Notice how all the ONE shills have almost completely disappeared?

Notice how all the ONE shills have almost completely disappeared?
Get out within the next 24 hours, final warning.

Attached: Harmony.jpg (400x400, 11K)

I hope it drops so I can buy more!


no thanks i'll wait for conebase

I unironically just bought today lel I'll average down it it dips below 80 sats

Get dabbed on by the best trader on the east coast

Wait, even better, Bye 1! Bye ONE! Goodbye ONE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Has there been a worse performing token in history? why is it posted here 200 times a day... serios.

>(((people))) on the east coast

Yea Ranjeet. Stfu with your FUD. Everyone is losing money. Not selling my bags.

We all got banned, jannies want to accumulate.


its over

but gizems and bbq

Im just tripping. Shhh
Tomorrow it will be alright

literally crying and shaking. thought this was the last chance.

Tradesatoshi listing is the only hope To make it to 200 sat

Attached: IMG_20190805_010742.jpg (210x241, 16K)

this is the shittiest shitcoin

>Notice how all the ONE shills have almost completely disappeared?
That's a buy signal, retard. They don't need to shill because there will be news soon to which you'll FOMO into.

This is a future top 5 coin that's going to be on Coinbase by EOM and mainnet is soon. Who the fuck would sell right now?

its over

Mainnet phase 2 this month, token swap, more exchange listings, and most likely a Coinbase listing by September...why the fuck wouldn’t you be in this coin?

>token swap
What do I gotta do? Anything? Can I just leave my tokens in the Trust wallet and it'll swap automatically?

>North America

Binance is holding a ONE trading competition and some kind of reward for running a Pangea node. Competition starts in 2 hours.

You could transfer your tokens to your Binance wallet and Binance should swap the tokens for you. That’ll be the easiest way to do the swap.

I"m a burger though. Binance is cutting off my access to their platfrom in September. Anyone know the date of the swap?

Telegram mods say mid august

lets go boiiiiiiiis

Attached: theone.png (908x723, 1.11M)

its harmony team members and their paid shill army

You’ll still have access to move your funds, you just won’t be able to buy or sell on Binance.

but its still dumping, and the event started an hour ago



check it now, bud. volume just skyrocketed and buys are pouring in. begun the trade war has.