28 years old

>28 years old
>only have 1.25 BTC

It's fucking OVER for me meanwhile the average Jow Forums member has AT LEAST 5.0-10.0 BTC and/or 10k + LINK

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oh im screwed then

>he doesn't know

dude i knew about bitcoin in 2009 and im not a millionaire. im the most justed person in the world shut up

All you need is one.... there's only 17 million available and all world currencies are collapsing and (((they))) know it....look how much stock bezos liquidated....fb going towards libra....JP with the silver reserves....

the average Jow Forumslet has about 2k in net worth let alone 5 btc

This, the average post is someone asking where to put 100-$1000 that took them a year to save.

Look yourself in the mirror and try to see what's wrong.

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Next time maybe listen idiot... seriously only 1.25? Are you a literal pajeet

I had 3 but got BTFO on bitmex and shitcoins

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nigga I actually tried to make a wallet back in 09 but I was too fucking lazy to figure it out, and gave up, just to learn that btc was 10k in 2017
> I almost kill myself that day

Guy, just put your BTC stash into Link.

I mined bitcoin in a web browser for a night on a javascript miner on a website (cant recall it) in 2009 I didn't take it seriously and didn't keep the coins. I bought in, in 2015.

Kind of late but extremely early if you played the shitcoin run during 2017 correctly.

average is probably like .5 in alts lol
5+ = 1% of biz

are you me bros?
ultimate just

> .38 BTC
> 7,111 LINK.

Id honestly be fine with 100,000$ that would be ok. Should have bought more LINK when it was .15c But oh well- time doesnt go backwards.

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buy lowcap shitcoins like Zuckbucks. it's the only way to compound your BTC / ETH, historically proven.

worst part about it is that there's a decent chance I would have kept them all the way to 2017
the way my life went after 09 I'm sure I would not have looked into the price at all just like I actually did

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Same here. I couldn't be assed to join a mining pool so I just mined solo for like a month and never got anything so I gave up. This was in '09 back when Jow Forums started talking about it.

I want to kill myself every single time I go to bed.

Heard about it in mid-2011.
My GPU was shit and couldn't mine a significant amount, so I just forgot about it until 2017.

rofl this faggot doesn't know that most people here don't even have 1 ETH

Better work on that asap, OP. Shit's going to get a lot more hard to get in less than a year.
I will pray for you to be successful in your endeavors.

>the average Jow Forums member has AT LEAST 5.0-10.0 BTC and/or 10k + LINK

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why would you want to own 1 ETH i rather own 100 cans of sardines

I only have .29 btc.

That's everything I have in the world and I bought at 13750 in june.

lmao don't fall for the scammers on here. most probably don't even have 0,1 BTC

I bet the distribution is somewhat like this
7-8% have more than 1 BTC
2-3% have more than 5 BTC
0,5% have more than 50 BTC
0,05% have more than 500 BTC
the rest is probably gambling with $500-$2500 or something

The average Jow Forums user is down 90% or has barely 0.1 BTC

1.25 BTC , WTF you are a millionaire in 2025 and you are screaming.

Based and Fishpilled
Also ETH = Shitcoin

well lets just hope people in 2029 post hearing about bitcoin in 2019 and so on