I’m going to order some of this stuff, so I can come into work and vomit everywhere...

I’m going to order some of this stuff, so I can come into work and vomit everywhere, then call in sick for the rest of the week claiming food poisoning.

Find a flaw in my plan.

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I’m uncircumcised :)

well puking isnt fun, so thats the negative thing about that

be sure to puke all over your boss

maybe leave your phone in your pocket recording audio so your lads here can have a good laugh

heads up user, i did this in highschool to go to a party. it doesnt just make you puke, it makes you violently ill for a few hours. plan accordingly

Unless your idea of fun is dry heaving after you have already vomited the contents of your stomach, don't do this.

Eat a whole bunch of pie and smoked salmon before you drink it.

Make sure it's key lime pie. It'll look like the exorcist when you do.

I think I might go to Golden Corral for lunch, eat until I’m bursting at the seams, then take the ipecac. I want to feel the pity from colleagues and make a huge mess at the same time.

food poisoning doesn't last a whole week, it's like 1 day max

Pull down you pants and shit out pudding too.

proper food poisoning fuck you up good 2-3 days easy. You supposed to avoid people for two days or so anyway, in case infectious

THIS 1000%

You could also try magnesium citrate. It does the same thing except out your ass

obligatory image.


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This. I was vomiting and shitting water for 4 days when I got it on holiday.

It's stupid and you're completely retarded for thinking up such a half witted sitcom plot but if you go through with it blame a restaurant co-workers frequent for bonus lulz

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This guy knows what's up
I took it in jr high to get out of school a few times
About 30 minutes after you take it you'll start to get incredibly nauseou, then start to puke like crazy
Itll last for a couple hours and you'll be completely miserable the whole time
It also tastes like rancid maple syrup
I wouldn't do it again unless I swallowed poison

You do know you still have to provide a medical document to explain to Mr. Shekelburg why you were out of work.

id do it to party for a week. lol

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please do this and take pics bonus video

ecoli can last a week bruh
i almost died from ecoli poisoning earlier this year no joke
do both op


Are you a stinky linky? Also video it.

>pudding shit and half digested fried chicken on every surface of the breakroom
Coworkers at every water cooler chat: You guys remember that time user exploded?