>tfw ugly
>tfw tiny dick
>tfw even if I end up "making it" I'll still be ugly with a little dick
>tfw I'll die alone anyway
What's the point?
>tfw ugly
>tfw tiny dick
>tfw even if I end up "making it" I'll still be ugly with a little dick
>tfw I'll die alone anyway
What's the point?
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Same feelings user...this alt holocaust has taken an especially heavy toll on me...
Penis enlargement surgery
Plastic surgery
But I'll be old by the time I can afford any of those things. At that point my life is already over.
Try the Orthodox church. Even teeny fuck bois can reach the kingdom of Heaven
Man listen. Honestly this isnt the right place to ask this. There are many ways to look at life. For biz's perspective, youre basically fucked. But thats simply not true and the only way you can see that is to leave this board for a while and reconsider your outlook at life. Im not going to tell you find the love of your life by "being yourself", but this blackpilled shit isnt completely true. No one can help you find meaning in life except yourself. Good luck user
maybe your not ugly but just not confident ? I used to think I'm ugly and couldn't get a girl until I started learning pickup and realized that I'm actually decent looking and just had no social skills. Also girls usually don't see your dick until they are already into you... at which point it is too late for them to reconsider. Unless you actually have a medical condition called micropenis.. then good luck to you and just become a tranny.
it gets better with age as your sex drive declines
also 2d has unironically ruined 3d women for me, all i see is walking fleabags that bleeds and shits
I'm too old to be a tranny. I'm fucking 26 y/o handholdless virgin. No girl has ever shown any interest in me.
I can't even fap these days. Tiny circumcised cock = no feeling.
that sucks user
im a virgin loser aswell, so i cant give any advice other than saying that you are definitely not alone with those problems
i used to long for a girlfriend, i even wanted kids at some point, now i hate women, and i dont want to bring kids into this degenerate world
maybe hating the things you dont like is a coping mechanism, but it does makes it easier for you
YOU need to do the work and show interest in the girl in a non creepy way, girls don't come up to you and ask for dates and shit, unless you're a 10/10 alpha with plenty of chicks and even then its rare. Seriously, although I'm not into RSD that much or am totally in line with the whole pick-up scene, just watch some of RSDs videos and try to do some of the excersizes. It takes big balls to change yourself, self-pity and in-confidence are your biggest enemies.
if you're at that point then what do you have to lose? try and get an ugly gf and fuck her with your micro pp
one week into having a gf all you are going to want is to go back playing vidya all day.
>plastic surgery
>penis implant
>robot fucktoy or VR gf
Make enough money and you can afford all of this. You're welcome.
I don't even play vidya though. My only hobby is playing guitar and listening to music. Girls don't care about guitar players either since it's a really autistic hobby, you gotta be a singer.
I dunno, you can well and fuck hot whores? You dont need to work and can instead live a wholesome, comfy life watching anime and playing with your dog.
there's absolutely nothing wholesome in watching anime all day, you absolute weeb
As long as you're above 6 inches it's unironically no problem, you don't need a fucking 9 inch dick lmao
You're never too old to want to get your peepee wet, why do you think old farts marry bimbos?
Its pretty wholesome for someone who has given up, he could use his money to fund terrorism afterall.
I can sing OP
lets make a biz band and maybe ill convince a roastie or two you're not a total sperg
AMP doesn't care how big your dick is
Th-thanks user. I always wanted to be in a band.
>Tfw in the 5 inch zone
Oh well who needs a wife anyway...