Just got a job as a public servant and it seems like no one knows what they are doing? Is this society...

Just got a job as a public servant and it seems like no one knows what they are doing? Is this society? Pretending like everything is working when in reality no one knows why it is working?

Any other public servants here want to explain?

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The older you get you slowly realize that no one knows at all what's going on around you or them. It's literally hilarious once this realization hits you. Parents have no idea what they're doing. They're just grown-up children who like to pretend like they're smarter. It's really an amazing thing. All workers and professionals... They don't know what they're doing either they just kind of try their best and hope for the best. Welcome to World of realization

welcome to public service enjoy your make-work job!

Just go along with it, collect your cheque and three weeks of sick days on top of vacation and paid stats, and then in 30 years retire with full pension. It's what they are lol doing.

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Thats government work for you. Now you know why overinflated governments full of socialist programs and diversity hires eat through money like a college student runs through their loan money at the beginning of the semester

>Pretending like everything is working when in reality no one knows why it is working?
that's the canadian government for you. I hate this fucking country and cannot wait for the day when the chinks take over and turn this shithole into a colony a china.

Probably won't happen with the way China is going

Implying the chinks wouldn’t bring more government involvement

at least the chinks won't be lazy leaches and might actually do something while in power. and I know for a fact we would stop sending billions in dollars to nogs in Africa if they took over.

I hope you enjoy working 6 12's in your local not-a-gulag alibaba fulfillment facility for pennies a day

Lol, this. Except for if you are based and redpilled. Those are the only people that are of exception and know what’s up.

Even being based and redpilled you're still fuckin wingin' it bro. Im based as fuck and i have no idea what im doing in my life

I’m starting to believe that although we have no idea what we are doing humanity is a hive mind that somehow makes everything work. We are the biological equivalent of “it just works”

Stop regurgitating the racial slur towards Chinese. What's your obsession with calling them chinks?

> "public servant"

God I fucking hate you faggots. I'm in the army and you're all fucking useless deadweight doing a 1/4 of the work for twice the salary. My buddy works in the financial office and says most of them joke about how little work they actually do. Meanwhile I fucking had to wait 8 fucking months for my pay to be updated when I was promoted. It only ended up being done because I threatened to get a lawyer involved. Fuck public service employees I can't wait until the next recession hits and the government doesn't have money to pay any of you useless sacks of shit.

Welcome to the team. I hope whichever union you're part of actually took the new CBA deal that the government offered or you get to go on strike at election time.

Is this bait?

God you sound like one of those aggressive brainlets that belong in the army too.

>public service job
>getting fired ever

Yeah the army sounds like a perfect place for a brainlet like you.

Also the pay system is absolutely fucked for everybody, not just you. It took me 11 months to get my promotion pay and even then it took another few months to get all the issues straightened out.

based and welfare queen pilled

>social servant in Canada is a meme
>earn +$120,000/year but have to put up with stupid accusations from every black person, gay person, immigrant, SJW, single mother, etc. If you are a white male, you're fucked.
>constant labor disputes, tribunals, reprimands, etc for looking a paki the wrong way, offering constructive criticism towards a co-worker who happens to be gay or a visible minority
>pay 36% taxes feelsbadman.jpg

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I'm an officer with a mechanical engineering degree. DND civilian employees don't give a shit about anything but their paycheck. They clock out at noon every other day, and generally have to be harassed to get any work done. They will always blame another base or Ottawa if something isn't done on time. I was told multiple times that they were waiting on a confirmation email from another base to get my pay changed. After going in 4 times I eventually just called the other base's orderly room and ended up finding out that my clerk never even contacted them. I've had this problem come up for multiple of my troops as well. They are fat fucks who wouldn't have a job if it wasn't for the government. Some of my guys end up working 12-15 hour days for 5 months of the year in the field, yet the clerks won't lift a finger for them unless you get the CO involved.

But don’t forget that dope pension later on

My friend works for Canada Revenue Agency as an IT support guy and so does my cousin. Both say they spend at least 3 hours a day on their phone, 1 hour for lunch, the rest is resolving support tickets. Tickets are always some boomer not turning on their monitor, their computer, they forgot their password, and not knowing how to use the printer or scanner. They get paid $60,000 each. It's a fucking waste.

Holy shit cope harder brainlet. Each post shows why you belong in the army you deranged manlet

Some do. Very few. I pray that these few are able to teach robots their ways so that their competence can persist and proliferate.

Yes, the pension is beautiful and the pay and job security is amazing, but daily work life is an absolute hellhole filled with bureaucratic SJW bullshit and incompetence. Boomer supervisors that have 1/10th your education but 20x your power, got hired because of affirmative action or some bullshit

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>Any other public servants here want to explain?
OP, no 'pubic servant' wants to know the reality of how the system functions. Doing so would be admitting to ones self that you are culpable in the peoples slavery.

Thank you for your service

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Have fun living the cubiclecuck life you fat faggot.

Maybe if you didn’t get so aggressive for no reason you can join us in the cubicle you deranged fuck

>Worked for a department of education in a USA state
>My 'manager' knew literally nothing but got ahead by using big words out of context on people who didn't understand them
>Changed job and worked for a college in a different USA state
>Manager again knows nothing, but accepts and tries to learn, asks for advice etc.
OP, I'd say in any given job that involves collecting a paycheck from a government, 85% of people don't know what they're doing, 5% are like me and should be leading but are too frustrated to hang around long enough to 'earn' that promotion, and 10% know what they're doing and are happy to do the work the 85% should be doing without receiving any credit AKA worker slaves. Even if you get out of the stupidity, each year you pay your property taxes, know that you're bailing out their failed pension system.

6'4" you jelly?
Yeah man was definitely made to spend his 20s staring at a computer screen. Seriously brah you should get some sun and take a walk before you start looking like a hunchback.

They'll all be fired soon brother. Reform is coming

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>there are no incompetent/lazy workers in the private sector

fucking based and october-pilled

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>do nothing all day aside from the socializing with the other normies
Life is suffering

(( public sector))

If the PPC doesn't win one of the next two elections, Canada will balkanize. Without dealing with the equalization issue, Alberta will leave along with Saskatchewan. Alberta leaving will give Quebec the strength to separate as well. Because Ontario is incapable of be self sufficient, they'll have to squeeze even more equalization money out of BC, causing them to eventually leave and form their own country. Shit will go down like dominoes. There's really no other option to keeping this country together

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USA here. we'd be happy to take Alberta off your hands. Sask and BC can come along, too, no big deal.

Fuck off Zionist. Yankee go home!

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>Unions made it illegal to hire by merit
>anyone with merit can get paid more elsewhere.
Combine these two traits and you have a failed union. Unfortunately the union is....local government.

Welfare queeN

Your right we should all just disband our armies. I'm sure China will agree to that too if we ask nicely.

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Shut up, chink.

>I support Israel killing children
>As long as I get a promotion

Yep this is it. There are about 5-10% of competent government employees who are literally keeping the whole fucking thing running. The rest aren't just useless, but actually detrimental to the goals of the organization.

I used to work with people who did literally nothing ever, but not only that I could never figure out what their jobs would entail if they were to actually do them. Complete dead weight.

Bonus points: these types of people tend to get promoted because they throw around buzzwords in meetings and shit. I sometimes wondered if upper management was afraid to promote competent people because a) they could expose them as total frauds and b) without them doing grunt work their entire department would crumble.

It's a system that rewards incompetence and punishes competence. Now pay your taxes (which will perpetually increase for the rest of your life as the quality of every government service declines)

Lmao the PPC is a joke. Bernier is catering to boomers now it’s laughable.

There are but in a competitive environment the companies that weed these individuals out thrive.

Replied to wrong comment.

Except for the small handful of people who really have their shit together and have expert knowledge and skills.

Those people are wealthy and out of reach.

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>never heard about marketing and propaganda
Capitalism is not a meritocratic system. It is not about being good at what you do. It is about perceived value, which is relative and prone to manipulation.
The reason why it works is the reason why it sucks.

Pretty much.

However, there are some cases where people are astonishingly amazing in their career.

An example would be my boss. CFO and she has a vagina. She exudes professionalism and competency. I have an enormous amount of respect for her.

so OP, how do I get into this line of work? im a leaf too

>I'm in the army
>the Canadian Army

what fucking army? You're in the Canadian boy scouts retard. slingshots and paddle boats

>Implying the federal government will be solvent in 40 years when there's 30 million Paki/Muslim/Nigger refugees to shelter and feed, and Millennials ended up raising dogs instead of kids, and there's no new taxpayers to fund all the social security programs...


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Didn’t know there were so many Canadian govt employees here. I’m a DND civilian working on a military base and I work about 3/8 hours a day, the rest I spend playing on my phone, building puzzles, wasting time. The pay is decent but the best part is the retarded good benefits, and being essentially unfireable

You would all be fucking shocked how little every single person does here. And the military members are twice as bad, every other day they have some fucking lunch event or are playing sports or something pointless, and that’s if they even show up.

It’s a real clown world

>working as a public servant in canada
Must be hell

>Canada is run by Jow Forumsraelis

Depends on where you are and who you know
>Live in Ottawa
>Above-Median government jobs seen and the holy grail of employment
>90% of the employable population fighting for 10% of position
>Nepotism guarantees all public sector jobs remain just out of reach
>Majority of job postings exist simply to inflate employment statistics
>Diversity hires and american worker fill top paid positions. Student debt rising because the schools are baiting people to go to university for these govt. Jobs they have no chance of getting hired
>Local private sector even worse. Its almost a shadow market

My boomer parents have been trying for decades to find permanent government work. I'm sure they'll spend the rest of their lives chasing at this point.

I'm in Ottawa.

You have probably already learned more about the true nature of our reality on a pajeet peanut trader mailing list than your superiors have learned in their entire lives. So many boomers told me during my brutal job search that I should become a public servant. That alone makes me skeptical as I have come to believe it is foolish to take a single piece of advice seriously from a boomer in the current year +11. There's no way we can pay the pensions we have granted to all of these people. I wonder how charitable these people will be when their "entitlements" are on the line. Anyway, congratulations OP! You're a part of the club now. Not sure about Canada but in US once you are internal you can pretty much move whereever you please and it's near impossible to get fired. Also I'm guessing you must be nonwhite because why on earth would your govt hire someone with privilege. If you are white, make sure to check the box as nonwhite so the quota still gets filled.

this is especially true in government jobs. the public sector is where people who've failed at their careers end up.

Chinks in charge of canada? We'd probably get a transnational bullet train, proper public transport, and oil sands output doubled to 9 million bpd, not to mention ports and pipelines on both coasts

You’ve obviously never worked with chinks in the public service of which there are a metric shitton in Canada.
一杯茶 一份报纸

>funded by tax payer's monies

This is why government servants are such fuck wads. They should outsource their jobs to private corps for cheap.

Don’t hate the player hate the game

No hate here, comfy gov jobs are great!

Believe me when I say the military is much much worse

You could just do what everyone else is doing and look for post secondary skills to try and land a well paying government/whitecollar job.

After learning that the government skews employment statistics to encourage borrowing, and seeing what happened to my parents, I decided to skip post secondary. But I decided that if the economy doesn't tank in the next 4 years I would use a portion of the savings I have at that point to find some schooling.