling, giving birth to layered and offchain middleware shittokens, all it will take is one idiot spamming eth with 100ktxps to bring it all to it's knees, who's to say it will work together properly within 10? 20 years with all the different teams? it will be an absolute fucking mess.
bsv with big blocks will allow devs to do whatever they want without, most of these erc ideas can be done on bsv now without a token and much, much cheaper, as they are focusing on high volume, low transactions cost (customer focus), try to spam 100k txps on bsv, the miners will eat it all, unless you want to spam big blocks by yourself, expect to pay big fees, (e.g it cost something like $500 to upload one music video) but that's nothing for a one time fee for a music artist and it's theirs forever and can potentially get a fee everytime it's viewed, and make it back quickly with the potential of adoption.
Now we come to the halving, every so often bitcoin/bch/bsv block reward halves, so miners eventually will have to rely on tx fees to pay their electric costs, think about that and why btc should go higher, it is actually useless and has no usecase (7 txps is shit) except for "muh digital gold sov", bsv will be the winner here again with it's inifite usecases it took back from ethereum and the shitcoin army.
finally nchain are mining/running a node but that's not all, they are researching patents to protect bsv from outside competition, anyone who builds on bsv will be able to use their patents for free! so as a dev you only need to worry about competition from inside, which again, is better for the customers and create competition for the best solutions and lowest prices etc.

BSV is an attempt to make the big block ideology seem absurd.
It's supposed to be a technical detail about scaling sound world cash, not a social contention point among people that don't understand the details.
Fuck BSV Fuck BTC.

Look at this pathetic wall of text

I like your style, but BTC will leave you in the dust

>BTC will leave you in the dust
Could be, but I'll keep fighting for non-custodial adoption. It's a battle of information for the next generation, now.
Will they jump to a chain like NANO where TXs are free and there are no KYC measures? Or will they join an exchange and transact primarily in fiat while keeping their savings in BTC?
I think, over time, any type of usage friction, even fees, will cause churn until a tipping point occurs.

Im holding 260. Its a huge risk but the reward can be great. If u want hedge with btc

Altcoins bleeding as a whole.
Even the good old tribalism under altcoin
disciples isn't as funny as it used to be.
Division is boring when all are losing.
Man, we need AltSeason(tm) as soon as the
next bowel movement..

No one will ever triumph the coin that has the BTC handle. BTC did 99% work, without every other token/coin (also alts) would be nowhere

cope, bitcoin needs to be more than just money, more usecases = more value, consider the entire crypto marketcap put into one coin
that's the potential of bsv

satoshi already had some ideas for varying use even at this early stage
>The network infrastructure can support a full range of escrow transactions and contracts, but for now the focus is on the basics of money and transactions.

Everything he says is a lie. Look up his own sources.
Efficient routing is also a completely separate problem that's irrelevant if for example all you need is fixed payment channels between a few wallets.

Just keep holding them until 2021. It's all over by then.
Betting on BSV has way better chance than betting on the lottery or other traditional gambling.

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yeah the BTC handle has ultra xxxxl value. I doubt Craig will get it but lets see

Im holding on electrrum SV via ledger wallet. What about you OP?